Sunday, September 5, 2021

How do you reconcile the fact that your body doesn’t look like how you envisioned it would after losing weight?

I’m asking because I lost 50 pounds and went from 192 to 142 as of yesterday. I can tell I look different from how I used to based off how my clothes fit better since I lost weight and other people have noticed too. Regrettably I didn’t take before pictures. However, I still have a high amount of body fat even though I’m at an okay weight. Although somewhat smaller than before, my thighs are still big and I can still grab my stomach fat with two hands. And I don’t think trying to lose more weight in the pursuit of a certain look is the smartest thing to do.

I don’t hate my body anymore and I’m okay with how I look now which is a good feeling from how I used to feel about myself, but it’s frustrating because it seems like how I look doesn’t reflect my weight. And it’s hard to see other people at a similar height or weight who look much slimmer than I do. Every day I consider getting lipo just so I can finally be truly happy with my body. But I think it would be better for myself to learn to be okay with how I am now. So how do you learn to accept your body for what it is after weight loss? Thanks

submitted by /u/thethingsIam
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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