Wednesday, September 15, 2021

NSV: my boss assumed I’m a size medium

So, for the longest time I’ve been trying to lose weight but I was never able to stick with it. I would always fall back on my bad habits, particularly poor eating habits (I’ve always been a very active person). However, in January I decided to try again. I went almost a decade without stepping on a scale because I knew I wouldn’t like the number. I always told myself the number doesn’t matter, I just know I need to lose weight. This approach didn’t help.

So in January I finally stepped on a scale and I was mortified by what I saw. I decided to keep weighing myself, everyday. I don’t worry about what the number is on any individual day, but I need to see it. That starting number, and every subsequent weigh in has kept me motivated.

Since January, I’ve lost 72lbs and have surpassed my first (and conservative) goal weight. Still looking to lose another 20/30lbs. Weighing myself most days, and desensitizing myself to the number, has been a huge help in my weight loss journey.

This bring me to the other day at work. I was talking with my boss and they had some shirts from the company that needed to be passed around. My boss asks me, “so what size do you need, a medium?” I was shocked, amused, flattered, and concerned about their vision, and then said, “no, a large would be great.”

Back in January I was a 2XL and have thankfully worked my way down to a large. That small comment, unbeknownst to them, however, made my day.

submitted by /u/Imaginary__Redditor
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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