Sunday, September 19, 2021

Starting my weight loss journey

Hey guys, just joined this sub yesterday after reading through it all day. I'm the heaviest I've been at 265 pounds. I'm 26 and 6'0 feet tall. In highschool I was fit and played football and biked to school every day. After highschool I did zero exercise and played video games and ate whatever I wanted. I'm tired of being "the fat friend" or the guy that people say "wow he gained a lot of weight" behind my back. I want my confidence back. My goal weight is 205 pounds and it began yesterday. I'm very new to counting calories, I'm using the MyFitnessPal app. I did a TDEE calculation and It was just over 3k calories.

I've decided to go with 1800 calories a day making it a 1200 calorie deficit. So far I'm feeling great and I'm not nearly as hungry as I thought I would be. I'm just wondering if a 1200 calorie deficit is too much? Also, I'm wondering how much weight I should be expecting to lose weekly on 1800 calories a day. Should I also be taking some vitamins? I have no plans on working out, my job is somewhat physical I lift heavy things and I'm on my feet all day. If anyone has any words of encouragement or tips for those soda cravings, I'm all ears! Super excited to change my health for the better.

submitted by /u/TOP-Ghost
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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