Wednesday, September 15, 2021


30f, 4"8, sw 246, cw 196, gw 100-120

I've always been at least 50 lbs overweight besides a few years in high-school where I got down to and stayed at 115 for 3 or 4 years. I achieved that through extreme calorie restriction and hours of jogging and walking daily. I gained it all back and then some after school through lots of binge eating, partying and limited expercise.

Last year I was diagnosed with an a1c of 13.9 and became determined to get healthy. So far I've lost around 50lbs and brought my a1c down to 5.3 which I'm super proud of. I still have around 80lbs to lose to be at a semi healthy weight for my height.

Recently I've joined the gym to help with the weight loss. My issue is I work 16.5 - 17hr shifts 5 days a week. 1. That only gives me two days to get to the gym 2. On my first day off I spend it sleeping a million hours unless I cut my sleep short and go to the gym anyways

So it's very hard to catch up on sleep and work out at least 2 days a week. I feel like I won't continue losing with so little exercise. Next month I'll have 3 days off and will be able to work out at least twice a week but I still feel like that's too little to see results. Is that the case, or will getting in even just an hour to two hours a week of exercise help with my weight-loss? Does anyone have any tips or advice?

submitted by /u/MissApril91
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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