Wednesday, September 8, 2021

Weight loss stalled and I'm struggling with will-power

I've hit a plateau. I know it's just temporary and the scale will move, but man. It's so much easier to be diligent when you see the payoff.

For about 2 weeks the scale hasn't moved one pound. I'm weighing myself every morning before I eat breakfast. I'm staying strictly below 1200 calories a day and working out, and I know it's accurate because I measure and log literally every single little bite that I take. My cravings and hunger have crept back in this week and it sucks. I haven't waivered, but food is back on my mind. When I was seeing a 2-3lb loss every week it helped me be motivated and I didn't battle hunger or cravings, but when I stall like this I start feeling frustrated and start getting hungry again. It's like I feel like the treats and goal gets pushed further and further away.

I made a promise to myself that I would not eat a single cookie or piece of junk until I go to Mexico in November, and I've stuck with that because I know if I start allowing cheats I'll fall off the wagon again. I have a horrible relationship with food. Last night my son had a baseball game and I told him if he played well we'd get a DQ blizzard on the way home. Normally I could order him one and be fine not wanting one myself, but last night I *almost* ordered one for myself. It sucks.

This is frustrating because I was mentally doing really well with this, until this week.

submitted by /u/45MinutesOfRoadHead
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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