Thursday, September 9, 2021

What I Got Out Of Nadja's Conquering Fat Logic (Not A Review)

I took Conquering Fat Logic from the library via an interlibrary loan.

I'm not a book reviewer so I'll just share the two points that resonated most with me.

For those who aren't familiar with the book, please click on the link. The book is easy to read. In a series of rapid-fire short chapters, the author shoots down every faulty piece of "fat logic" in existence, like a trained markswoman. It's breathtaking how deftly she punctures a lot of balloons. But onto my two key points.

One: I was always scared that dieting would destroy my muscle tone. (This part is related to "wrecking your metabolism by dieting".) Nadja demonstrates that muscle is dependent on two things: your protein intake and whether you use the muscles. (I would add genes are a huge factor, but that is outside the scope of her book.) If you create a caloric deficit and you lift during your period of deficit, you won't lose muscle. (Note: that is why, back in the Stone Age, they used to call high protein weight loss diets "Protein Sparing Fasts" - which is a stupid science-ese way of saying "muscle preserving.")

Two: she writes at some length about how the normalization of obesity has in turn normalized chunkiness and chubbiness. In her own journey, she went through a period where she reached a medically normal BMI but still felt overweight. People admonished her to stop, she'd become anorexic, but she didn't listen, and proceeded to go down to a healthy, quite elegant BMI of 21.

Both points resonated with me. All my life I've felt guilty about dieting because in the back of my mind, I thought I was wrecking my metabolism by dieting because muscle loss was inevitable. It's not true.

The second point flows from the first. I have a normal BMI - 24.2, but I'm overweight, trust me. I really should lose 15 pounds, and it's not the patriarchy or unrealistic beauty standards or any of that crap. It's my body telling me the facts.

Anyway, that's what I got from Nadja's book. I urge everyone to get it from the library or buy it.

submitted by /u/AbbreviationsOk3198
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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