Thursday, September 2, 2021

When to stop losing and start pursuing real muscle gain?

I’ve been working on a very gradual weight loss plan (i.e., 3 years and counting) and I’ve lost 45 pounds total. A couple of months ago, I started moving from a CICO deficit to a surplus, but it’s really tough to get a surplus with healthy food given the calories I’m burning (strength training for 90 minutes, 3 days a week, plus moderately active otherwise).

Since making the switch, I gained back about 5lbs, which I hope is mainly muscle, but is obviously some fat. Now that my pants are getting a wee bit tighter in the waist, I’m having second thoughts and doubting whether I should be trying to bulk at all.

I added a photo to Imgur (since I can’t figure out how to add a photo here), and I would greatly appreciate some advice. Ignoring the gynecomastia, which the doc says is a surgery thing if I want to address it (I do), should I still aim for a deficit and try to lose more fat? Or am I in the right ballpark to start a bulk/cut cycle?

submitted by /u/DocHfuhruhurr
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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