Wednesday, March 13, 2019


I have been on a weight loss journey for a good few years now, yoyoing between 150 and 180.

I haven't given up, because that would mean that I have completely stopped trying. In reality, I need to recommit.

I'm at 175 right now. Not at my highest, but I have a ways to go. I can do this. I know what I need to do.

I have 3 goals I need to hit tomorrow. This is where it starts.

  1. Go to the gym
  2. Drink enough water
  3. Track calories

Goals start over each and every day. It's not a diet, it's lifestyle changes that will impact me little by little each day.

My fitbit is on the charger, ready to go for tomorrow. Myfitnesspal has been sucessfully downloaded. I'm ready to do this!

submitted by /u/skarobucks
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Never give up on yourself. You never know how much you can accomplish.

Long time lurker here. Big story time. I’m currently on my weight loss journey and I promised myself I’d post my progress pictures the day I reach my goal weight. I’m half way there and I feel like I should share a thing or two that may help someone out here. My highest was 103.6 Kgs. I lost 35 kilos in the year 2010 and Kept it off for a few years till 2017. And I gained 24Kgs of it back in 2018. Life took its toll on me. I was never a new year resolution type person. But, when 2019 came, you know where I was? I was running in the gym. Like literally, 11:59PM Dec 31st, running my butt off. I had work so couldn’t make it to the gym until 10:30PM. I welcomed the new year with one hell of a run. I took that as a sign. And I was like, this is it! I’m gonna do this. I just knew I’d make a big change this year. It was a strange confident feeling. I actually started to get back on track in December but took it seriously in Jan. Every day since I gained weight, I’d tell myself I’m gonna start losing weight. I spent every single day of 2018 with that thought. I’d wake up like “this is the day, I’ll get back on track.” Every night I’d be like, “definitely from tomorrow”. Don’t get me wrong, I love love love the gym. Love working out. It’s the food I had no control over. I don’t actually binge but I never understood the concept of CICO. Whenever I hear people saying they lost weight naturally I’d be like, “how is that even possible”. I thought losing weight is like being on a diet having shakes and stuff. Which is how I lose weight in the first place. I started to do lots of research and understood that diet literally is 80% of losing weight. You can run for hours in the gym but if you eat the wrong food or eat too much, you’d never improve yourself. That’s exactly what I did. I’d run and lift twice a day. But I ate more than I was burning and ate out a lot. Once I understood the concept. It’s like a light went on in my head and I was like “Omg it all makes sense!!” And with that, I lost 16Kgs so far. I feel great! I have a bunch of clothes I saved or bought to fit in one day and guess what?? They actually fit!! All of them! There were so many times where I could have given up on myself. Gone back to old ways and gain all the weight back and maybe even more but, I never let that happen. I didn’t give up. And I’m so so proud of myself for that. Everyday, I would start, again and again and again. Never saw any results. I was doing the same stuff I did the first time I lost weight. But I wasn’t losing more two kilos. I’d gain those two kilos back in like 2 days. It was terrible. So guys, what I’m trying to say is, everyday you have a choice. And that choice comes from you. Weight loss is the ultimate test of willpower in my opinion. It’s not like a test you can cheat on and expect to get results. It’s not just about losing weight, it’s a lifestyle change. Making good choices that you actually like and have no problem sticking to. Don’t give up on yourself. It’s okay to go off track but always remember to get back on. You are your own motivation. Do you know how many people laughed and underestimated me the first time I lost weight? It was horrible! I was made fun of while I was running. I had kids pointing at me and bad things. I learned to block those out. And you know who got the last laugh? Me. The same people who laughed at me and made fun of me, come up to me and ask how I did it. Some even said I had some kinda surgery and stuff cause “ its just not possible”. It really hurts when people throw away your hard work with words like that. People only see results and your transformation. They never ever see the struggle of waking up early to hit the gym. Or the food you love but told yourself you’ll have it later. Or the mental power it took for you to run one more minute when you actually want to stop or that one more rep. To those who are struggling, I promise you, the moment you get back up, dust yourself off and block those mean things, there is NO TURNING BACK. You owe it to yourself. Go out there and be the best version of you. It’s never too late. And with that, I end my speech. Sorry it’s so long. I felt like sharing all this. Looking back on how far I’ve come and how much my body changed, I felt bit emotional and I don’t have anyone who’d understand this as much as you guys. We are in this together. You’re not alone.

submitted by /u/nehamounika
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Can I lose 50 pounds by August?

Hi all,

I'm a new account and first time poster here. I tried to break it down by section to make it easier. I could really use your help and advice.

The History

I'm 4 years into my weight loss journey. I started out at 355 pounds and after moving across the country I lost 50 pounds due to lifestyle changes, minor diet changes (such as giving up soda completely), stress, and walking a lot more. After further tightening up the diet and going on some juice fasts I got down to 275 pounds about a year and a half ago, and due to injury, stress, and diet slippage I have crept back up to 303 as of writing this post. I am ready to lose this weight for good and embark on a new, permanent, healthy lifestyle.

The Specs


32 years old

6 foot 2 inches

303 pounds (as of this post)

The Plan

I plan to lose this weight via diet and low-impact, aerobic exercise. This will take the form of mostly walking to and from the gym and work everyday (about 3.6 miles per day total), lap swimming, and yoga.

The Goal

I would ultimately like to get down to 175 pounds (a total weight loss of 128 pounds from my starting weight), but for now I would like to lose 50 pounds by August which adds up to 2.5 pounds lost per week.

The Diet

Due to autoimmune disease, I have a very strict diet. I can't have any grains, dairy, nightshades, or added sugars (the occasional unadulterated honey or maple syrup is okay). I want to eat only non-night shade vegetables, fruits (including tropical fruits), and lean meats, poultry, and seafood. For snacks I have chosen Epic Bars, Paleo Power Balls, and Plaintain Chips. Beverage wise I drink kombucha, fresh-squeezed orange juice, water, and teas (both herbal and iced, lightly sweetened with honey).

The Needs

I would like to lose 50 pounds by August due to a potential long-haul international trip (20+ hours in the plane). I need a meal plan. I have a kitchen scale, lots of good glass dishware (Pop-It), a good, quality wok, a crock pot, good pots and pans, and lots of other kitchen goodies that should make this easier. I would like to keep meal prep as simple as possible, so if I can prepare ingredients quickly the night before and then throw them in the crock pot before I leave for work that would be awesome. I also need advice on apps that can help track activity, food intake, and my goals.

So what say you reddit? Are these goals realistic and obtainable? I've tried to embark on this journey many times before and have failed repeatedly due to injury, loss of motivation, over-exertion, and not sticking to a strict diet. I think I'm ready to tackle this for good. I appreciate your support, advice, and help in advance, and again I'm new here so if I broke a rule I apologize in advance.

Thank you very much.

submitted by /u/cmanlosesit
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

10 lbs 10 days

I am currently 280 lb 5'8 thanks to you all. Doesn't sound as good but I am absolutely excited.

11 days ago I weighed myself and I learned I am shockingly obese. That is when I started looking up weight loss and found this subreddit.

In March of 2018 I was 190 lbs. In this year I have started multiple medicines, overcome what has held me back, started college, and became separated with a dysfunctional 3 year partner.

During this time I felt like I deserved to eat whatever I wanted because I was doing so much good for myself, so why not enjoy the pleasures of my favorite fried foods and ice cream whenever I wanted? I was horribly wrong

I gained 100 lbs in one year and found myself on the brink of 300 lbs. I realized I needed to change immediately. With the help of this Reddit and some good old-fashioned CICO I've been losing weight. I'm supposed to be losing 2 lbs a week based on my eating habits but the weight really feels like its pouring off. Which I have heard is common early in the diet.

I hope for future success and I'd be more than grateful for a consistent loss of 1 lb per week, because that means eventually I'll be who I know I can be.

My goal weight is 170 lbs and I know that eventually I can do this.

Thank all of you for getting me started!

submitted by /u/IndagatiousPuppet
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Experiences on weight loss while on birth control pills

Hey gals,

So, I’ve started my weight loss journey. Again. I have kept up with my working out, as I play a team sport, but my food choices has been all over the place, and I’ve been binging on way too much chips and snacks and all of the good stuff.

As I live quite far away from my family studying at uni, I have now set a goal that I will keep up my diet and workouts until I see them the next time, which will be during Easter break. Hopefully, I’ll have some results then that will make me want to keep going. My 21st birthday is also during this time, and I’m going on holiday to Spain, so I want to be a bit more confident.

However, to the big question:

I have been on birth control pills for a few years now, more specifically the mini pill cerazette. What are your experiences trying to lose weight while on hormonal contraception? During all the times I’ve tried to lose weight, and not losing any despite eating healthy and working out loads, I am starting to believe the hormones has something to do with it..

Please share your experiences, I need all the help I can get ❤️

submitted by /u/glowspore
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Has anybody else get too Impatient about reaching their goal weight?

I started my weight loss adventure last November and I made a challenge to myself about hitting my goal weight by the end of next semester. When college started back up for me I was able to create for myself a good diet and consistent exercise and I reached my goal weight a lot earlier than I anticipated. It has been easy for me to lose weight after rough initial adjustment to a new calorie intake limit I set for myself. But now that I have reached my first weight loss goal I decided to add two new weight loss goals and I can't wait to reach them. I wake up everyday ready to keep with my diet and get closer to reaching my goals. I have recently become a little too impatient and sometimes think to myself that maybe I should increase my activity or lower my calorie limit but I know that if I do any of those two I might do more harm than good. I'm not asking for help or anything but I just wanted to share my excitement about my weight loss and how I can't wait to lose more.

submitted by /u/eschutz7
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

It’s my birthday morning and I’m in bed crying

So here I am.

A year ago, I was dying from anorexia.

Three years ago, I promised myself I would be happy with my body by my 21st.

Come now, my 21st birthday. I’m nearly the heaviest I’ve been in 2 and a half years, since the beginning of my weight loss journey which transformed into an eating disorder. I now struggle with binge eating due to my recovery, and even though I’ve slowly been losing weight over the past couple of weeks, looking at my body makes me want to cry.

I didn’t think I’d ever be back in this place. I thought I’d have my anorexia to protect me forever, to keep me skinny and numb. Now I’m fat and sad. And I actually have to feel it all? That’s bullshit.

Most days, I’m so grateful for my recovery and the life it has allowed me to live, but today I’m just sad. I feel like everything I want is always just out of reach. I want to recover, but I develop binge eating disorder. I want to be 137lbs, but I’m 20lbs away. I want to feel beautiful, but my body sabotages itself.

I’m so sad that I’m not where I want to be.

submitted by /u/givingupongivingup
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from loseit - Lose the Fat