Friday, March 15, 2019

Intermittent fasting successfully and then gaining it all back?

I'm asking this here because if I ask r/intermittentfasting I'll get the cult response. I met with an eating disorder specialty psychologist today and she warned me against intermittent fasting, she encouraged me to continue but gave some grim details about intermittent fasting. She told me she sees more people rebounding from intermittent fasting than any other diets, that it is one of the least sustainable weight loss plans out there. She says there's not a lot more research that suggests that fasting isn't good for you as opposed to research that suggests fasting is good for you.

I definitely don't see myself Intermittent fasting for the rest of my life. Is anyone in maintenance stage right now after using IF, or similarly has anyone rebounded back into obesity after dropping lots of weight using IF? I'm looking to hear your stories for why or why not was IF successful for you.

submitted by /u/weightloser420
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Thursday, March 14, 2019

I hope weight loss makes me less ugly

I would never say this to someone else and I do think overweight ppl can be just as attractive/sexy as ppl who aren’t overweight...

but damn...

I AM SO FUCKING UGLY!!! I’m a horny ass hoe inside but don’t feel cute enough to hoe around. Sometimes I look in the mirror and I’m like “yeah I’d fuck me” and I like my cute ass eyes and nose and lips, but then I think about how much better I would look if my double chin wasn’t there and my face wasn’t such a saggy sad ass oval of faaaaat (I won’t even mention the rest of my ew body).

I wish I held my weight better :(

When I’m feeling extra ass I’ll take a pic of my side profile and edit away my double chin and I look so cute imo (I never post these or catfish dw)

Hopefully I look better when I reach my goal weight.

submitted by /u/2lewd5u
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

[Daily Directory] Find your quests for the day here! - Friday, 15 March 2019

Welcome adventurer! Whether you're new on this quest or are towards the end of your journey there should be something below for you.

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submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Starting again feels rough

My weight loss journey started over the summer and has continued into the school year (I’m a college student). While I haven’t been actively losing as much while at school mostly due to eating at buffet style dining halls, I have been going the gym and jogging a couple times as week and diligently watching what I eat for months now. However, about a week and half ago I fell into a small bout of depression that spiraled out of control with the insane stress and lack of sleep of finals. I stopped going to the gym and I ate horribly and I’ve gained 5 pounds in the last 10 days because of it. Now that I have prioritized sleep and feel better about my studies, I want to get back on track. But now the idea of watching what I eat and going to the gym feels harder that it ever has before. I feel like I lost all self control and months of hard work have been undone a week and a half. I’m frustrated, but I’m hoping that with continued determination I can get back to where I was before

submitted by /u/sophiab100
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I've learned how to savor my food.

Growing up, I was taller than average, and didn't have much baby fat. I was often called "naturally thin," which, because of my environment (and average genetics), I was. My mom, like many people's moms, would often show affection through food. Don't get me wrong; she showed affection in a lot of ways. Any bonding activity we did, however, notably included food. A picnic, a walk on the beach (to the store that sold steamed milk), baking, etc.

I stayed "naturally thin" until my junior year of high school, when I started gaining weight. Obviously I gained weight all while growing, but up to then it was always proportional. I started eating out more with friends, the pocket money I got from working supplied me with a steady stream of frappuccinos, and once I got into weed the munchies would take over. And, like anything, treats got less enjoyable as I had more of them, so I would order them in greater quantities, and faster and faster. At some point, the excess fat stops going to your boobs and starts going to your stomach. I went from 120/125 pre-puberty, to 135 post-puberty, to 142 with a layer of chub. Being 5'7" made this gain less noticeable, and so I didn't think much of it.

Then, this summer, before coming to college, at a routine check-up, I weighed in at 153. To save you some calculations, that's a BMI of exactly 24, only 7 pounds away from the overweight category. I suddenly saw all the excess weight. I was technically in the healthy range, but I had essentially no muscle, so that weight was all in fat. I got winded walking up stairs. My thighs chafed. I was slower.

Unfortunately, I reacted very poorly to this revelation. I was supposed to be naturally thin! Not a very confident teen, and with a history of poor coping skills, I quickly bought diet pills, took my brother's mini step machine, and limited myself to 750 calories a day. Losing at a rate of 3-4 pounds a week, I dropped to 119 (when I had no food, water, or waste in my system. I averaged around 123). I only ate foods I didn't like so I wouldn't be tempted to "overeat," and on the rare occasion I indulged, wolfed it down, barely enjoying it, and threw it back up. I went home for a weekend and everyone's mothers commented on my weight loss. I didn't like the way I looked. Somehow still chubby in my own eyes (probably from continuing to never exercise and having no muscle), my stomach had gotten flatter, but the remaining squish was accentuated by my shrinking boobs. Not wanting to draw concern, and hoping to get my boobs back, I relaxed my rules and let my self gain and went up to 130 pounds. Soon after the holidays rolled around, and already out of the worst of my obsession, I gained another five pounds.

Coming back to school after winter break, I fully resolved to approach my weight with a healthy mindset, and be less invested in the outcomes. I've lost those five holiday pounds, without much restricting, just being mindful.

This brings us to today. Walking on campus, I saw a girl with a green tea frappe from Starbucks. My favorite. My weakness. My source of at least five pounds, just by themselves. 430 calories for a medium. I suddenly felt an intense desire. I walked into the Starbucks on my way to class, and ordered one.

I drank the whole thing, and kept it down. It's not going to be an everyday thing, but I really wanted one, and that's ok. Perhaps most amazingly, I savored it. I took little sips, and let them melt in my mouth. I admired the flavor, appreciated the sweetness. It was one of the best frappuccinos I've ever had.

submitted by /u/backbysix
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Big push forward in terms of weight loss

I haven't updated since earlier this year, but I've been making strides with weight loss, fitness, and healthy eating. I did Whole 30 years ago and couldn't stand the brain fog feeling. Now doing CICO on a mostly mediteranean diet, I feel energetic and have found that wintertime illnesses have been much more brief than before. I dropped from 202 in January down to 180, which was at first a little alarming, but then I realize it has come down to not overeating massively and running a moderate calorie deficit, along with exercise at the gym and walking everywhere. I dropped from 180 to 168 between February and March, which seemed to indicate that weight lost was going to get slower, which I was fine with. I've allowed myself to have the occasional sweet and value them much more now than I did before. Goal weight is 155 for now. I'll see if 150 feels good to me, but 155 feels like the place to be.

submitted by /u/losinitinphilly
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Concerned about my metabolism

I've been on my weight loss journey for a while now and I've seen success. Today I had a complimentary assessment with a personal trainer at the gym I go to. The trainer had me step on a machine that assesses body fat %, lean muscle, etc. Everything looked good except it can apparently determine what my resting metabolism is. I didn't see this until I left but it has mine at 1859 kcal. This seems under what I would expect; I'm 6'0" and weigh 215, most calculators put me at around 2400. This would explain why I seem to be losing more slowly recently even with my significant calorie deficit. I eat 1500 calories daily for a roughly 900 calorie deficit per day.

What can I do to increase my metabolism? Why is it so low in the first place? Is it possible the machine is inaccurate?

submitted by /u/lifeimprovethrowaway
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from loseit - Lose the Fat