Saturday, March 16, 2019

I’ve stopped drinking (1 year and 3 months) and I started eating healthier. #featsoftheday

weight loss image comparison

As an alcoholic, I traded my addiction for a healthier one; inside the gym. I started drinking since I was 17. It was a nasty snowball effect. I lost all the jobs I managed to get. I dropped out of school because I was drunk most of the time. And then a year ago I said “enough is enough”, I put myself in rehab and I started working out. Ever since I’ve been outside adventuring or looking for hobbies. I even picked up playing the guitar and found love in writing.

This is huge for me you guys! From someone who couldn’t wake up without a cold one and binge eating while I was intoxicated, to someone who gets a natural high from lifting weights in the gym and preps a home cooked meal.

You’re all amazing!


submitted by /u/JJxFD
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

There and back again. 500+ to 210 to 270 and going back down

At my highest weight I was over 500 pounds. I'm not sure how much more because most scales don't actually go that high. I would eat a large pizza or two plus sides or enough food from McDonalds to literally feed a family of four. I remember being in high school and getting my driver's licence and putting down that I was 300 pounds. I had no idea on my weight. I know sometime in college I got to 400 since I weighed myself at the gym while doing one of my thousand attempts at weight loss. I'm not sure exactly when I got to 500 but I know it was because I just shoved food in my face all the time. I hated myself and the way I dealt with that was through eating. Honestly I dealt with ALL emotions through eating.

I've shared this story before but I'll share it again for those who don't know me. About 2.5 years ago I moved to Japan to work. My boss who couldn't speak English well told one of my English coworkers that he didn't think I could fit in the bathroom door. I got an email asking me how large around I was to make sure I could fit. This was my first interaction with one of the people I could actually talk to in a new country. I had to get two seats on the plane from CA to Japan and it was my second plane trip ever. The first being the one from AZ to CA. Even this wasn't really a wake up call. It should have been, but it didn't make me actually lose weight. I was 485 pounds when I went to Japan.

Through the first six ish months of walking around my middle of no where town and having no access to fast food (again, middle of no where town) I lost 15 pounds. Here on reddit there's a BTFC subreddit which is a transformation challenge. I always saw it and thought I could smash that and win it without a problem. It started while I was living in Japan so I decided to join. I think I lost about 65 pounds in the 12 weeks of the competition. And I didn't win haha. But it did get me to start losing weight.

I finished up my two years in Japan (I was not happy at all there) and moved back to the US. In 2 years I went from about 470 to somewhere in the 210s. This last December I got hernia surgery. I had meal prepped for a week but then the meal prep food was gone, it still hurt to live, so I ate the fast food that was easy to get that people around me were eating. From there it was hard to get back on track. I still did my cardio, I wake up every morning at about 4 am to do 3 miles, but I was eating like I used to. Whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted, and as much as I wanted. I would get so mad at myself. I knew what I was doing was dumb and that the scale wasn't just water weight from a few bad days. I was gaining weight.

I went from the 210s in December up to 270 in the start of March. I look back and wonder why I let the bad eating last so long. Eating didn't make me happy, gaining weight didn't make me happy, but I kept doing it. A lot of my starting weight loss was honestly fueled by self hate. I have depression. I don't like myself. And that really pushed me forward in my weight loss. But it doesn't last forever. Eventually you kinda just... stop trying. Weight loss didn't make me happy, it just kinda spawned different issues. I have loose skin and body dismorphia and I honestly don't believe people when they say I look different. Obviously I KNOW I do, but my head tells me differently. I am currently looking for a therapist to help me get through these issues.

I'm back to losing. It's only been a few days so far but the scale is finally going the right way and I'm sticking to it. No more 'one more day' or 'well at least i'm not X pounds again.' Losing weight didn't fix my mental health issues. I don't know why I thought it would, but it hasn't. I know the steps I need to take and I know where I have to go from here. I don't think I'll ever be able to afford skin removal (as a teacher it's about an entire years worth of pay) and I need to accept that and work through my mental issues. All I can do is take it one step at a time. Coming on here and talking to people or reading their stories really helps a lot. We all know the struggle and sometimes that's what you need. Just someone who knows what you're going through. Next time I post here, hopefully I'll be back down in the 210 range and be at a better place in my life.

submitted by /u/Slovien
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

How to stop saying “f*ck it” and gain your freedom

OK guys, this is a long one. It addresses the mental aspect of “cheating” on your diet/on your life. I don’t really expect anyone to read all of this, but if you guys do and you have experienced this before, I would greatly appreciate any feedback on the topic and its relevance to weight loss.

This is about way more than just weight loss. It’s about every decision that shapes your lifestyle and defines you as a person.

Picture this. You’re about to leave work/school for the day. You get in your car and the craving hits: you want a burrito. You NEED a burrito. With spicy meat. Guacamole. An entire bag of chips and a huge bowl of queso. Hey, burritos aren’t that unhealthy, right? You’ll justify it by subbing the rice for brown rice, you’ll opt for the whole grain wrap, and tea instead of soda. Deep inside, you know it’s more calories than you wanted to eat today. But right now, you don’t care.

You start driving and you see it-the burrito place in all its shining glory. Your heart races a little faster. Soon!!!! Delicious burrito!!! You can almost taste it. Feel the textures playing in your mouth. It’s going to be perfect.

You pull into a parking space and go to grab your wallet and walk inside, when it hits you. You meal prepped a few days ago and there is a perfectly portioned, 350-calorie container of grilled chicken, veggies, and rice in the fridge at your house. If you don’t have it for dinner tonight, will it get eaten? Plus (you start feeling guilty) the burrito isn’t really part of your diet for the week. You wanted to lose two pounds this week. And you broke your diet yesterday, too.

The chicken just doesn’t sound as good as the burrito. The textures are all wrong. It isn’t what your mind and body need right now. The rice isn’t as flavorful, the veggies were made without butter. And that queso is calling to you. You are too HuuuNGrrrY for that tiny plain meal right now.

You start feeling defensive. “It’s only this one time!” You’re playing the mental ping-pong. “I won’t go out tomorrow. I’ll stay home and be good. Work was stressful today. I deserve this. I’ve been looking forward to this. I’m already here.”

This is your moment. This is where you always are, and always will be.

The moment of decision that, in your mind, you want to make small. You want to see it as a grain of sand on the beach, so that you can toss it to the ground and watch it disappear. Giving in, at this moment, won’t matter.

But doesn’t it?

Doesn’t this one moment actually define your entire life?

I’m not saying we should feel guilty about every time we have given in. Hell, if I sat here and felt guilty about every moment like this, I don’t think I would ever find my way out. This isn’t about looking backward, but about finding the fundamental reason WHY we feel the need to give in, so that we can work on it in the future.

8am, my alarm goes off. I hit snooze, roll over, and go back to sleep. fuck it. 20 more minutes.

6pm, I get home from work. My plan was to go for a 30 minute walk, but I’m soooo tired. I sit down on the couch and turn on the tv. Fuck it. I’ll walk tomorrow.

11pm. I need to go to bed, but this episode of ___ show on Netflix just ended in a cliffhanger. Fuck it. One more episode.

12am Saturday night. I should go home, but it’s been a fun time at the bar. Fuck it. One more drink.

Why do we justify there actions to ourselves, time and time again? We know what the bigger goal is, what we WANT, what we need. Sometimes it feels more important than air or water. I want to lose weight SO. BADLY. And yet I struggle everyday, and make the wrong choices.

It’s all wrapped up in this moment. This one, tiny moment, where I either say fuck it....or I decide to embrace my long term goals. Where we give in to that temporary bliss, that emotional craving, that comfort...or employ discipline and embrace what is uncomfortable at the time, and what will ACTUALLY CHANGE HABITS and grant us the freedom to carve our own way through life.

And no, I can’t sit here and explain how to overcome these moments because I am still struggling with them myself. But I firmly believe that the first step is to recognize these moments when they happen, and examine the mental hoops I am jumping through and the beliefs I cling to in order to to justify making the wrong choices. Once I’m able to see what I’m doing to make the wrong choices, perhaps I’ll be able to correct these thoughts I hold about myself and begin to build the mental processes needed in order to make the RIGHT choices.

What do you guys think? Have you experienced this moment and how do you deal with it?

submitted by /u/festiemeow
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

My Journey From 295 lbs. to 265 lbs. (43M)

I am no weight loss expert, and from my history with weight gain, absolutely no one should follow my advice. The only advice that I am an expert on is how to gain weight. Having said that, I have been following LoseIt off and on this year and deciding to start loosing weight since the middle of January. Now I am down 30 lbs. I started my weight loss journey weighing in at 295 lbs. Today, I am 265 lbs. I decided to write down the things that have helped me to lose this first 30 pounds.

  • Desire—I have known that I needed to lose weight for a long time, but it took a spark to make me decide to take it seriously. And once that spark occurred I immediately took advantage of it. I don’t think that desire is the most import factor, but for me I needed to decide to finally lose weight. Don’t get hung up on desire. There are plenty of days that I am not motivated, but if I have planned ahead of time, I can stick to my system and stay on track with limited motivation.
  • LoseIt—I have found this sub-reddit to be the best space I have seen on the Internet. This group of people is such a supportive group. I thank you for the solidarity that I have felt since finding you.
  • CICO—Counting calories has given me a simple strategy to follow. As long as I eat less calories than I burn, I will lose weight. Trust the system. There are many days or weeks that I don’t lose weight (it feels like sometimes my body just doesn’t want to let go), but I am starting to gain confidence that if I keep following the CICO formula eventually that weight will come off. I have been using the LoseIt app on my phone to track my calories. It has done the trick for me. I still struggle to estimate the number of calories that I am eating when the calculation is not simple. This uncertainty is one of the biggest obstacles I face. It is so difficult to stay on track when you feel like you are guessing. But I am telling myself that making educated guesses is better than nothing and as long as I am losing weight I am doing enough right. Don’t let perfection stop you!
  • Planning Ahead—Once I decided to lose weight, I immediately started to plan my meals. I don’t plan a weekly set of meals, but I do go to the grocery store to make sure that I have two to three things that I can eat for every breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks over the next few days. My variety has been very limited for breakfast and lunch, but I have expanded my variety at dinner time. For breakfast, I primarily eat eggs and whole wheat toast or peanut butter and whole wheat bread. For lunch, I primarily eat a turkey sandwich with lettuce, tomatoes, banana peppers and mustard. I love going to lunch with my colleagues, but I have tried to limit these to twice a week, and I pick better options than I used to when I eat out. Grilled chicken chicken and more chicken.
  • Grocery Store—I have to fill my house and office with healthy, low calorie foods that satiate me. Every week I go to the grocery store for dinner items, soup ingredients and snacks. I also buy specific items to take to work—bread, peanut butter, soup, yogurt, oranges, apples, bananas, riced cauliflower, fresh and frozen vegetables, etc. Having food around me is imperative for me keeping on track. When I haven’t prepared for a meal or a snack, I am much more likely to eat something or more than I should have. I am lucky that my office has a cafeteria. If you don’t have that convenience buy food at the grocery store in bulk to eat at the office. A jar of peanut butter and a loaf of bread go a long way!
  • Soup—I have found soups with lots of vegetables to be an amazing snack or meal when I need something fast. Every Sunday since I started my diet, I have made a large pot of soup. Soup fills my stomach up so much for the limited number of calories that it has. Volume eating has been a key change for me. I am constantly looking for foods that have lower calories so that I can eat more. Here are three awesome soup recipes that I have been making:




  • Chicken—I always ate chicken, but I ate more red meat. Now I primarily eat chicken or turkey for my meat. It has so many less calories than red meat. My safety meal is grilled chicken breasts marinated in Italian salad dressing. I can cook a bunch that last me for several days. I eat these as part of a meal or as a snack. I also like salmon.
  • No sugar drinks—I have stopped drinking drinks containing sugar. I no longer put sugar in my coffee. I don’t drink Coke and sweetened iced tea. However, I do put a little bit of orange juice in my water. I know that the sugar in the orange juice is not ideal for weight loss (very high sugar content), but I find that I am much more likely to drink my water goal if I use this method.
  • Whole grains—I have switched to eating whole grains (except for white rice and limited amounts of pasta; I hate whole wheat pasta and brown rice). Whole grains don’t have less calories, but I do feel like they fill me up more. And they are supposed to be healthier for me.
  • Nutritionist—Once I decided to start losing weight, I immediately started going to a nutritionist to help me stay accountable. I visit my nutritionist about every three weeks. The biggest benefit is getting officially weighed in on a scheduled basis. This helps me to keep myself accountable. My nutritionist also provides me with food ideas to expand my eating options. This variety is important. My health insurance seems to be paying for this nutritionist, except for a $20 copay.
  • Walking—I have been walking 2-3 miles a day every night since I started my diet. I have even done this when the temperature outside was in the teens (wear parka, hat, gloves scarf and get out there!). Now and then there are days that I can’t fit it in or I am just too tired, but those have been very rare. I don’t count the calories burned as part of my daily calories out, so any calories that I burn from walking are just weight loss accelerators. Instead of losing two pounds a week, I have a chance to lose three pounds. In addition to the extra calories burned, I feel that the walking has helped me to lose more inches than the weight loss alone. My body feels better, and the more I move the more I want to move. I feel like I have a lot more energy. And I am starting to crave my nightly walks. When I do my walk, I like to listen to podcasts and audible books. I also track my time, pace, distance and calories using the MapMyWalk app. I would like to make another point about exercise. Don’t do more than you can handle. I tend to be a perfectionist which causes me to get off track when I can’t be perfect. In October, I decided to start the Couch 2 5 K running program, and after three weeks I hurt myself. I developed foot pain which led to back and hip pain. This put me out of commission for a while. Don’t make this mistake. Losing weight is much more about eating right than exercise. Start losing weight first, then work in exercise. As I lose weight, my body can do more and more.
  • Set Mini Goals—Getting to your goal weight can seem like a never-ending journey. This mountain can be very de-motivating. I have found setting short-term goals to help me stay motivated. The first goal I set was to lose 10 pounds. Then I set a goal to lose 25. Then I set a goal to reach 269 pounds. This was my low water mark many many years ago. Now that I have hit 265, my new goal is 259. Then I want to hit 250, my weight when I started my job 13 years ago. I don’t really know my goal weight yet. I think that it is 205, my weight in college. But, I would be extremely happy to weigh 235, my weight when I got married. Think about these mini goals and celebrate them. Too often we just think that we still are fat and have so much more to lose. But these mini goals create little celebration points to reflect on the hard work we have done to get where we are.
  • Weight Loss Isn’t Linear—I weigh myself every day to keep myself motivated, but when I gain weight or get stuck at a certain weight I get down. I need to keep realizing that weight loss isn’t linear. I know this in my brain, but it is tough to stay motivated. Just keep following the process!

While I have written down what has worked for me so far, I don’t want you to think that I don’t have my insecurities or doubts. I am constantly scared that I am going to lose my desire or get knocked off track. Desire and motivation are such scary things. I gained weight in the first place because I wasn’t motivated to take care of myself. I prioritized other aspects of my life continually over healthy eating and exercising. I am so scared that I will lose my motivation for weight loss.

I am also very scared of injury. While I whole-heartily believe that weight loss is 80% what you eat, my walking has really helped me on this journey. I am scared that I will hurt myself, and I will not be able to continue to walk.

I am also constantly scared of plateaus. Every time I sit at the same weight for a few days to a week or gain back weight that I have lost, I get scared that my body is going to start making it much more difficult for me to lose weight. I believe that if I just stick to doing what I am doing that I will eventually break through the plateau (and this has been the case so far), however I have to fight really hard through the plateaus.

Again, I write these tips because they have worked for me so far. This community has been so helpful to me, and I hope that this post can help someone. I am not a weight loss expert. I read this subreddit everyday to learn from each of you as you learn things to help us on this journey. I thought you might like to know what I have been doing. Thank you.

submitted by /u/DontTread76
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I am so thankful to this sub

Hi! 21 Female 5'6, SW 276 CW 258 GW 150

Last year I went to this 2 mile run my time was 45 minutes, today I finished it in 37 minutes. Its not a big improvement but it was nice!

I want to thank this sub for helping me start my weight loss journey. I have spent most of my life overweight. I have lost almost 20 lbs now but I have a really far way to go.

I didnt know how to lose weight before, my mother put me on so many diets when I was a teenager, I had been on atkins, hydroxycut, slimfast all before I was 16. They were all miserable failures and they all made me feel like a failure for every pound I gained on them. I thought I was the worst person in the world.

I didnt know how to properly count calories, control portion sizes, or anything. Until I found this sub. I am losing weight, eating better and feeling better.

I am going to reach my goal one day. When that happens I will have this community to thank for helping me finally achieve a healthy body!

submitted by /u/LadyCashier
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

An Archaeologist of my own body

I might be the only, but as others have been on their weight loss journey does anyone else get so excited when they see a new bone for the first time? I know it’s a weird thing to get excited over, but I was so fat (5’9”,M,380 pounds) that every bone I had was buried under inches of fat. I’ve been losing weight since March, 2018. I took a break over the holidays (by then I weighed 235 pounds.) and couldn’t get back on the wagon till March 2019. But now I’m back on and down 15 more pounds (220 with target weight at 170! So close!) and the joy has returned.

Throughout the whole journey I have loved when I take off all my clothes to weigh myself, instead of looking at all the skin and droopy fat that’s still there, to look for any new bones that are now visible through my skin that haven’t been before cause of the fat. I feel like an archaeologist of my own body. The Collar bone has been the biggest thrill so far. But just seeing glimpses of my upper ribs again (lower will take a bit more digging) bones in my arms, legs, hands feet, it’s incredible!

Does anyone else do this? If not you should give it a try!

submitted by /u/Moonofmylife1
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Lower Weight On Period

Hey all, I've noticed something weird about my body in the past six months or so. Whenever I'm actually on my period, I drop weight pretty fast. For example, I started the week at around 226, and today I weighed in at 223 on the dot. I'm eating to lose one pound a week, roughly 1700 calories a day. I've gone over my calories by about a hundred, but never under. I'm usually up a pound the day after my cycle is done, and I stay there and start losing weight accordingly again. Does anyone know why this happens? It's weird to have a "whoosh" every month, especially when I'm "supposed" to be the most bloated I will be all month. I'm not mad that it happens (I'll take weight loss any way it comes in a healthy way), but I'm just curious as to why this happens every single month.

submitted by /u/thekatgoeskaput
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from loseit - Lose the Fat