Tuesday, October 13, 2020

I keep gaining weight during COVID and I don't know what to do anymore (F21)

I have gained 45 pounds since this March, and am now in the overweight territory. I used to be an extremely active college student- was on my school sports teams, woke up every day at 6 to go to the gym, and then went at 9 pm every night. Had a strict diet- a protein shake at 10, lunch at 5, nice dinner and lots of tea. I moved back home from campus due to COVID, and am just feeling so down. House workouts aren't really working for me. None of the gyms near me have opened. I do yoga in the morning, try to do some HIIT in the evening but I live in a small apartment with 5 other people. I was at 130 pounds, all muscle- now have lost all definition and am at 171. Does anyone have any tips at how they are managing weight loss during COVID? Could definitely use some kind words and some advice.

submitted by /u/kinglearthefifth
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/2H3HTs4

I find it troubling how many weight loss influencers I see on social media who have overweight and obese children.

A few years ago I had started a weight loss journey for my mental and physical health. I now weigh less than half of what I did when I started, and I’m happily pursuing muscle gain/recomp now as I’m at the low end of a healthy BMI. During my loss I started following a lot of fitness influencers, particularly women around my age or a bit older who’d lost 100+ lbs . Their stories motivated and inspired me.

Since I still follow a lot of these influencers, as well as tags related my feed has a lot of weight loss influencer content and I’ve noticed something thats been absolutely gutting to me: So many of these women seem to be letting their kids go down the same awful road of obesity (and likely food addiction) that they went down, and had to fight their way back from. Year after year their kids just get chubbier, and eventually the “maybe it’s just baby fat?” phase ends and what’s left is an undeniably obese teenager posed next to their 18%bf fitness influencer mom as she celebrates the 8 year anniversary of her loose skin removal surgery without an ounce of irony.

I will always resent my parents for setting me up to fail when it came to weight, food, and nutrition. They failed me monumentally in that regard, and so much the damage it caused is permanent and unfixable no matter how much responsibility and effort I put in now as an adult who’s playing cleanup for all their irreversible mistakes. As someone who was an obese child I honestly do think it’s a form of child abuse to let that happen to your kid, just as much as many other forms of neglect. Letting your child become obese and form an unhealthy relationship with food sets them up for a lifelong struggle with weight, nutrition, and health. It’s a parents job to protect their kids and teach them better.

It is so shocking to me to see these women who KNOW how hard it is to regain your health and fitness after becoming obese letting their kids be set up to suffer and struggle just as much as they did. At least with my parents I can chalk it all up to utter ignorance and general stupidity. But these ladies are so aware of the pain they’re setting their kids up for. It infuriates me.

I just hope that the people on this sub who have kids put a lot of thought into how they can end the cycle of food issues with themselves and set their kids up for a better life. It’s easier to say yes to that 5th cookie when your 5 year old is screaming but when your 15 year old is having mobility issues because her knees can’t support her obese body you’ll wish you put in a bit more time and effort into helping her build a better relationship with food.

submitted by /u/Swanabe
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/315EGiZ

Has anyone else’s cholesterol gone UP after weight loss?

Hey guys! I hope you all are staying healthy and safe and having the best 2020 you can despite everything.

I started my weight loss journey in July 2018 at 230lbs (5’4’) and as of now I am 145. I’m still not at my goal weight but my weight loss has slowed a bit over the last year or so. I’ve lost about 20 in a year. But at first it was very rapid weight loss. What triggered me to get my ass in shape was my cholesterol levels. I was 22 years old at the time and my cholesterol levels weren’t the best. My HDL was 37, LDL was 143 and my total cholesterol was 208. So... it kicked my ass into gear and stopped eating fast food every day and got a gym membership and here I am 2 and a half years or so later and I’m 145. I got them checked again and to my surprise some of them went up. While my triglycerides dropped and my HDL cholesterol went up (yay).... my LDL went up to 164. My total cholesterol is now 228. That was a month ago and I started watching my fat and saturated fat intake (and actually lost 10lbs without even trying)

But my friend told me, who also has lost weight, that sometimes when people lose weight it can raise your LDL cholesterol temporarily... did this happen to anyone else?? I have severe health and death anxiety so I’ve just been kinda shitting my pants the last month lol. Sorry for the long post. I appreciate y’all.

submitted by /u/crimsonandhearts
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/34TwrYr

Reward Ideas

Like many people I've struggled with my weight most of my life. I'm 27F, and about two weeks ago I started a new "program" for weight loss.

When I visited the doctor recently I was 240 lbs, and I've had slightly high blood pressure for about a year now. I've tried to lose weight so many times: extreme diets, counting calories, IF, etc., but I've never been able to make it stick.

Something my doctor said really stuck with me though. She told me that instead of trying to create a program that I have to stick with until I lose 110 lbs, I should just try to do things for a short amount of time. Like create meal/snack plans for a month and really stick to it.

I'm two weeks in, and honestly, it's the best I've ever done. I don't feel the need to cheat, because it's a very set amount of time, and I can make it through a month without fast food or pizza.

I've lost eight pounds in the last two weeks, and I feel better than I have in a long time. I've been taking 3-5 short walks a day, and doing some cardio every evening. I'm happier and I have more energy than I have had in a long time.

Obviously I will need to continue past a month, but once I get within a week I'll sit down and come up with a plan for next month.

Here's my question. I am generally very rewards motivated, but used to I motivate myself with food. For this first month I've decided that my reward for finishing will be a few sessions with a personal trainer so that I can get into the gym in a healthy way. Does anyone have any other "rewards" that they use to motivate themselves?

submitted by /u/gsutula
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/34ZRM2C

I'm new to the whole weight loss journey, but excited to try.

Hello, i've not posted here before so i hope that's ok.

for a quick rundown, i'm female, 23, 5'6ish and i weigh 85 kilos, i'm on adhd medicine (which is an appetite suppressant) depression/anxiety medication and the pill (both which have weight gain as a side effect)

i want to lose weight (the number isn't so much a problem as how i physically look) but i dont seem to have time for the gym, and i'm worried starting some salad only diet is just gonna make me miserable because hey, food is great right?

i just don't even know where to begin, honestly. i think i'm impulsive with eating, and i like to punish myself by refusing to eat and going hungry in a kind of self imposed karma. i'm anxious that getting into calorie counting will only spiral me into an ED.

i know that i'll never have the body of airbrushed and malnourished girls on magazines, but i can't help but long for that fake standard of skinny, and i don't know how to accept my body for what it is, yknow?

any advice, tips or knowledge is welcome!

submitted by /u/AlbinoKiwi47
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/2GXE7AK

Finally reached my first goal...minus 20 lbs (9.1 kg)!

I started with my weight loss efforts the last week of July 2020 and initially the weight came off quickly. Then it slowed way down and then it eventually stopped coming off. I've been maintaining the same weight for several weeks and just could not get out of this plateau. It was so frustrating to weigh myself every day and see either a slight increase in kg/lbs or just the same old number that has been there for AGES...So, after finding this sub, I felt inspired, changed things up a bit and today when I stepped on the scale I had finally broken through it and I reached my first weight related goal... -20 lbs! I still have a long way to go but I just wanted to say thank you for being so inspirational and for helping to motivate me to keep going. For awhile there I thought I would never see any changes but even though it took a lot longer than I expected, persistence has paid off. You guys are awesome!

submitted by /u/Roux_Lights_A_Candle
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/2GUA4oF

Monday, October 12, 2020

Major Weight Loss (100+ lbs) but...

So I've finally surpassed a major milestone in my weightloss journey, but I find that I'm still far too ashamed to share any kind of "before" picture with a recent one to really show the difference. I'm wondering if anyone else feels the same way?

I feel like I should be proud of the progress I've made, but any time I start to make that post it not only feels to braggy, but I'm ashamed I ever got to that point to begin with despite the fact it was a result of being on corticosteroids for over a year.

Will I ever get to a point where I can get past all of this and share my progress? I want to, because I have worked hard and I think it's the best way to really SHOW it, but I don't know if I ever will.

submitted by /u/FuckMotherGothel
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/30Z3RDT