Tuesday, October 13, 2020

I find it troubling how many weight loss influencers I see on social media who have overweight and obese children.

A few years ago I had started a weight loss journey for my mental and physical health. I now weigh less than half of what I did when I started, and I’m happily pursuing muscle gain/recomp now as I’m at the low end of a healthy BMI. During my loss I started following a lot of fitness influencers, particularly women around my age or a bit older who’d lost 100+ lbs . Their stories motivated and inspired me.

Since I still follow a lot of these influencers, as well as tags related my feed has a lot of weight loss influencer content and I’ve noticed something thats been absolutely gutting to me: So many of these women seem to be letting their kids go down the same awful road of obesity (and likely food addiction) that they went down, and had to fight their way back from. Year after year their kids just get chubbier, and eventually the “maybe it’s just baby fat?” phase ends and what’s left is an undeniably obese teenager posed next to their 18%bf fitness influencer mom as she celebrates the 8 year anniversary of her loose skin removal surgery without an ounce of irony.

I will always resent my parents for setting me up to fail when it came to weight, food, and nutrition. They failed me monumentally in that regard, and so much the damage it caused is permanent and unfixable no matter how much responsibility and effort I put in now as an adult who’s playing cleanup for all their irreversible mistakes. As someone who was an obese child I honestly do think it’s a form of child abuse to let that happen to your kid, just as much as many other forms of neglect. Letting your child become obese and form an unhealthy relationship with food sets them up for a lifelong struggle with weight, nutrition, and health. It’s a parents job to protect their kids and teach them better.

It is so shocking to me to see these women who KNOW how hard it is to regain your health and fitness after becoming obese letting their kids be set up to suffer and struggle just as much as they did. At least with my parents I can chalk it all up to utter ignorance and general stupidity. But these ladies are so aware of the pain they’re setting their kids up for. It infuriates me.

I just hope that the people on this sub who have kids put a lot of thought into how they can end the cycle of food issues with themselves and set their kids up for a better life. It’s easier to say yes to that 5th cookie when your 5 year old is screaming but when your 15 year old is having mobility issues because her knees can’t support her obese body you’ll wish you put in a bit more time and effort into helping her build a better relationship with food.

submitted by /u/Swanabe
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/315EGiZ

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