Wednesday, October 14, 2020

A lightbulb went off as I was learning about boundaries recently

I grew up in a very unstable environment and one of the biggest things I was robbed of was boundaries. I was taught having boundaries was selfish, wrong and my parents told me they were supposed to have full control over me.

I struggled big time with saying no to food when others offered it to me all my life. Here is where the lightbulb moment came for me. Not only was I taught to have no boundaries with other people but I was also taught to have no internal boundaries. This meant I was eating even when I didn’t want to or even when I hadn’t planned for it.

I was constantly breaking my own internal boundaries by giving in and I never put any importance on keeping my word to myself. This was the double whammy. I ate everything everyone else offered or asked me to eat even when I really didn’t want to and I also ate everything I personally really didn’t want to eat too.

I learned the dualistic quality of boundaries: others should respect my boundaries but I should also respect my own boundaries. It’s been a game changer in learning to respect myself by not eating for the wrong reasons and eating well when I do make the choice to. It all seems so simple now but I had no idea how boundaries worked most of my life. Here’s to better mental health aiding in weight loss!

submitted by /u/velvetgalaxy
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I'm freaking out. I had no idea how fat I look to others, and I need sustainable options

Ignore the title lol, it was just a thought I had but I meant to change it.

I'm a female, 21, and I weigh 143 pounds and I'm freaking out.

I've always been between 120 and 130 lbs. Basically at the start of 2020 I suddenly started gaining all this weight. Quarantine has probably a little to do with it, but it was happening before then, and I was actually working out at home for a portion of quarantine, plus working a physical job.

I'm freaking out because 143 on a 5'2" frame does not look good, at least not on me. I look incredibly unhealthy. Like, I have never been skinny. I actually liked being soft in certain places, but it's gotten too extreme now. I just look... flabby, ugh I'm cringing to even write that. The worst part is my arms. They are so fat that my shoulders are super rounded on the sides, if that makes sense. I literally have stretch marks on my arms. WTF. That is insane to me. I was taking outfit pictures today and I seriously looked so unhealthy. I can only imagine how bad I look to others.

I feel like I'm SUFFOCATING. Like I'm trapped under all this fat and nothing is working to get rid of it. And I know that sounds like a lie, and people are gonna yell at me for being lazy and making excuses but like... work smart, not hard, right? If I don't know how I got here, how can I fix it?

I don't know what's changed. Seriously. I get that calorie deficit = weight loss, but if that's true then how come when I go to sleep kinda hungry several nights in a row, I still don't lose any weight? I started doing this back in September just to see if my weight would change AT ALL, and the difference was marginal, so no, it basically didn't do anything. I track using my fitness pal, and without checking, I'd bet I get either get around 1,300 or 1,000, depending on the day. I used to eat closer to 1,500 and I weighed less and worked out less!

When I started gaining, I wasn't eating any different than I was last year or the year before. If anything I was actually eating HEALTHIER (ie, more whole foods). I am a vegetarian which I know can still be unhealthy, but I don't eat a lot of unhealthy things. I never get fast food and I cook most of my meals. I definitely eat carbs and sugar, but I am fully aware of when I exceed my limits for the day, and I always restrict myself to salad or something smaller the next day to make up for it. I am in the process of cutting sugar out completely and limiting carbs.

I typically save all my calories up to eat in one big ish meal. I've been doing that since high school when I used to kind of not eat at lunch because all the cool girls were doing it... it was dumb but it's a habit that's stuck. I've read that I shouldn't do that, but my schedule is making that change a bit difficult.

I am well hydrated! It's this big joke among all my friends because I go nuts for cold water. I feel marginally better on the days I'm well hydrated, which is most days, but even so, I'm still frickin fat!

I definitely struggle to work out, but I get a lot of steps in walking around my college campus. Over the summer, I rode a stationary bike for a few weeks, and before people say I didn't work hard, I absolutely did, I was like, shaking after my workouts. I also was on my feet working in a warehouse store for eight hours several times a week.

I'm not exaggerating when I say I was probably more active this summer than I had been before. So why on earth wouldn't I have lost weight?

I don't know what else could be causing it. I do have insomnia. I go to bed at like 5:30, sleep until 8, attend class, go back to sleep, and just keep doing that until 3 pm. It is horrible and I am working on it but so far nothing has helped, even exercising vigorously and getting up for work at 8 am didn't matter-- I would still be wide awake at 4 am.

I'm beginning to wonder if my hormones are really messed up, because I am getting day time and night time mixed up, and I'm gaining weight because of that? I don't know.


I have always been around 120 to 130 and it has been fine. At the start of 2020 I randomly started gaining 15 pounds but I have no idea why because nothing really changed, like at all. I even have some My Fitness Pal data from 2018 and 2019 to prove it. I eat the same if not better, and I worked out the same amount if not considerably more given my job and my access to workout equipment at home.

I definitely struggle with insomnia, and typically I go to bed in the early morning and sleep until the afternoon, waking up every few hours to go to whatever class I have. I am wondering if this screwed up all those hormones that help with weight stuff and so that's why I'm gaining.

I'm really worried that I'm going to try so hard to lose weight (assuming I can ever get any weight to come off) and then just inexplicably gain 15 pounds again.

Thank you for reading, i know this was super long and complain-y.

submitted by /u/Chonkycattt
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Body dysmorphia

Age:15, Height:5'10, SW:109kg, CW:80 kg, GW:70 kg. I have lost a total of 29 kg since around may this year. I still feel absolutely disgusted in myself. About a month ago I began to start noticing good changes in my body composition, and began to feel good about myself for the first time since I began my weight loss journey. I have been on a plateau for a month or so, which made me slowly and almost unconsciously begin to starve myself, as I began obsessing over even the smallest amount of calories. Today, I was joking with a close friend, and he said: "Why don't you loose some weight", in an aggressive tone. This shattered me instantly, and made me realise that no one else cares how much weight I've lost, the fact is I'm still fat. Im now trying to resist the urge to go back to my recent diet of 1000 calories, which I am scared to do as I am very concerned that I may get some sort of eating disorder. Im sorry about my rant, I guess I just needed to put this on paper to clear my head a bit.

submitted by /u/Either-Pension
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Chance of skin shrinking down gracefully?

(Warning: for people with severe body image issues over loose skin after weight loss, I suggest you skip this post as it might exacerbate then)

I'm a 24yo male. A couple months ago I had a BMI of 41 and was in the upper 200's. I've lost a bit of weight since then. Due to several bursts of rapid weight gain, I have tons of stretch marks, they reach more than halfway up my belly and I have a lot on my arms. I've been over the obese threshold for the better part of 8 years (though I got below it once for about a year).

Is there any chance of my skin shrinking down gracefully? I'm not going to lie, as awful as it sounds, I once became suicidal after looking at pictures of people with loose skin after extreme weight loss. For me, worrying what I might look like after weight loss is the hardest part of being overweight.

submitted by /u/HumanSpinach2
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

It has been exactly 1 years today that I started on my weight loss journey. Only 25 pounds lost, but muscle and fitness gained. The best time to start was a year ago, second best is now! You can do it!

October 13th 2019 I made the decision to change the way I live my life. I downloaded calorie counting apps, I found a hobby that kept me active, and I committed to it.

I’ve always been interested in mountain biking, I have bad knees from working underground in a mine and carrying toolbags and the like uphill on uneven ground so running was automatically out. I live in an area of Ontario with a lot of well maintained mountain trails, and when I moved to my new home last August there was a well kept set of trails across the street so it was perfect. That’s where it started for me, I had a goal and a means to get there now all I had to do was commit to it.

Biking was my fitness, but calorie counting was my weight loss. Because she will read this I will say that my wife is amazing, she jumped on the chance to help me as soon as I mentioned it and having her there to cheer me on was a blessing. We set up my calorie goal and started coming up with meals and plans to keep me there.

My biking stopped soon after due to winter and Canada, so I had to find a way to maintain my fitness through the winter season. This came in the form of a stationary bike, and eventually weight lifting and other traditional workouts. It didn’t all happen at once, at first it was just stationary bike every day to keep my stamina up (or build more) and then I added dumbbells and body weight training, then I bought a bench and bar and started doing more intensive weights, and eventually a full machine. This spring I started biking again but I have maintained my weight training and I’m glad I did.

If you’re reading this, and you’re at the beginning of your journey and don’t think you can get there, you can. You don’t have to do it all at once, just a little by little. I never believed I could get as far as I have, and I still have room to grow, but I was committed (and stubborn) and I am really glad that I was.I slipped up, I ate bags of chips and drank too many beers but I always went back to my diet. I could have lost more weight or gained more muscle than I did, but I did it at my pace and I’m proud.

Anyways, here’s my progress picture. 1 year apart.

submitted by /u/Forever_DM
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Stress eating

I’ve been obese for awhile now, since I got out of college really. I fell in love, got a desk job, and had a kid. During this time I’ve gone through ups and downs of wanting to lose weight. Sometimes I feel ready and other times I’m ready to pig out at a buffet.

I tried to count calories myself, join a gym, simply eat healthy, weight loss programs like Noom, and no matter what I tried I was letting myself down.

In my weight loss journey I have been journaling and meditating, and it has helped me hone in on some of the feelings I have about the whole issue. I’ve even looked in to life coaches, nutritionists, and a fitness trainer- which were all too expensive. This mama is on a budget!

It wasn’t until this week that I realized I think I have a problem with stress eating. I have something stressing me out and I think about food and how good it would taste and I would somehow forget about my issue and focus on the food.

With that being said, I talk with a therapist and currently on meds for depression and anxiety, so I think I am in the right direction. I am just so confused with myself sometimes.

I hate the way I look ALL the time and I know I am fat and need to change it before I end up too big to change it. I will get these feelings where I am so sick of it and ready to change. I put forth the effort to change and then bam, suddenly a feeling of wanting to just eat whatever I want comes in. I eat whatever I want and become demotivated. After that I feel that I let myself down and send myself into even more turmoil.

I’ve always been a “if you want something bad enough you’ll make it happen” sort of person, but my weight loss journey doesn’t seem to be black and white like that statement. I want to be thinner and healthier, but I keep letting myself down... why?

Thank you for reading this if you made it all the way to the bottom. Sometimes it feels good to write out something that I know will be read by someone else instead of writing in my journal.

submitted by /u/lotown1993
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

M28 significant weight loss right after starting a diet for a week or two?

About 2 weeks ago I decided to get serious about restarting my healthy eating and tracking everything in MFP and getting more workouts in a day. Since then the scale has plummeted, I had one week of no real change hovering around 187 before dropping to 182.8, effectively looking like 5 pounds in one week.

I know some diets like the whole 30, Keto, and such (my ex loved gimmick diets) can result in these kinds of results due to a loss of water weight, but I havent really changed by habits much, just counting them to hold myself accountable. Only habit I have changed is a lot more fiber. I have been trying to have a net of 1500 calories a day.

is this normal for week 2 of a diet? Like I said, I have only really seen this when doing more gimmicky diets

submitted by /u/not_a_flying_toy_
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from loseit - Lose the Fat