Wednesday, October 14, 2020

A lightbulb went off as I was learning about boundaries recently

I grew up in a very unstable environment and one of the biggest things I was robbed of was boundaries. I was taught having boundaries was selfish, wrong and my parents told me they were supposed to have full control over me.

I struggled big time with saying no to food when others offered it to me all my life. Here is where the lightbulb moment came for me. Not only was I taught to have no boundaries with other people but I was also taught to have no internal boundaries. This meant I was eating even when I didn’t want to or even when I hadn’t planned for it.

I was constantly breaking my own internal boundaries by giving in and I never put any importance on keeping my word to myself. This was the double whammy. I ate everything everyone else offered or asked me to eat even when I really didn’t want to and I also ate everything I personally really didn’t want to eat too.

I learned the dualistic quality of boundaries: others should respect my boundaries but I should also respect my own boundaries. It’s been a game changer in learning to respect myself by not eating for the wrong reasons and eating well when I do make the choice to. It all seems so simple now but I had no idea how boundaries worked most of my life. Here’s to better mental health aiding in weight loss!

submitted by /u/velvetgalaxy
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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