Wednesday, October 14, 2020

SV + NSV in one. I had my first follow up doctors appointment since my journey began (again)!

I’ve started this “journey” to lose weight so many times, but this time it feels real. I decided this year to go to a Weight Management clinic. I first went in February, when my weight was between 260-270. I was put on a diet and it was going well at first. Then the pandemic hit, and I fell off the wagon. I fell off the wagon so hard! By August, I ballooned up to 290.

Then one day it hit me. I need to figure something out. My clothes aren’t fitting. I feel HUGE. And I just don’t feel good about myself in general. I don’t have any health conditions, but I don’t want to get to that point. I want a long, healthy life with my husband (and our cats!)

I made an appointment at the clinic and it went really well. I was put on a medication called Vyvanse. It’s to help with ADHD and binge eating disorder. I have never been officially diagnosed with BED, but since I have ADHD and I used to overeat terribly, my doctor wanted to give it a shot. I also am doing meal replacement shakes during the day. I’ve started going to the gym a few days a week to strength train, because I want to be strong and build muscle. I then have a large meal and snacks on the days that I go to the gym. I’m tracking my calories and so far I’ve lost 22 pounds!

I feel like these are changes that I can handle. I never thought I’d be a “gym goer” but I can’t believe how good it makes me feel! It’s such a great mood booster and stress reliever. I know that weight loss comes down to calories in and calories out, so for me, the gym is more about building endurance and muscle.

Today, I achieved a SV and a NSV. I had an appointment with my primary care doctor today. He knew I was going to the Weight Management clinic, but he didn’t know about my progress yet. I already knew I lost 20+ pounds but I was so excited to step on the scale at the doctors office! I never thought I’d say those words..

When my doctor came in and noticed my weight loss, he was so impressed! He looked at me and said, “there’s less of you!” It felt great to hear him say that and for him to be genuinely happy for me. I feel motivated already but the extra push is nice.

My next Weight Management appointment is in 2 weeks, and I’m looking forward to it!

submitted by /u/ieffingloveducks
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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