Thursday, May 16, 2019

Why I First Went to Therapy and What’s Happened Since Podcast 109

Today I’m talking to a fairly new runner about her first marathon – which she describes as ‘magical’. That’s wild to me because I would probably describe my first as ‘painful’ or ‘traumatizing’…! She’s sharing how running helped her mental health – especially during a rough time her first year of teaching. And I’m sharing my thoughts on therapy too.

New to the Run Eat Repeat podcast?  Hi!! Thanks for stopping by!

I’m Monica – I started to share my first full marathon training and diet journal. The site grew an awesome following and now it’s this podcast too! Thank you for listening! You can get show notes, training plans, recipes and more on or @RunEatRepeat on instagram.

run eat repeat podcast with first time marathon runner Kaleena and my therapy story

Warm Up: My Therapy Journey… 

First… we talk about mental health during the interview and I want to remind ya that nothing on Run Eat Repeat or this podcast is meant to serve as medical advice. Please see a doctor if you’re sick, unsure about something going on with your body or feel an injury coming on. And please see a therapist or counselor if you are struggling with anything that could be helped by a professional or outside resource.

May is Mental Health Awareness Month and I want to share my experience with therapy. 

I first went to therapy in college.

No one told me I should go.

I didn’t think I was battling a serious mental illness…but I knew that how I felt and what I was thinking was unhealthy. I was stuck. I felt really bad about myself and it was taking over my life. I didn’t want to go to parties or certain places, I avoided social situations and any party or dinner or plans that involved food.

My boyfriend and I got in a few fights because he wanted to go out or to a party and I was

I realized it was affecting all my relationships. So… I thought I should talk to someone about it.

Luckily, I was still on my mom’s health insurance and was able to look up a therapist that took our insurance and just had to do the co-pay.

It helped a lot. But it isn’t a magic pill that solves all your problems.

You have to do the work.

You don’t change or fix things – especially really hard things by just telling someone about it once a week. You have to show up for yourself every day and work how you think, how you react, your triggers, your habits and more. And sometimes you need medication – which is also not a magic pill but can help a lot.

I’ve been going to therapy most weeks for the last 2 years. I don’t think I’m that ‘messed up’ so part of me thinks I don’t deserve to go…and by that I mean I feel like someone who’s been going to therapy for 2 years needs to have experienced more trauma than I have…?

But the reality is that my experiences, emotions, relationships and needs add up and it’s hard for me to move forward, be kind to myself and grow healthy relationships. And that’s kind of the most important thing right? Or at least it is for me… to be able to have good, happy relationships with the people I love. I’m not talking about romantic relationships but all relationships.

So – I’m sharing all of this to say – there’s nothing wrong with me. But I want to be better. I want to be a better person, be a better example, have better relationships and help other people be better too.

If you have it all figured out and you’re happy – good. Pass it on! If not, I think therapy is an awesome way to explore things that might be tugging at you.

running podcast with first time marathon runner

Running Buddy of the Day  – New Podcast Series

A while back I put out a call for runners and coaches who wanted to be on the podcast and got great response! We’re starting out that series today…

Today our running buddy is Kaleena Soughter from Turnersville, New Jersey.

first time marathon philly race with Kaleena Run Eat Repeat podcast

Let’s start by talking about your running journey…

KS: I started running to lose weight like everybody else… getting married… teacher first year and really hard job.

She started to realize that running to make her feel better not just physically but mentally too…

Kaleena ran the Philly Marathon last year and is sharing the training and race day experience…

RER: How did your first marathon go?

KS: It was magical. (<- Boom!) 

It was like I was on a runner’s high the entire time. 

RER: Then, we started to talk about running and mental health… 

KS Do I sink into the sand or do I get up?

healthy living podcast full marathon interview new runner

Running Favorites Questions: 

What’s your favorite race distance and why?

Full marathon!

What’s your favorite race?

This one surprised me…

Do you have a running mantra or how do you motivate yourself when you’re not feeling it?

What have you been listening to lately?

Yes – I looked up the new Jonas Bros music and love it!

What’s your victory lap? (What do you eat after a race?)

Pizza with french fries?? Wait – what? (we discuss)

favorite post run food running podcast

Thank you Kaleena!

You can follow her on instagram @Kaleenaamarie and I’ll put a link to that in the show notes!

Now it’s time for the awards:

1st place – Impractical Jokers.

2nd. Kristin for hooking up the snacks.

3rd. Costco calendar!

Costco calendar podcast idea

Thank you for listening! Please subscribe to the show and rate and review – it really helps new listeners find the show. I appreciate it.

Tag @RunEatRepeat on Instagram and let me know what you’re doing while you listen!

The post Why I First Went to Therapy and What’s Happened Since Podcast 109 appeared first on Run Eat Repeat.

from Run Eat Repeat

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