Saturday, November 30, 2019

NSV: I had a really bad cheat day, but it wasn't as bad as it could have been!

My main methods of weightloss are CICO 1200~1500 a day, IF 16:8, and 30min of exercise at least 5 days a week! I've lost almost 24kg/53lbs in the last 6 months.

Yesterday I had a pretty bad cheat day, but I thought about it... It wasn't nearly as bad as it would have been before I started my weight loss journey!

I went to the movies and had an entire medium popcorn all to myself, breaking my fast early... But I went with diet soda instead of regular like I would have had before!

I decided to have lunch instead of waiting for dinner to eat... But I went with the 'mini' lunch set instead of the regular size. And I chose to drink black coffee instead of juice, once again avoiding those liquid calories!

At dinner for my friend's birthday party, I had incredibly unhealthy food. Fried chicken, asparagus wrapped in bacon, meat balls filled with cheese... But I also shared my plates of food with the people around me, and I stuck to water instead of alcohol!

For dessert I had a 250cal chocolate chip crepe... but I split it in half with my husband!

Before I learned how to lose weight, I would have eaten all of that and more just by myself and I would have drank a lot of calories too!

I dreaded stepping on the scale this morning, but I was pleasantly surprised to see that the excess calories must have shocked the extra water weight out of my system and I weigh half a kilo less today than I did yesterday!

TL;DR: I think that you can be kind to youself and eat what you like on special occasions. But it's still important to make smarter decisions than you would have made before you started trying to lose weight. Moderation is key!

submitted by /u/lucky_chachacha
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

[Directory] Find your quests here! -

Welcome adventurer! Whether you're new on this quest or are towards the end of your journey there should be something below for you.

Daily journal.

Interested in some side quests?

Community bulletin board!

Need some questing buddies?

If you are new to the sub, click here for our posting guidelines

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

From 342 lbs to 209 lbs. Just a little while longer.

Progress Pics

I started my journey a little over two years ago, back in October of 2017. We are now getting closer and closer to 2020, and I am almost there. I am getting closer and closer to my goal weight.

Before I started, I had a lot of wake-up calls. Health scare after health scare pushed me into losing weight. It's kind of a blessing in disguise. If none of those scares happened to me, then I would have stayed the way I was. Hell, I might have even continued to gain and gain until something serious actually did happen, and it was too late to make the lifestyle changes.

Although unfortunately, the first month or so of dieting was a crash. I ate too little and exercised vigorously. But the number on the scale was dropping, and I thought I was doing fine. But I had an incident one night where I almost collapsed/passed out. I went to the doctor and found out that there was nothing seriously wrong with me, so I must have pushed myself too hard.

Going into 2018, I kind of put my weight loss "on hold." I stopped really trying for a long time. At that point I was hovering around 300 lbs, down from my starting weight of 342. I was kind of maintaining and then switching back into diet mode when the numbers started to go up again. But I didn't get serious again until January 2019, when one reason and one reason only got me motivated into finishing this thing out again.

I wanted to be attractive.

It may not be the most conventional reason for wanting to lose weight, but I really wanted to experience the things I feel like I missed out on (if it was even possible.) Friends, family... everyone else around me seemed to have those experiences, and I wanted to feel what it was like - to be loved/desired by someone else for once in my life.

So at the beginning of the year, I learned about calorie counting. I downloaded MFP (then transitioned to Lose It!) and started losing weight the right way. I didn't crash diet. I didn't have to get rid of the foods that I loved, which is another reason I struggled so much with dieting in the past before. And it was working. I was sticking with it. The clothes started to fit better, the health problems started to go away. I didn't feel so uncomfortable all the time, and my confidence started going up because I am beginning to actually like what I see in the mirror instead of avoiding my reflection all the time. And at the end of November in 2019, I am now down 133 lbs!

And communities like this and /r/progresspics really helped keep me motivated to stick it all out until the very end. I really appreciate all of the stories everyone has shared over the years, and I am proud of each and every single one of you.

Just a little while longer. Here's to the last 20 or so pounds.

submitted by /u/FallenHarmonics
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

One of the best scales I've used to track my gains

I just wanted to share how amazing this scale I bought 6 months ago is. It is the Renpho ES 24M Smart Scale. As well as measuring weight, it also tracks other features like BMI, Visceral Fat and Metabolic age and more. It is all tracked on a smartphone app and you can see your progress over a span of a year. This has genuinely helped me and I would like to share it with you guys. I put in the link below so you can see its further specs but I really recommend this to help aid weight loss!

submitted by /u/KIDCARTI
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Medically supervised weight loss?

I have been overweight for most of my adult life. I’ve tried soooo many different exercise and diet regimens, but my binge eating takes over at the end every time. And I just can't seem to end the cycle.

Does anyone here have experience with medically supervised weight loss? I know there are a lot of different routes that I could take with this, but I’d like to be accountable and try some kind of appetite suppressant to change my habits. I think I need the help of a professional to change my lifestyle and reteach my eating and diet habits. I have a doctor in mind, and I'm going to make an appointment for a consultation. I'm just nervous that it will be a waste of money and nothing with change. TIA.

submitted by /u/jeanclaudevandamnnnn
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Whole life only about weight loss

Hey guys,

as the title suggests, I have been on and off eating healthily and sports for probably since I was 13 or so and I am so sick of it. I am so sick of promising myself not to touch any sweets starting (insert next day) because if I even nib on something I will binge 3-4k calories worth of sweets. I am sick of constantly telling everybody to please not pressure me as I am trying to lose weight, and them slowly starting to not believe me. I am sick of counting the calories perfectly for weeks to see minimal results and getting frustrated with myself and binge. I am sick of my face getting swolen and getting more self-conscience the more I gain weight.

I have never been this heavy before in my life, I always had a certain number that I would never cross even if I binged my life out but I crossed it. I lost my motivation even though all I really want in life is to be at my goal weight? It is so absurd. If I pushed through 3-4 months I would probably see amazing results but I am just so exhausted I can't make it past a week. I just want it all to stop, to never hear the word "dieting", "weight", "calories" etc ever again, to never step on a scale again, to never be sad when I even catch a glimpse of me in the mirror. I can't even buy me new clothes because I "will buy them when I reach my goal weight as I am on my weight loss rn and I don't want to waste money" or because if I desperately need clothes because my old ones got to small I get a mental breakdown at the mall. I am still relatively young so maybe this plays a part in how I feel (you know social media, mannequins in stores or how the majority of young girls are skinny in my area).

I am sorry for the long rant, I am just done with all of this and I am just "overweight" and it is "not that bad". I don't want to put down the mood as everyone makes great accomplishments that I am so proud and happy for! There was also a time in which I lost so much weight and was at my smallest, but I don't have the motivation to pull through even though I desperately need it to get my life, hell myself back. Maybe some of you can emphasize! Thank you for reading this through.

submitted by /u/germavus
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

My weight loss journey

I started working out at the beginning of September I was at around 230 pounds, I was getting long winded after walking up 2 flights of stairs. It was getting to the point where I even struggled getting up off the floor. I used to be skinny but I started eating out comfort after a bad break-in, moved got a new apartment and was paranoid about the guy who broke in on me coming after me. Long story short I eat unhealthy and rarely moved around and not doing physical activity, I stayed in my comfort zone just playing games and watching TV. But now that I began working out and changing my diet I'm down to 200 lbs and working towards my goal of 170 lbs.

submitted by /u/RogueReader223
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

NSV: stopped eating when I was full!

Y’all. No one irl will understand why this is such a big deal to me so I’m posting it here because I need to get it out.

Today I went to brunch with a friend. The place isn’t a chain so they aren’t required to have calories on the menu.. and they didn’t. Fine, not the end of the world.

I love waffles so I ordered one and it was and it was fucking delicious. MORE IMPORTANTLY I stopped eating when I was full. Not when I was stuffed...I stopped eating when I no longer felt hungry.

I left half that waffle behind. It sat in front of me on my plate for about 30 minutes while my friend finished her meal. I don’t think I’ve ever not finished my plate at a restaurant. Part of that is because I’m paying for it and feels wasteful (in more way than one) to throw out the rest. Or, if the person I’m with is still eating I’ll keep picking at my plate until they’re done.

I know this is how normal people eat all the time but I’m proud of myself. Knowing that I CAN do this makes me realize that I don’t have to isolate myself or stop socializing during my weight loss journey.

Thanks for reading :)

submitted by /u/rosegold_ari
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

30 Day Accountability Challenge - December Sign ups!

Hello lovely losers! Happy almost December!

A new month is starting which means a new Daily Accountability Challenge!

This is the sign up post to make your goals for the month.

There will be a daily post for you to post your progress on said goals.

At the end of the month, there will be a wrap up to talk about your general progress & how you feel about everything! If you miss the sign up post, you're always welcome to hop in, the waters fine! You can also read everyone else's progress & commiserate, congratulate & whatever else needs ating. Your goals can be weight loss or general health related, creative, self care or whatever else you need to focus your mental energy on. We try to foster a supportive place to chat about your successes & failures & what you've learned from both.

Leading by example, here are my goals, subject to mild tweaks as needed!

Weight by end of month (217 - 214 lbs, preferably trend weight): I’m going to be real with you folks, I will always aim for deficit but with all the life changes I’ve had in the last six months, I’m okay with maintaining this month. December is fraught with festivity & other less joyous things. I need to be compassionate to myself not just others.

Stay within calorie range: May or may not keep the day count on this. X/X days.

Exercise 5 days a week: Habitual but I always want to be chasing intensity & more strength. X/X days.

Limit purchased coffee drinks (3 a week), if exceeded, $25 donation: I feel like I should be working towards spending less money on coffees out but I also recognize that sometimes it’s one last indulgence I haven’t cut out. So this solution makes me feel balanced. X/13 allowed.

Self-care time (drawing, journaling, beauty treatments, anything that makes me feel taken care of):

Try a new recipe once a week: I like to add to my recipe book. X/5 weeks.

Finish The Body Keeps the Score: It’s kinda self-care too.

Note something jolly every damn day: Ho ho ho bitches. Get Grinched.

Your turn losers, tell us all about the month ahead for you!

submitted by /u/Mountainlioness404d
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Question: Hair loss

SW:208 GW:145 CW:150

I am nearing the end of my weight loss journey. I started last December at 208 and am now 150! While my body is starting to feel better, my hair is not. Closer to my 170 range I noticed my hair thinning a bit and asked my doctor and she said it was maybe from weight loss. I am feeling so unattractive about my hair currently and am at a loss of what to do. I am using Pura D'or Shampoo and Conditioner. I am not blow drying my hair or straightening it. I am taking a women's multivitamin (with biotin and collagen) as well. Will my hair go back to how it used to be? I don't know what else to do. T_T

TL;DR Hair is thinning will it grow back?

submitted by /u/Delafant
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

“What do you eat today?” Leave me alone.

Okay so I’m back home for break and I’ve saw a couple people I haven’t seen since I was fat as hell, and I get they just won’t shut up. I keep getting asked “What did you eat today” over and over like why do y’all care.. and one of them is always asking me, it’s so annoying.

The most annoying moment was when I was first asked this and I said a chimichanga covered with cheese and some chips (it was good as hell btw) and immediately here they come with “That isn’t healthy” “aren’t you supposed to be eating clean” “why would you eat that?” “Ooo omg wow” I just try to get them to understand I can eat what I want and losing weight and getting healthy doesn’t mean I have to go cold turkey on any type of junk food? I get annoyed really quickly and I snap back with so what tf did you eat today... but I get no response and the conversation quickly changes LMAO! The funniest/most annoying part is is that these people were all smaller than me before (since we’ve known each other) and then actually got big, it blows my mind they really think they have any room to worry about my eating choices. Mind y’all I do a 80/20 split AND since I’m on thanksgiving break I’ve decided to not even count calories just eat what I want but in moderation.

I get it, it’s different for them to see me this way because oh have the turntables... but geez I literally don’t give a shit about what they eat now or when I was heavy, all in all the weight loss process is a very interesting experience lol

Edit: If you got the reference at the end you’re amazing

submitted by /u/outofparadise
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Looking for exercises I can do to gradually lose weight.

I'm a 17 year old college student, still living at home. I've been slowly but surely changing my diet for the better by cutting out sugary drinks and junk food. In regards of regular diet, I'd say I'm getting better by the day. My current dilemma is the exercise I should be doing. Currently I walk an average of 3-6 hours 4 days a week. I don't get much time at home as I spend most of my time at college and I either get straight on Xbox or go to sleep once I get home. I'm looking for some exercises I can spend a bit doing before or after college that will help me with gradual weight loss.

If anybody could recommend or link some I'd appreciate it.

submitted by /u/Nacho_Escobar
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

First Day of my New Life


I'm starting my weight loss journey from today.

I started gaining weight when I was 16 and had my board exams - a chocolate a day for 25 days and junk food shot up by 8 kgs. After that constant stress in life and being called fat by family all the time (even though they thought this would motivate me to lose weight - it so did not - made me even more stressed) led me to just keep eating. Over the past years I have been gaining a couple kgs every year and reached 80 right now.

I have been having a lot of health issues especially digestive system so I got a lot of tests done after consulting a gastro - it's IBS caused due to so much stress and anxiety. And fatty liver - he said that I badly need to lose weight like right now.

I am someone who has spent the past 9 years depressed especially the last couple and as such have lost all the willpower and ability to follow through.

So I'm going to start small. Daily maintenance 1756 - I will first cut to 1500 and 10 mins of walking per day and increase from there.

I am hoping for support and accountability from this subreddit! I'm glad I found this place!

Thanks for reading!

submitted by /u/karishma_2020
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

thank you

i made a post a while ago (now deleted) about having an ed history and wanting to lose quite a significant amount of weight from a healthy bmi. many of you warned me about setting such lofty goals, so I ended up reducing my weight loss goal to something more realistic and tried to diet in an extremely healthy way without any VLCDs. unfortunately, I overestimated my ability to separate myself from the disorder, and spiraled- so I’m going inpatient soon. this isn’t so much a result of prolonged extremely unhealthy choices but more so of the fact that many years of an ed means that my body isn’t as resilient.

It would’ve been a lot worse if I’d never heard from all of you. Thanks for all being so supportive, and for looking out for everyone.

submitted by /u/yikelily
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Accountability: I saw that my projected goal date is June 13th 2020, exactly 2 years since I began my journey (6/13/2018). I have been putting away $30 a month to celebrate with a $700-750 weight loss tattoo when I reach my goal!

Hi everyone! Hope you're all having a good day 💝

I am a fan of tattoos; I have about 6 and want more. However, good quality and large tattoos are very expensive.

When I weighed in when I began my journey, I realized "Holy crap! All the money I used to spend binging on could be added together and saved for a tattoo!"

Then, when I weighed in today, I plugged in my stats into multiple weight loss sites and saw that my projected goal date, if I eat roughly the same amount of calories each day, will be exactly 2 years from when I started! 6/13/2020

I did the math and realized two years is 730 days. If I put aside $1 dollar every day (or $30 a month), I can afford a high quality $700-750 tattoo to remember my journey by!

I just wanted to share this with you all, and when I DO reach my goal weight in June (doesn't have to be EXACTLY on the 13th, but I will aim to reach it in that month), I will share my tattoo with you all!

submitted by /u/traumathrowawayacc
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Unflattering comments on Weight Loss

I've been working hard the last few months at trying to get healthier, and it's definitely paying off in terms of my self-image, self-confidence and overall feeling of health.

For the second time, I received an "are you losing weight?" comment, which was quite flattering, however, this coworkers first language isn't English. I know she meant to be kind and to compliment me, however, she went on to say "You're looking good! If you lose the weight, I think you'll look a lot sexier!"

It really took me aback for a moment. I'm not on this journey to look good for anyone but myself. I'm on it for health, longevity, for giving back to my body for all that it does for me, to be happier with myself, and to have long term goals to beat.

I know she had the best of intentions, but I really can't get her comment out of my head. I know she meant well, but I'd almost rather have nobody comment on my weight or my losses than have even one comment like this. ): It's definitely messing with my head a bit.

How do I move forward from this or get it out of my head?

submitted by /u/throoowawaaaayyy
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

What do you eat???

I have been lurking for a long time and really need to to start up a healthy and sustainable way of living.

I have realized that my biggest enemy in weight loss success is my lack of preparation. I have always had a bad habit of eating whenever I get really hungry and then I just crave the pizzas and whatever else. I want to have a set breakfast lunch and dinner I can prepare or partially prepare or the next day. My problem is I never feel like eating in the morning and I am not an oatmeal guy...

I am just wondering what the heck do you all eat for breakfast and lunch??? I am ok with finding different healthy dinners to eat, but I find it hard to know what to eat in the morning and what to take to work for lunch??

submitted by /u/Coach_GordonBombay
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Weight loss gets harder the more skinny you get.

So as some of you know I started out at 315lbs and now down to 172 (170 is my goal by Christmas) and I'm now learning a lesson in weight loss. It takes much longer with more effort to lose a few pounds when you are skinny.

When I was 300lbs or even when i was 220 a few pounds was nothing as i could lose that in a half a week but now it takes me 2+ weeks to lose 3lbs. I still think 170 by christmas is doable as i dont plan on stuffing my face with food (Thanksgiving was rough as not only did my family make a ton of food but so did my work).

Every pound is harder and harder to lose but will go back on with ease if I let it.

submitted by /u/SedimentSock82
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Day 1? Starting your weight loss journey on Saturday, 30 November 2019? Start here!

Today is your Day 1?

Welcome to r/Loseit!

So you aren’t sure of how to start? Don’t worry! “How do I get started?” is our most asked question. r/Loseit has helped our users lose over 1,000,000 recorded pounds and these are the steps that we’ve found most useful for getting started.

Why you’re overweight

Our bodies are amazing (yes, yours too!). In order to survive before supermarkets, we had to be able to store energy to get us through lean times, we store this energy as adipose fat tissue. If you put more energy into your body than it needs, it stores it, for (potential) later use. When you put in less than it needs, it uses the stored energy. The more energy you have stored, the more overweight you are. The trick is to get your body to use the stored energy, which can only be done if you give it less energy than it needs, consistently.

Before You Start

The very first step is calculating your calorie needs. You can do that HERE. This will give you an approximation of your calorie needs for the day. The next step is to figure how quickly you want to lose the fat. One pound of fat is equal to 3500 calories. So to lose 1 pound of fat per week you will need to consume 500 calories less than your TDEE (daily calorie needs from the link above). 750 calories less will result in 1.5 pounds and 1000 calories is an aggressive 2 pounds per week.


Here is where it begins to resemble work. The most efficient way to lose the weight you desire is to track your calorie intake. This has gotten much simpler over the years and today it can be done right from your smartphone or computer. r/loseit recommends an app like MyFitnessPal, Loseit! (unaffiliated), or Cronometer. Create an account and be honest with it about your current stats, activities, and goals. This is your tracker and no one else needs to see it so don’t cheat the numbers. You’ll find large user created databases that make logging and tracking your food and drinks easy with just the tap of the screen or the push of a button. We also highly recommend the use of a digital kitchen scale for accuracy. Knowing how much of what you're eating is more important than what you're eating. Why? This may explain it.

Creating Your Deficit

How do you create a deficit? This is up to you. r/loseit has a few recommendations but ultimately that decision is yours. There is no perfect diet for everyone. There is a perfect diet for you and you can create it. You can eat less of exactly what you eat now. If you like pizza you can have pizza. Have 2 slices instead of 4. You can try lower calorie replacements for calorie dense foods. Some of the communities favorites are cauliflower rice, zucchini noodles, spaghetti squash in place of their more calorie rich cousins. If it appeals to you an entire dietary change like Keto, Paleo, Vegetarian.

The most important thing to remember is that this selection of foods works for you. Sustainability is the key to long term weight management success. If you hate what you’re eating you won’t stick to it.


Is NOT mandatory. You can lose fat and create a deficit through diet alone. There is no requirement of exercise to lose weight.

It has it’s own benefits though. You will burn extra calories. Exercise is shown to be beneficial to mental health and creates an endorphin rush as well. It makes people feel awesome and has been linked to higher rates of long term success when physical activity is included in lifestyle changes.

Crawl, Walk, Run

It can seem like one needs to make a 180 degree course correction to find success. That isn’t necessarily true. Many of our users find that creating small initial changes that build a foundation allows them to progress forward in even, sustained, increments.


You will struggle. We have all struggled. This is natural. There is no tip or trick to get through this though. We encourage you to recognize why you are struggling and forgive yourself for whatever reason that may be. If you overindulged at your last meal that is ok. You can resolve to make the next meal better.

Do not let the pursuit of perfect get in the way of progress. We don’t need perfect. We just want better.

Additional resources

Now you’re ready to do this. Here are more details, that may help you refine your plan.

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Trouble with weight loss while eating at a deficit

So I'm 31F, 166cm/65kg (5'5, 143.3lb), started on September 15 at 75kg (165.3lb). I looked at myself in the mirror and decided it was ENOUGh.

I quit alcohol cold turkey, stopped eating anything even remotely fun (sugar, sweets, pizza, fried food, etc, you get the idea), kept under 1200 kcal every single day even if I worked out (hiking uphill, weight lifting), and even though on most days I lay wrapped in a blanket on the floor, bawling my eyes out because I wanted a cider and a pizza and a ton of cake, I never caved. Some days I even ate under 1000kcal. Not the safest or healthiest of weight loss but I was really really really determined to fit into smaller pants by the time my birthday rolled around and I managed to do it.

I dropped down to 63 kg (138.9 lbs) by November 11, and I couldn't have been happier. My old clothes fit again, my pants don't hurt anymore and I don't feel repulsed by what I see in the mirror.

BUT - then I had a sort of a breakdown mid november and went on a eating rampage which ended with me barfing up food in the middle of the night because I simply ate too much (if I could choose I wouldn't throw up but at that moment my body decided for me).

Since that day I kept under 1200 every single goddamn day and not only that I stopped losing weight, I even managed to crawl up to 65kg (143.3lb). I calculated my TDEE with several online calculators and all put me at around 1600kcal TDEE to maintain weight and at 1150 to lose weight, which I have been doing.

I log everything I eat into MFP. I weigh every single goddamn thing. I even weigh my lettuce and the oil I put on it, I weigh the butter I use to cook with and I weigh my meat raw. I even weigh my veggies and I don't use any condiments/sauces with hidden sugar. I use vinagrette on my lettuce. I drink my coffee black.

Now can someone please help me understand why THE HECK am I gaining weight ?! I wouldn't have minded if I have been eating properly these past 14 days but I remained in deficit and didn't eat any fun foods, only stupid white turkey meat and veggies and occasional rice, everything weighed and recorded, 95% of times I even overestimate just in case.

What is going on :( I am slowly losing the will to continue and it's making me miserable, especially since I get to watch my partner eat huge amounts of actual fun food and be skinny AF. It's just not fair. :(

Any advice would be welcome.

submitted by /u/Khalae
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Friday, November 29, 2019

I just accepted that my husband isnt at the same place I am with weight loss

I've really been dedicating myself over the past couple weeks to counting calories and being conscious about food. Took the day off for Thanksgiving to just enjoy, but it actually ended up bringing my estimated daily calories to 1500 which isnt bad at all! (Cutting is 1200, 5 foot sedentary F).

This morning I had cereal with milk and measured it while he had thanksgiving leftovers. I was eyeing the Tim Tams on the table and he encouraged me to have one to ease my way out of thanksgiving, and I ate it because hey, I can definitely fit that in. Went through the day eating normally, and then we went out. There was a special release at a brewery near me and we stopped in. I didnt really realize it at the time, should have been paying attention, but I drank about 20 oz of dark beer from all the tastings. We started talking about dinner and he asked how many calories I had left and I estimated around 500 but gestures at beer should probably go home and eat something light.

He waved his hand and said dont worry about the beer, it doesn't count. does. It really, really does. Went out to dinner, came home, and I'm drafting a gentle rule list for myself to keep myself accountable because he just isnt in the same place mentally that I am.

I do not have to eat the same meals as him and can make myself something different in my calorie goal.

Since dinner seems to be the culprit of sending me skyrocketing, if we go out, appetizer or salad as a general rule.

No alcohol, unless my cheat day at the end of the week has room to account for that.

Since healthy snacks throughout the day are what my body seems to enjoy, I'll keep the house stocked with them and send him to work with a "regular" lunch.

I don't have to eat if I am not hungry when he is and I dont have to eat as much. I need to listen to my body and my caloric needs rather than feel that I should be following his lead.

Pausing to say, this is completely reflective of my unhealthy relationship with food, not on our relationship. I'm bringing it up with my therapist and all that good stuff.

I also came up with a fun game to make calorie counting a little more fun. At the start of the day, I get 12 buttons, each representing 100 calories. When I eat 100 calories, button goes away. If I exercise and burn 100 calories, button comes back. At the end of the day, leftover buttons go into a "cheat" jar that I can dip into on cheat day to see what I have achieved that week and make a wiser decision about what I'm going to splurge on. I think the visual is really going to feel rewarding and encourage me to be more active to earn those buttons back!

submitted by /u/littlehummingbird91
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I want to do it the right way

I've been overweight since I can remember, but since the beginning of 2019, my mindset with my health and well-being changed. I lost about 40 lbs this year, going from the 180s to 140s in a span of few months through healthier eating, counting calories, working out, and fasting. I've tried to lose weight in the past, but this year was when I actually took it seriously. And I felt great! My self esteem and confidence has never been higher in my entire life in the beginning.

However, I slipped into disordered eating and body dysmorphia. I became obsessed with counting calories and restricting less than 1000 calories everyday while also working out 3-4 times a week. Losing weight and the feeling of control was I all I could think about everyday. I attempted purging several times. I felt like I had so much control over my life. I ended up in the ED Instagram community and subreddits. I felt miserable, but I also had so much control and power over my life.

My low restriction eventually backfired when I started binge eating in June. It wasn't that bad in summer, but since leaving for college, it got worse. I've been binge eating 3000+ calories 3-4 days a week, and I stopped going to the gym mid-September. There is a gym on campus, but I always felt humiliated working out there. I gained back about 6 pounds (I think?) and I don't want it to get any worse. I have perfectionist tendencies, so I either restrict or binge, which caused me to go through a binge-restrict cycle.

Anyways, I want to lose weight the right way. Thanksgiving just passed, and I just wanted to enjoy it. I definitely overate, but I'm okay with it. I ended up binging on leftovers today though, and I just wanted to type this to distract myself and maybe remind myself to keep a positive mindset with my weight loss journey. I also recently deleted my ED instagram account because it always put me in a toxic negative mindset.

I appreciate any tips and suggestions. Thanks for reading.

submitted by /u/cuttlefishdude
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Been trying to diet since I was 11... afraid of failing again

I was a heavy weight kid, always tried to diet and always failed. Last school year, I naturally lost like 20 when I got my first job. Was fine with that, was happy with my weight. (Probably 160, 5’2”) but randomly got a kick this summer and lost another 20. I’m 142 now, and have been for 3 months. Problem is, my goal weight is 115-120. I’ve been stagnant for months and am afraid I’ll stay this way. I was okay with my body until I started intentionally dieting, but since that I’ve been insecure again and am afraid I’ll never loose it and remain insecure. I’ve been going to the gym every morning, but my eating has been bad. Today I brought turkey to work, and decided I’m doing this. My coworkers knows I’m trying to loose weight, as well as my family. I’m just afraid I’ll fail once again. I really hope I don’t, and I’m really gonna try to stay on track like I did to loose the 20 pounds I did a few months ago. Anyone relate to this? I just wanna be done with this weight issue, done with just being “okay” with my body. I wanna do this once and for all but am afraid of failure. Just gotta never give up I guess, that’s what I tell myself. Just don’t give up. It’s not the ideal time frame, taking three months off and all, but I didn’t gain back! I usually do! So that helps ease my mind. The universe in on my side in a way.

TLDR; I’m scared of failing at weight loss again. Anyone can relate?

submitted by /u/b-puff
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NSV Don't underestimate how weight loss can help your PARTNER sleep better!

Hi everyone,

My girlfriend who I live with and I were watching a show last night and snoring came up and I jokingly said to her I don't snore right. We laughed and then a few moments later she then kinda made a cute guilty face and said "Actually you snore much noticeably less than you did a couple of months ago". This was pretty unexpected because I only thought of my own pros and cons with weight loss but it made me feel pretty good about it, as helping my partner sleep better is a great victory for me (I always fall asleep first!).

For reference I've lost about 35 pounds - 18 kgs over the last 3 months or so. I've achieved this mainly by IF - 2 days of under 600 calories a week and 5 normal days. As of a few weeks ago however I started calorie counting a most of non fasting days as I had started to develop a habit of overeating on those days and it was creating a plateau, I try to keep those days to 1800 calories or less, which for me is still according to MFP gonna lose 0.75 kgs a week if I did every day. I do however have a cheat day every Sunday for takeaway... Nachos tomorrow can't wait!

Anyway the moral of my story is you should all go and ask your partners if you snore less than before because it could make your day.

submitted by /u/molozon
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I have to admit to something, and I need your help [TRIGGER WARNING]

Hello guys.

I just found out today I've lost 40lbs. I started at 227 pounds and I'm now 190. My goal weight is 168 and it's only about 20lbs off. This is obviously fantastic and I am really happy about it, but there is one issue.

I'm bulimic.

I've struggled with it a little bit at times in the past but the past few weeks it's become a daily thing, several times a day. I'm starting to become addicted to it, and I have to admit it's become a problem that I'm having trouble stopping. I know this because I keep telling myself I will and then I do it again. I'm addicted to the weight loss but I'm also somewhat addicted to the routine of it all.

It didn't start out like this, and I'm pissed at myself it has ended up like this. But everyone is so proud of me for losing all this weight and they congratulate me all the time and I feel like I'm doing something productive for the most part. Even though this is bad, it's still better than the depression that came with being the size I was (to me.) I want to get better from this, but I don't want to go back there.

I've come to you guys because I'm really scared. I really need support from people who understand that I want to get better but also understand that losing weight is important to me.

I took a break from restricting today and had some halloumi and garlic bread. I'm sitting here now determined not to purge it and actually let my body have a break, a sort of way of me apologising to it for what I've put it through I guess. But I'm not going to lie I am absolutely freaking about about it and I'm really panicking about putting on weight again.

I'm really sorry, I have been active on pro ana forums thinking that I would feel less alone- but I don't belong there. I want to be here with you guys actually making good progress towards a positive self.

submitted by /u/makeyouultranumb
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Zucchini Pizza Bites with Garlic Basil Yogurt Dip

When you think of a healthy snack – do you picture pizza? Because you can. These Zucchini Pizza Bites with Garlic Basil Yogurt Dip combine the delicious flavors of pizza with wholesome ingredients, like California dairy. The result is a veggie packed pizza snack! You can make these two recipes together or enjoy them on […]

The post Zucchini Pizza Bites with Garlic Basil Yogurt Dip appeared first on Run Eat Repeat.

from Run Eat Repeat

My weight loss journey, trying to figure out my best course of action to lose the weight

So I had some serious medical issues that caused me to gain weight over the years and then a solid 20 lbs in the few months that I was near death. I'm finally in a place where I can start to work on losing all the weight I need to. I've been slowly working up my endurance by exercising and living normally, this made me lose 0 weight which was surprising to me. When I gained the weight I was eating like probably 3000 calories a day, i thought exercising a bit and eating my normal 1500 calories would help me lose some weight, but it really did nothing. After about 2 months of that I tried intermittent fasting and it worked but very slowly i lost about 4 or 5 pounds from that after a month but it really messed me up emotionally and my period so i decided to not continue down that path, especially after everyone in my family and my boyfriend telling me not to do that anymore. So since I had that outburst I've been eating fairly regularly and healthy about 1200 calories a day with a few cheat days but i know i put back the weight i lost.... i also started my first job in over a year which is a fast food job where I'm moving and walking my entire shift (i won't be eating the food there). I want to continue my weight loss journey, but working this job really hurts my body, I'm so sore after my shifts... I feel like I need to take some time to get used to this job then I can start focusing on my weight loss more again. I'm 5'2 21 years old and around 180-185 lbs (have been scared to weigh myself) I started at 188 lbs. I hope to get down to around 125-135 lbs within a year or 2, I really hate being overweight and hope to persue a career in music which looks are important in. My appearance is extremely important to me and I am willing to do almost anything to lose the weight, I was always extremely athletic and in incredible shape before I developed extreme health issues. I won't develop an eating disorder which I've had bulimia and probably body dysmorphia in my early teens. I guess I'm saying this to say that I have no problem working out or being miserable to get to where I want to be, I know that you have to suffer to see results, beauty is pain or whatever. What do you think I should do??? Maybe some of you have been in a similar spot and know some ways to deal with my issues lol! I mean I know some of this can sound bad but I guess you have to just trust me that I'll go about this in a healthy way, I have only purged like a couple times over about 7 years so I won't go the unhealthy route but I would not be opposed to going an extreme route in a healthy way. I have a very strong will when I have a goal and will work hard to reach my goals.

submitted by /u/anonhotty36
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Looking to get restarted on my weight loss.

A couple of years ago, I started to lose weight and was really happy about it and the way things in my life were going.... Then it all went south. I ended up in the hospital for a medical issue and was there for a month. Once out of there, I spent another 4 or 5 months on leave from work and now have some physical disability when it comes to walking and balance. Just a couple of weeks after getting the ok to return to work, my wife ended up informing me that she wanted a divorce (she never really gave me a reason as to why, at least not one that made sense.) Anyways, over the last 2 years, I haven't been able to keep myself motivated and focused on my weight loss goals with all of this on my mind. At the time, my biggest reason for wanting to lose weight was to be able to be a father and be active with children that we were hoping to have one day. That hope is now gone and with being in my 40's now, I don't really see that in my future anymore so the weight loss had lost importance to me for a long time.

I am now more and more wanting to get back to the weight loss but I keep trying and then go off my path. I am looking for tips of ways to keep focused on my goals, because it is still very hard for me to look at weight loss and a longer life as being something good. What might you be able to suggest to help me keep my focus?

submitted by /u/Mymindisgone217
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Keeping it up through Thanksgiving trip

I felt great showing off my slimmer figure at Thanksgiving yesterday. I indulged in a little too much pumpkin pie last night to the point of a stomach ache lol, but I woke up early to hit a spin class in my parent’s area.

I don’t want last night’s minor setback to completely derail the hard work I’ve been putting in for months and months. People who I’m vacationing with are really into the whole “let’s over-drink and over-eat and self-loath together” attitude. Usually I follow suit and go along with the group mentality, but I refuse to let myself down like that this year.

I want to walk away from my trip out of town feeling invigorated and one step further along in my weight loss journey. Wish me luck!

submitted by /u/itslalasworld
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Starting my journey now!

I (20M) am starting my weight loss journey right now. I wasn’t overweight as a child but got heavier and heavier from 13 onwards and at this point I weigh 125kg. A lot of people act surprised when they hear that number if the topic arises, I’m not sure if it’s out of politeness or if it’s because I’m fairly tall so I carry it better than some? (6ft)

Anyway, I’ve been telling myself I’d lose weight for months but never actually committed to it for more than a couple of days, and old habits would sink back in. Last week I decided I’d just had enough of being overweight and went online to calculate my TDEE (2,754 I believe). After this I’ve counted absolutely everything that I’ve eaten and drank, and I’ve manage to keep it under 1,800 every day, feeling proud of myself! I’m not sure how to figure out how much weight I’d lose in a month/year eating at this deficit, could anybody point me in the right direction? I’d love to weigh 90kg one day but I understand that’s a long way away!

submitted by /u/GrapefruitRain
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Unsolicited advice

I have been trying to lose weight for a while on my own, but after almost a year was only down 15 lbs. I have a lot of weight to lose and this wasn't even noticable.

I started going to a doctor specializing in weight loss in October. She had encouraged me to tell friends and family for support. I was hesitant but finally caved yesterday.

Well it went as I expected. Despite losing almost 20 lbs since October, I was told that I didn't need to go to a doctor, that I shouldn't be taking Phentermine, that the food she had me eating was not necessary.

Today I'm trying to ignore their voices in my head and get back on track mentally.

I understand that people just get excited and want to share but well meaning comments like these have derailed me in past attempts to lose weight.

It has helped to type this out. And at least I can tell my doc I told you so next weigh in, lol.

submitted by /u/SJExit4
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

3 Recipes to Repurpose Your Leftovers

If you’re anything like us, you’ve got a fridge full of leftovers that could last you till next Thanksgiving. Keep things interesting (and healthy) with these three simple recipes that combine a few holiday staples to create all new dishes you’ll love.

1. Thanksgiving Leftover Casserole

Thanksgiving Leftover Casserole
This Thanksgiving Leftover Casserole is a delicious and healthy hodge-podge of all your favorite leftovers.

2. Thanksgiving Breakfast Cups

Use your leftover mashed potatoes and a few simple ingredients to create these delicious Thanksgiving Breakfast Cups.

3. Turkey Cranberry Salad

This Turkey Cranberry Salad combines all the finest flavors of fall. The best part? It’s totally guilt-free!

The post 3 Recipes to Repurpose Your Leftovers appeared first on The Leaf.

from The Leaf

Weight loss plateau but not sure why

I've been losing weight consistently for the last two months and I'm currently down 22 pounds and pretty close to my healthy weight range, but in those two months there have been times where for several days my weight would not move a single pound regardless of how little I ate, and then after that few day period, it would start to go down again.

According to myfitnesspal I am allowed to consume a maximum of 1660 calories to lose 2.2 pounds per week and based on my inputs, in the last 4 days I have intentionally only consumed around 550 - 800 calories with very few carbs and on top of that I've been doing light cardio regularly for 30 minutes a day which apparently burns between 110 - 150 calories per session. I ate 1 meal a day during those 4 days and had no sugary snacks at all. I didn't eat anything late at night or very early in the morning and I think that I have at least been slightly active so I can't figure out why this happens every now and then.

My weight has remained at exactly 184 pounds in the last 4 days and I know for a fact that I am eating well because I haven't consumed much.

My sleep schedule has been very good recently and I've also tested my scale, replaced its batteries and made sure that the surface it is on is even so I don't think that there is anything wrong with the scale itself.

I just can't understand why this happens sometimes unless there is something that I am missing but even I am extremely impressed with how I've managed to remain very consistent on my diet so this is just very strange because I know for a fact that in a day or two when I weigh myself I'll be lower than 184 pounds. Does anyone know if there's any way to get over these plateaus quicker or how to prevent them all together? I'd appreciate any insight because this gets a bit frustrating due to the effort I'm constantly putting in to lose weight. Thanks

submitted by /u/Wwdringer66
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

How to eat more fruit and vegetables?

Okay, I know the title of this post must sound really stupid and the answer is very obvious but there is a bit of context that will explain what I mean slightly.

I'm 19, around 218 lbs down from 295 lbs as of this year. My approach to weight loss has been entirely CICO. I don't have meal plans, set times to eat or food I'm not allowed. This has meant my progress has been quick and easy to maintain but I'm still not living my healthiest life which is important.

I've barely ate fruit and vegetables over my life, I was always eating processed food. I've been trying to make an effort to eat more of them now but I just don't seem to enjoy many of them. Should I just try to stomach then even if I dislike them or are there techniques for incorporating them into your meals for those who don't like them? Any tips or tricks are appreciated!

submitted by /u/chrisd848
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Day 1? Starting your weight loss journey on Friday, 29 November 2019? Start here!

Today is your Day 1?

Welcome to r/Loseit!

So you aren’t sure of how to start? Don’t worry! “How do I get started?” is our most asked question. r/Loseit has helped our users lose over 1,000,000 recorded pounds and these are the steps that we’ve found most useful for getting started.

Why you’re overweight

Our bodies are amazing (yes, yours too!). In order to survive before supermarkets, we had to be able to store energy to get us through lean times, we store this energy as adipose fat tissue. If you put more energy into your body than it needs, it stores it, for (potential) later use. When you put in less than it needs, it uses the stored energy. The more energy you have stored, the more overweight you are. The trick is to get your body to use the stored energy, which can only be done if you give it less energy than it needs, consistently.

Before You Start

The very first step is calculating your calorie needs. You can do that HERE. This will give you an approximation of your calorie needs for the day. The next step is to figure how quickly you want to lose the fat. One pound of fat is equal to 3500 calories. So to lose 1 pound of fat per week you will need to consume 500 calories less than your TDEE (daily calorie needs from the link above). 750 calories less will result in 1.5 pounds and 1000 calories is an aggressive 2 pounds per week.


Here is where it begins to resemble work. The most efficient way to lose the weight you desire is to track your calorie intake. This has gotten much simpler over the years and today it can be done right from your smartphone or computer. r/loseit recommends an app like MyFitnessPal, Loseit! (unaffiliated), or Cronometer. Create an account and be honest with it about your current stats, activities, and goals. This is your tracker and no one else needs to see it so don’t cheat the numbers. You’ll find large user created databases that make logging and tracking your food and drinks easy with just the tap of the screen or the push of a button. We also highly recommend the use of a digital kitchen scale for accuracy. Knowing how much of what you're eating is more important than what you're eating. Why? This may explain it.

Creating Your Deficit

How do you create a deficit? This is up to you. r/loseit has a few recommendations but ultimately that decision is yours. There is no perfect diet for everyone. There is a perfect diet for you and you can create it. You can eat less of exactly what you eat now. If you like pizza you can have pizza. Have 2 slices instead of 4. You can try lower calorie replacements for calorie dense foods. Some of the communities favorites are cauliflower rice, zucchini noodles, spaghetti squash in place of their more calorie rich cousins. If it appeals to you an entire dietary change like Keto, Paleo, Vegetarian.

The most important thing to remember is that this selection of foods works for you. Sustainability is the key to long term weight management success. If you hate what you’re eating you won’t stick to it.


Is NOT mandatory. You can lose fat and create a deficit through diet alone. There is no requirement of exercise to lose weight.

It has it’s own benefits though. You will burn extra calories. Exercise is shown to be beneficial to mental health and creates an endorphin rush as well. It makes people feel awesome and has been linked to higher rates of long term success when physical activity is included in lifestyle changes.

Crawl, Walk, Run

It can seem like one needs to make a 180 degree course correction to find success. That isn’t necessarily true. Many of our users find that creating small initial changes that build a foundation allows them to progress forward in even, sustained, increments.


You will struggle. We have all struggled. This is natural. There is no tip or trick to get through this though. We encourage you to recognize why you are struggling and forgive yourself for whatever reason that may be. If you overindulged at your last meal that is ok. You can resolve to make the next meal better.

Do not let the pursuit of perfect get in the way of progress. We don’t need perfect. We just want better.

Additional resources

Now you’re ready to do this. Here are more details, that may help you refine your plan.

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Weight loss while travelling

Hi everyone! Long time lurker, first time poster.

I need some advice. My partner and I are going on an extended (1 year +) camping trip around our home country next year. We’ve saved some cash, quit our jobs and are almost ready to leave. However, there’s one tiny problem. I’m not sure how to approach weight loss while travelling.

At present, I’ve been tracking my calories and weighing myself daily for about 3 months. I’ve lost just over 8kg (18lbs). My goal weight is 10kg (22lbs) away.

I want to keep up my weight loss (and hopefully begin maintenance) during our trip. I’ll have full control over what I eat (we’ll be making almost all of our meals due to being on a tight budget) and will continue to eat well and track calories as best I can.

But I won’t be able to weigh myself daily. Most of the time we’ll be staying in remote campgrounds without a flat surface. We’ll be sleeping in a tent and really “roughing it”. I’m not even sure if I even can/should take my bathroom scale. But I’m worried that without weighing myself everyday, I’ll begin to slip back into old habits.

Advice? Experience? Tips?

Would it be crazy to take my bathroom scale and weigh myself when I have the opportunity? Or will the inconsistencies caused by where the scale is placed have too much of an impact for this to be effective? How can I continue, and eventually maintain, my weight loss while living on the road for a whole year?

Help me reddit!

submitted by /u/mysticstrawberry
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Thursday, November 28, 2019

Moderation as a learned behavior or skill

I'm sure that most everybody here has heard someone say "you can eat whatever you want, so long as its within moderation", which in my experience in my weight loss journey, I have been able to eat my favorite foods in moderation and lose weight because of it. However on the flipside, I have also heard it said that the "everything in moderation" argument is a very dangerous argument and is non-conducive if not flat-out prohibitive of weight loss.

While I don't agree that "everything in moderation" is prohibitive of weight loss or health in general, I also understand that with those who suffer from BED/food addiction, it can be a very dangerous and/or triggering statement that can lead to binges or relapses.

Which is why I wonder, can moderation be a learned behavior for someone struggling with their weight? In my experience, I've noticed that if I'm making sure that I log everything I eat into either Lose It or the Fitbit app, I start eating less or making different food choices or increasing my activity to burn off the extra calories. So in my case, that's how I learned to eat things in moderation, especially foods that aren't very healthy for you that I love.

submitted by /u/xboxfan34
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Free weight loss motivation App

Hi LoseIt, here is an App. It's free. No in-app purchases or anything sneaky.

Check it out here: or read on for more info:

I'm at the tail end of a PhD on turning motivation into action in a consistent, sustainable way. This approach works extremely well for people who stick with it for a minimum of 2 weeks in a research context. This app is a culmination of that research applied in the 'real world'.

I don't have the money to make it look super-sexy-slick, so please don't judge it on that. I promise it's legit.

Apologies admins if this is against the rules. Please feel free to remove.

Edit: This is the first place I came to 'get it out there', so I'd really love to read any feedback you have on the website or app below!

submitted by /u/ContemplateApp
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Demotivated by any weight loss?

Hi, thanks for taking the time to read my post! TL;DR: if I lose the slightest amount of weight, I lose all motivation. How to override?

I'm a college student, and I've been struggling struggling to lose weight on and off since I was 13. Right now, I have a 61 day streak on Loseit, and that's the only thing I've got going for me, as my daily average is around 2000 cals(coming down after a binge week where I was eating 3000 calories most days). I do intermittent fasting (noon to undefined night time, usually before 10pm)

I know I have problems with yo-yo ing in terms of diet. My goal (soft) is about 1400 cal per day, and my weight goal is 155 (threshold for normal weight). I don't log extremely accurately, as I'm afraid it'll make me want to quit altogether (e.g, not logging frozen mango I eat at night to keep from going to the vending machines nearby). I weigh myself approximately once a week, and have experimented with weighing twice a day or once a day as well.

Anyways, occasionally, I actually lose weight on these weight loss adventures of mine. The problem is, any time I get under about 162 lbs, I just lose all my motivation to continue, and end up eating more. This isn't great, as my set weight (weight I keep returning to, recently down from 172 since the summer) is 164. If I could make it to 155, I would cry. My question is, how do I stop being so demotivated by weight loss?

Not sure if I actually gave any helpful information in that, but thanks again for reading!

submitted by /u/Piesarentsquare
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Snacking problems and how to manage from a high weight


I've been lurking for a while, I've been finding skimming through and just seeing all these posts everyday reminds me of what I'm working on. I've done a lot to improve my main meals health wise, but I'm left with a problem which is snacking.

Very quickly a light snack, often starting good like a banana quickly develops into just too much. And I'm less than 15 steps to my local convenience store, so even if I'm sensible and have nothing stocked in my home, it's nothing to change that basically.

Using , it puts my calorie requirements at Maintain 4,111 Mild weight loss 3,861 Weight loss 3,611 Extreme weight loss 3,111 (I'm a big lad, 188cm, 196kg, I'm sure a lot of people would dream of 3k a day for extreme weight loss)

If I put my stats and daily meals into myfitnesspal, (target 3350 a day), my planned meals are taking up between 1800-2100.

This is more a realization in typing this, but is my problem actually that my "planned meals" are only just half of my maintain? Should I basically be planning a 4th meal to mitigate this?

Those who've come from high numbers, and worked their way down, any advice here?

submitted by /u/link6616
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

That time I thought my hip bones were going to kill me

A few months ago, a little into my weight loss, I felt something strange on my stomach. About half way in on both sides, there was a strange, solid mass.

I got a little freaked out, told my husband, who said to monitor it. So I did. The mass never seemed to grow or hurt, so I guess I just got used to it, figuring it was some really bad bloating.

Cue to today, 70+lbs down. I'm getting dressed and accidentally bump my hip. I touch my hip bone, then have a moment of realisation.

At my heaviest weight, my hips were about 10 inches bigger. My 'hips' weren't actually where my hip bones were. Nope, they were further in.

Basically, I started losing weight, felt strange bumps and monitored my own hip bones for weeks because I didn't realise what they were.

Of course I get it now and feel especially stupid, but it really tickled me this morning when I realised what I'd done. In my defence, I haven't had visible bones in years! There was a similar instance where I felt something weird, luckily I was able to recognise my collarbone without too much trouble lol.

Do you have any funny weight loss stories? Pleasr share!!

submitted by /u/Dominoodles
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Hormonal imbalance and weight loss

I’ve had PCOS with insulin resistance since I was 13. I’m now 28 and weight has always been an issue. I’m literally incapable of keeping a steady weight. I recently had blood work drawn and found out my thyroid and testosterone levels are all out of wack along with my cholesterol and triglycerides being sky high. She recommended a Mediterranean style diet and to keep exercising 2-4 times a week. It’s been about a month and I’ve lost a few pounds, which is great, but I feel exhausted. I’m eating a balanced diet of mostly lean protein and veggies, but still feel like I could fall asleep at any minute.

Has anyone else experienced this? Is there just some kind of adjustment period or what? My diet beforehand wasn’t terrible, but there was room for improvement. Any advice appreciated because I can’t deal with being so darn tired all the time.

submitted by /u/dimple_cheeks
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Lookin' 4 a buddy!

Hi everybody! I should start a period of weight loss (20kgs more or less) but I am lacking motivation.

For this reason, I am considering finding a "buddy", someone else, possibly of my age (20-25, but not necessarily), which is in a similar condition to support each other on a daily basis (more or less frequent is also fine, we can arrange the best solution for both). I am a serious person, I hate scams, so I don't want, and I don't do (1) money requests (2) being pushy asking for personal information (3) creepy "romantic" (or worse) stuff.

Just a friendly, supportive, shameless method to lose weight together. I am not English mother tongue so I would also like to leverage this opportunity to refine my English. Let me know if anyone is interested!

(This account is new because the one I normally use is known to my friends and I didn't want them to know).

submitted by /u/rsmvf
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Eating less the next day after eating too much the day before?

Sorry if the title's confusing but basically I'm a 21 year old, 170lb male who goes to the gym 2-3 times a week and have been on a calorie deficit for about 4 months now. I was around 195lb in August and have mainly stuck to a calorie deficit of about 1,000 calories / day in order to lose 1-2 lbs / week. I used this site to calculate how much I should be eating. It said my maintenance TDEE is ~2,700 so I have been eating at about 1,700 calories daily to maintain that approximate 1-2 lb weight loss / week.

My question is if I eat over my 1,700 calorie limit on a day but I eat that amount less the next day, would I still be losing the same amount of weight at the end of the week? For example, if I eat a little extra on Wednesday around 2,200 calories, would I be able to balance that out by eating only 1,200 calories on Thursday? Or, because I ate too much on Wednesday, the damage has already been done so eating too little the next day won't help?

submitted by /u/csusboy123
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

What I'm thankful for this year.

Hi! I'm currently on my own weight loss journey. Today I would like to talk about my eldest brother.

Since he was married almost 20 years ago he has been gaining weight. I'm not even sure at his heaviest what he weighed. If I had to guess 300+lbs. It really scared me. I was always worried for him and his health. He tried working out and many diets. He'd lose a little but quickly gain it back.

About a month ago I saw him for the first time in two months. He was half his size! I couldn't believe it. He has been using WW (I am not advocating WW). I'm absolutely shocked and so very proud. He's doing it. He looks amazing.

This year I'm thankful for my brother and his better health. To everyone today that is seeing family today just know we notice! We are proud of you! Good luck today!!

submitted by /u/SJaneZippy
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

23 Tips for a Healthier Thanksgiving

Ready or not, here they come…

In case you’ve missed the glaring lights and blaring commercials, it’s official… the holidays are upon us. And Thanksgiving, with all of its food-based traditions, promises to put your weight loss willpower to the test.

According to research from the Calorie Control Council, a typical traditional Thanksgiving dinner can clock in at 3,000 calories. Add to that apps and drinks, and you’ve got yourself a 4,500 calorie meal—that’s more than two times the average daily intake. This same source reports that the average Thanksgiving enthusiast may fill up on close to 230 grams of fat—the fat equivalent of three sticks of butter.

But with a little planning, you can make it through Thanksgiving without putting on more stuffing. Check out these 23 simple strategies sure to help keep the “trim” in your turkey day:

1. Don’t skip breakfast
Don’t “save space” for dinner. We all know what happens when we don’t eat all day—we become ravenous and are more likely to gobble up everything in sight. Plus, when it comes to weight loss, the old adage that breakfast is the most important meal of the day may very well hold true. In a study in the journal Obesity, overweight people who were dieting and ate more calories for breakfast than dinner lost more weight compared with subjects who ate larger evening meals. Make sure to opt for a morning meal that’s high in protein like an egg white veggie omelet or non-fat Greek yogurt with fresh fruit—this will help keep you feeling fuller as you head into the potential diet dark hole that is Thanksgiving dinner.

2. Work in a workout
Be sure to get a good sweat session in before you dive in to dinner. A study published in 2009 in the American Journal of Physiology revealed that vigorous exercise may suppress a key hunger hormone for up to 30 minutes after workouts and can increase the levels of an appetite-suppressing hormone for as long as three hours after exercise. Not convinced? Get this: A 2013 study published in the journal Neuroreport revealed that participants who exercised craved healthier foods, like fiber-rich beans and veggies rather than those packed with refined sugar (think cookies and cakes). The researchers discovered that physical exercise may be linked to reduced activity in the food-responsive reward regions in the brain which, in turn, are linked to a reduced preference for unhealthy high-calorie foods.

3. Don’t pick as you prep
A tiny taste here, a tiny taste there. Before you know it, you’ve consumed a meal’s worth of calories. You don’t normally pick all day long, right? So don’t start now. Eat your regular meals at your regularly scheduled times and limit your splurges to small selections at dinner time. Your waistline will thank you.

4. Bring a helping of healthy
Volunteer to bring a side of roasted veggies, fresh salad or fruit tray, so that if all else fails, you’ve got one healthy option to pile on your plate! Try these delicious Brussels Sprouts with Apple—they’re simple to make and totally guilt-free.

5. Drink water before and during your meal
In a study published in 2015 in the journal Obesity (Silver Springs), participants who drank 500 milliliters of water 30 minutes before a meal lost more weight than those who did not drink up prior to chowing down. But don’t limit your liquids to the time before your meal. Sip water throughout your Thanksgiving meals to keep you feeling fuller and slow down your gobbling.

6. Nix the rolls
Pass on the bread bowl and you could save yourself anywhere from 100 to 200 calories, plus the 100 calories in the butter you would have slathered all over it. With so much food at your disposal, we doubt you’ll even miss it.

7. Use a smaller plate
A study published in 2015 in the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews revealed that when people—even the health conscious—were given larger plates, they consistently consumed more food than those using smaller plates. The same held true for non-alcoholic beverages consumption—the larger the glass, the bigger the gulps. Opt for a smaller plate at dinner and chances are good you’ll stick to smaller portions.

8. Veg out

Time and again research confirms that high-fiber foods, which provide volume in the body and take longer to digest, help you feel full longer—on fewer calories. Help yourself to high-fiber foods like fruits and veggies, whole grains and bean dishes. Just don’t fall for dishes drenched in butter or creamy sauces, which can be loaded with calories and fat.

9. Fine-tune your turkey selection
For many, it just wouldn’t be Thanksgiving without the taste of turkey. Just make sure to opt for white meat, and don’t eat the skin. With this simple swap, you could save 7 grams of fat and over 50 calories (for a serving size that’s roughly equivalent to a deck of cards). Might not sound like a lot, but tiny trimmings like these can pile up quickly.

10. Put your fork down between bites
Based on a study published in 2014 in the Journal of Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, increasing the number of chews during meals can extend the duration of those meals, reduce the speed at which people eat, and lead to less food consumed. Make an effort to put down your fork and chew your food several times before diving in to your next bite. Bonus: You’ll actually taste all of those fabulous flavors when you slow down!

11. Be a ‘Chatty Cathy’
The more you talk, the slower you’ll eat. The slower you eat, the better the chances of your body signaling it is full before you overeat. See #10.

12. Be mindful of extras
Between the gravy, butter and creamy dressings, Thanksgiving add-ons can be total fat traps. Try seasoning your food with spices and herbs, and opt for vinegar-based dressings.

13. Don’t drink your calories
A 12-ounce bottle of pumpkin beer is somewhere in the 200 calorie range. A five ounce glass of spiced apple wine can clock in at 271 calories. Think you’ll save tons of calories avoiding alcohol? Not exactly. A 16-ounce glass of apple cider can cost you almost 230 calories. Wash down your meal with water (see #5), sparkling water, tea or coffee instead and your waistline will thank you.

14. Step away from the table
Once you’ve eaten a normal-sized dinner, kindly remove yourself from the table so you don’t start mindlessly munching. Head to another room in the house or better yet, engage in some good old fashioned family fun (see #15 and #16!).

15. Start an active tradition
Holidays are all about traditions, right? Start a new ritual, like a family football game or a group stroll around the neighborhood. Studies have shown that going for a walk instead of hitting the couch, about 15 minutes after a meal may improve digestion and blood sugar control, and will burn some extra calories. Plus, stepping away from the table for a bit may save you from diving into another pile of potatoes.

16. Focus on the fun
Take the focus off of food and put it back where it belongs—on spending quality time with your loved ones. Bring board games or DVDs. Share in a few rounds of post-dinner charades. Or gather up the troops and hit the local soup kitchen to help serve dinner to the less fortunate. Forget the food—there’s fun to be had!

17. Wait 20 minutes before even considering seconds
Stick to this rule of thumb: If you’re still hungry after 20 minutes (the commonly accepted amount of time it takes for your stomach to send your brain the “I’m stuffed” signal), you can go back for seconds.

18. Ask the hard questions before heading back for more
Before hitting the buffet for a second round, ask yourself if you’re really hungry. Sometimes just seeing a large spread can make us eat more. In fact, in a study published in 2005 in the Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior, when moviegoers were provided stale popcorn in big buckets, they ate 34 percent more than those given the same stale popcorn in smaller tubs. In the case of fresh popcorn, those given large tubs ate almost 50 percent more than those given medium-sized buckets. If you aren’t just being thrown off by a sizable spread, ask yourself: If I could have seconds of just one dish, which would it be? Then opt for that option only.

19. Skip seconds if you plan on doing dessert
Survey the food scene before you dive in for seconds, and map out a strategy. If grandma’s rhubarb pie is on your radar, don’t stuff your face with more stuffing. If you yearn for candy yams year-round, don’t get chummy with the crumb cake. Decide on one or two indulgences you’d like to try ahead of time, and don’t eat everything in sight before you get to them.

20. Don’t be guilted into gobbling
While it’s nice that aunt so-and-so brought her world-famous pie, that doesn’t mean you have to eat it. If you’re going to enjoy foods you might normally avoid, make sure you do the picking. Feel uncomfortable refusing? Tell your aunt you’re too stuffed but you’ll take it to-go. If you’re lucky, she’ll forget, if you’re not so lucky and she piles on the pie, give a loved one your leftovers.

21. Fill up on fruit for dessert
Remember how we told you to bring healthier dishes (see #4)? A fruit tray is a great option. That way, when everyone else is pigging out on apple pie, you can enjoy some fresh apple slices with a sprinkle of cinnamon.

22. Leave the leftovers
If you can get away with it, leave the doggy bag for the other diners. While one day of indulging won’t destroy your diet, several in a row certainly can. Pass on the extra potatoes and remove all temptation tomorrow.

23. Don’t miss the point–family!
We bet that this time next year you won’t even be able to recall what exactly you ate at Thanksgiving this year. The taste of dessert is fleeting; memories with your family are forever. Take this time, when there is no work or school or real life to worry about, and enjoy the time you have with your loved ones. Cherish the company, not the food.

The post 23 Tips for a Healthier Thanksgiving appeared first on The Leaf.

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