Monday, November 4, 2019

Breastfeeding and Weight Loss

From everything I heard before, when I stopped nursing my child, I should have lost weight. I nursed my daughter until she was 18 months and got pregnant with my son right after. My son is now 16 months and I am weaning him off breastfeeding. At this point, I haven't nursed him in 3 days so it is safe to safe that he is done.

However, what I saw is that I have gained 5lb this week! When I was nursing my son, I was eating 1650 calories/day per my nutritionist and lactation consultant. Now that I am no longer nursing, I have decreased that by 300 calories. What I have found is that although I don't physically need that 300 calories, I CRAVE it since that is what my body has been used to consuming for the past 6 months. Yesterday was especially hard for me to maintain that as Sundays I have a very intense workout. Combine that with the abundance of candy around the house from Halloween and my lack of self control and I had a little binge late at night.

Any tips for adjusting to this new caloric intake? Words of advice? Personal experience? Give me all of it!

submitted by /u/tortsy
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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