Wednesday, July 15, 2020

My story: slow and steady weightloss

26 CW:205 SW: 300 6'1" M

I've been a member of this group for years, and in that time I've seen lots of different methods and suggestions on how to get my eating habits in order. My own journey involved mainly food changes, and that's the story I'll be talking about here.

In 2014, I decided that my weight needed to get under control for me to live my life to the fullest.

I started at 300 lbs 6'1" Male. While in college, I was moving more and naturally eating less than HS and got down to 280 without much hassle.

When I graduated, I decided it was finally time to learn more about weight loss. That's when I first found Keto. Keto helped me immensely in 2 major ways. I basically "detoxed" from sugar and actually felt real hunger again, and I learned about how to cook for myself. Was only able to stick with keto for 2 months at a time, was getting horrible keto rash, but that time away from carbs opened me up to a much more balanced style of eating. After 6 months on and off keto, I made it down to 250 and stayed there for over a year.

At that point I was naturally eating low carb, and was cooking alot more veggies and lean meat. Definitely still eating a fair amount of fast food as a broke postgrad, but happier than I'd been with my body in years.

TRIGGER WARNING;depression and anxiety I actually started to fall into a deep depression in 2016, and while it was CERTAINLY not healthy and I would never advise it, I knocked off another 20 lbs to 230 in a year or two of fighting my depressive demons. That period was rough for alot of reasons, and even though I was "lighter" I felt like shit and super weak and had no motivation. Didn't help that people were starting to notice my weight loss and congratulated me on basically not eating. Please don't use my story as a basis for how to handle your weight loss or depression, I'm just giving the story of my failures and successes.

As I started to get a handle on my mental health, I decided to go get a grad degree, which took me out of the destructive mode I was in and I began healing emotionally and mentally. I traveled across the country for school, and ended up in a city where walking and trains were a must, and honestly was the best turn in my health I can remember. I felt my body waking back up, and my appetite returned with a fury. I actually GAINED about 10 lbs when I first moved through basically building basic muscle and eating properly and I felt GREAT.

Now that I was back in decent health, I took another plunge into weight loss, this time focusing on what I was eating and not how much. More whole and plant based foods. No prepackaged meals or frozen pizzas. I dropped from 235 to 215 doing no additional exercise besides commuting.

Since March and Rona, I spent HOURS learning about insulin resistance and how my body processes food, and decided to try 16:8 IF with amazing results. Down to 205 since the beginning of June, eating whole foods in a smaller time window.

This entire journey of 5+ years has been me learning about myself as much as I'm learning about food science. I lost my weight in such small increments, I'm almost 100lbs down with little to no excess skin, and I credit the slow speed and quality of food for the lack of skin. I dont count calories, rarely if ever have. I changed what I was eating and learned to love it.

Would be happy to chat about what I'm eating now or answer any questions you may have.

submitted by /u/tyyfly2
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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