Monday, October 12, 2020

Can I see some inspiring stories of slower weight loss?

Hi everyone! This is my first time posting to this sub.

I was just wondering if some of y’all could share your weight loss stories that took a long time to get all the weight off. The reason I’m asking is because I am an extremely impatient person, and I’m also bad about comparing myself to other people in my community losing weight. And by my “community” I mostly mean the keto and fasting spaces.

Don’t get me wrong, I am super proud of myself and the progress I’ve made so far! I started at 273 in August of 2019 and I’ve lost 91 pounds. I also have PCOS, and I have also been obese my entire life, so weight loss is naturally just slower. I am super thankful, and I love my keto-ish (I do 50g of carbs) and fasting lifestyle. I feel amazing. But, it’s also tough sometimes to be such a slow loser compared to other folks in the keto and fasting subs. I see people losing 100 pounds in 6-12 months, whereas it took me 14 months to lose 91, and I have about 47 pounds left.

I know from a logical standpoint this is just fine and that it’s healthier and more sustainable to lose slower. But I have a hard time internalizing this, and not feeling like something is wrong with me/my body when everyone around me is losing weight like crazy and getting to their goals so fast.

Anyway, I think I’d feel better if I could see other success stories from people that didn’t lose super fast to remind me that this is a JOURNEY and not a race. To remind myself that this is all part of the process, and I WILL get to my goal, but that it takes time.

submitted by /u/Pokefan5ever
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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