Monday, October 5, 2020

How do you "enjoy the process"?

I saw someone's comment the other day about enjoying the process of weight loss, and it got me thinking. To be honest, I'm a number chaser. I want to see progress (doesn't everyone?) and I get discouraged very easily. I'm 32/F/388lbs (started at 446) and I have been taking progress pics since August (didn't think to take one at my highest in March (didn't actually think I'd get this far! ) but I don't see a change even though my dad/coworkers have commented. So I know it's happening.

But it made me start to am I "enjoying the process"? How does one do that, when you really want to be thinner/more fit NOW even though you know it takes time?

I guess I am enjoying having way more energy? I enjoy the feeling of tired muscles after a work out (even if I complain the next day). It's so hard to focus on health over weight, because I want both.

So give me some insight, hive-mind: How do YOU enjoy the process?

submitted by /u/bluenovarising
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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