Saturday, October 17, 2020

I jinxed myself

So a few weeks ago I posted concern that maybe I was losing weight too fast. I was around -3lb a week. I have now stalled at 177lb (down from 220 max, but intentional weight loss since 200). It's been a little over a week with some 1-2 lb flux upward, but nothing down.

My routine is:

Run 4.5mi in the am (pushing heavy stroller around 13min mile pace), walk 3mi in PM

Walk 6 miles in PM

Walk 3 miles in PM


I weigh all my food and track in MFP. I've been staying around 1500cal, but I started dropping it to 1300 the past 2 days trying to get over this stall.

I've started taking a morning vitamin, and I've also drank some vitamin water zero regularly. Could either of those affect my salt regulation? I had an instant noodle meal about a week ago. Could that sodium still be affecting me?


submitted by /u/RandomLey
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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