Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Losing Motivation and Cracking the Sads

Just a random rant and vent. I've been trying to lose weight since December last year. My goal was to be six pack ripped. I had a rough time frame of seven months for myself and I obviously didn't hit it. I've lost about 15kg in just under a year and just don't feel anywhere close to my goal. I tried to estimate my bodyfat % and I thought I would be ripped by about 81kg. I'm 80.5kg now and when I sit down I still just spill out in every direction. I still have man boobs and they still feel the same size as before, only bigger since I've added some chest size. I wasn't perfect, I had bad weeks here and there, but I have made an active and conscious effort since last December and I am just getting worn down. My job is brutal on me, I'm stressed at home and at work and if I eat even one small Tim Tam I get the entire years worth of cravings crushing down on me. I decided to have McDonalds since curfew in my area was lifted two weeks ago, and ended up having it four days in a row. I then went back to my regular routine for a week and now I'm typing this off the back end of 4500 calories of BBQ. I just wanted to achieve this goal before I hit 29 so I could try and build decent muscle mass by 30. I wanted my starting point to be 80kg, now it looks like it'll be 76kg. I've been going as hard as I can, between work, slowly increasing strength on bodyweight exercises the past five months. Meanwhile people make three times the progress I do in a third of the time in weight loss and strength wise. That is awesome for them, I don't have a problem with them and it is motivating. What isn't motivating is knowing how slow I'm going in comparison. I don't fucking know. I'm exhausted and I'm sick of looking like fucking instant pudding everytime I sit down to take a dump. How much longer do I have to fucking grind this out and battle my head and cravings for? Fuck.

Edit: Also despite eating approximately 400% more fibre, fruit and vegetables than I used to in the many years before last December, I have to wipe my arse several hundred times more than I used to, to clean it. Fucking why?

submitted by /u/Undisciplined17
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/3dHIBaJ

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