Saturday, October 17, 2020

SV, but more importantly a NSV! I lost half a pound this week.

I have had to completely change my approach to weight loss. For years I have done the yo-yo including fad diets and too strict CICO/exercising. I would be very successful and lose weight but eventually fall off the wagon and then gain it back plus more until I became obese. Then I developed health problems and discovered I had underlying thyroid issues. I did research and started to change the way I think. I used to have the consuming thought that weight loss is the only way I will have good health.

Now I have a new paradigm: Concentrating on being healthy right now instead of seeing it as a far away destination.

I already lost half a pound this week by concentrating on health versus weight loss. It might not be a lot but that loss was bigger than any weight I have lost before: because now it is truly working. Incorporating lifestyle changes for health and not beating myself with an all or nothing attitude. I now know the weight will resolve itself if I Iive this way. Already I feel better than I have in years, physically and mentally.

submitted by /u/leogrr44
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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