Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Things that helped me in my weight loss journey

Set your reasons high

“What drives you?” “What keeps you motivated?” “What do you do on days you don’t want to get out of bed?” These are all questions asked to me after seeing the weight loss journey I’ve been on.

In September 2019, I was visiting family in California. I had lost both of my parents about 3 months before and not only was I in severe depression, I was eating my sadness. I had gained over 40 pounds in 3 months (I was also obese before that happened), thus making an already out of control problem worse. Before even getting on the plane to California, I was already worried. “What if I can’t fit in the seats?” “What if I have to ask for a seat belt extender?” I’m happy to report I fit and did not need a seatbelt extender. What I was unhappy about, was the whole two hour trip my legs became numb from being squeezed in. Then came the restaurants.... why does every place in California have arm rests on their chairs? They were literally the bane of my existence. I squeezed into every chair, the entire time feeling like everyone’s eyes were on me and my fat that was spilling over. I realized (like a train hitting me) that if I continued down the path that I was traveling, I was going to DIE. Maybe not tomorrow, but I was certainly cutting years off my life. I realized that I may not get to have children and if I did would I be able to play with them? I realized that I wouldn’t get to see or experience my grandchildren. I realized that the life I was leading was not pleasant nor happy and it wasn’t going to get better.

Now I’ve lost 133.9 pounds and I don’t miss a 4:30am alarm, because in my mind if I do, I’m going to die and my children (who aren’t even born yet) are going to have to go through the same hell.

Figure out your reasons and set them high to accomplish your goals.

submitted by /u/LostSuggestion1
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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