Monday, October 19, 2020

Weight Loss and Birth Control Pills

Happy Monday! Looking to see if anyone has experience/insight on losing weight with or without birth control pills.

Background: I am a 23 year old female currently down approximately 27 lbs in 8 weeks. Looking to lose about 20 more lbs for my first GW, and then potentially another 20 after maintaining my first GW for awhile. Trying to manage this process healthily this time around!

I’ve been on birth control pills for over 9 years now, first to manage acne and menstruation as a young teen, and then obviously later for contraception. I’m currently considering taking a break from birth control for a couple of different personal reasons, and I remembered that these pills can have side effects related to weight.

When I started taking them, I definitely slowly gained weight throughout high school but I thought of this more as just filling out as I went from being a kid to a woman. I still think that’s the case, but I also wonder if there could be more to it? Therefore, I would love to hear if anyone has experience around losing/maintaining weight with and without birth control pills- was it easier without? Harder? Did dealing with a non-regulated hormonal cycle make your weight fluctuate more? Maybe harder to deal with cravings/bloating/etc? Was there a large difference in mood that affected losing weight? I realize that weight loss is not linear, and people might have entirely different experiences around the pill- just curious to hear from ya’ll!

Whether or not I decide to continue taking bc pills will definitely be a choice I make due to other personal reasons, mainly mental health related (aka I won’t make a rash decision and get off the pill just cause people say it helps losing, I’ve been thinking about this a lot). I am just curious as to what I could maybe expect if I happen to come off it while also on this weight loss journey. Any insight or comments would be much appreciated!

Also feel free to DM me if it’s more comfortable for you- I realize that many people aren’t super comfortable with posting publicly about things related to medication/sex/health.

Thanks! :)

EDIT: also feel free to comment if you don’t personally take bc pills but you have thoughts about it second-hand from a partner/friend/etc!

submitted by /u/username304211
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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