Sunday, November 15, 2020

M-24-6'1 First time really trying to lose weight. goal: -80lbs SV

Hello r/Loseit ! this is both my first post and my first time really trying to lose weight as well. over the years I've fluctuated from 220lbs to 260lbs (current) but have been over 200lbs since I was 14. next summer my sister is going to get married, and I really want to look healthy for it, even if I don't get fit. I know that I probably won't lose 75lb in the next 8 some odd months, but I want to at least lose on average 1lb per week until then.

Right now I can really only get myself to do weightlifting in my basement as a form of exercise, as I bought some 300lbs of weights a few weeks ago, and seem to be using those almost every day. I don't have a bench or squat rack, nor the space for it at all, since I'm in a small space with 4 people. So I mostly do upper body weightlifting and try to do deadlifts and front squat and lunges for my leg workouts.

the main challenge that I foresee losing weight, is that I am not the one who purchases the food in the house. that is my mother. and she does not buy enough vegetables (I am also vegetarian) and buys too much pop/sugary drinks, and other sweets and junk food. I have a bit of a binge eating problem, so when things are there, I just eat it when I'm hungry. and all the high caloric dense foods, with low nutritional value, make me very hungry most of the time. I also don't really leave the house all that often. I am not working outside of the house, and I don't need to go anywhere. I try to get myself to go for walks/runs, but am unable to get myself to do so. I do also suffer from depression or some form of, and it makes me exhausted all throughout the days.

I have some fears as well, Diabetes runs on both sides of my family, and I sometimes already get tingles and numbness in my hands and feet, as well as other diabetic symptoms. so I do fear that I may be on that path as well.

overall, I'm making this post, partially to make this commitment seem more real to me and to try and be accountable for it as well. My hope is to be able to make updates every Saturday, for the next year or so until I'm through with this weight loss journey.

If people have some advice on how to try and get on a walk every day, or how to avoid unhealthy junk foods, I would appreciate that a lot. It's the main thing I have been, and know that I will continue to, struggle with.

Current weight 261lbs, November 15, 2020.

submitted by /u/isaaccone
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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