Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Desperate for a Change.

I have struggled with my weight for my whole life. I am female 28years old, 5 foot tall and currently weighing 202lbs. At my best, in high school I weighed 130. I know that 130 is unrealistic now since I could only reach that in high school, but I am really looking to do something drastic at this point. I need one thing that is simple that I can eat every day, that will help me lose weight. I am so unhappy in my body, I’ve leaned to live with it, but this is not what I want. I need advice, and diet ideas. My insurance doesn’t cover weight loss medication because I’ve already tried that. And I am already on a handful of other medications that don’t help with my weight loss either. Help?

submitted by /u/OkPicture4428
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Managing emotions during weight loss

Hi, I'm 22F, I have been trying to lose weight via calorie deficit(400 deficit) + cardio for the past one and half month. Everything was good in the start and going to the gym made me feel happier and better.

I've been feeling a little behind on my weight loss goals recently and have improved my diet, workout and have started to become more active. However, for the past 2-3 days i find myself crying quite intensely all of a sudden, I'm getting very emotional and usually i don't cry much.

To clarify, I'm not PMSing or haven't been through any major life changes, which is why I'm confused about the crying. Has anyone else experienced this? I have been pushing myself lately but I thought it was a good thing. Honestly, I've lost only 4 pounds until now and have barely built any muscle. I want to do more and lose fat but I'm afraid i might be doing too much idk

submitted by /u/Puzzleheaded-Pie-671
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Monday, April 29, 2024

Does exercise become a greater factor?

Hey all!

I've been on a weight loss journey since Summer of 2022. Since then, I've dropped 40lbs, from 220 to 180ish. I've been hovering around that since about January 2023 and have not had much success in moving the number. I find the amount I need to lose to be difficult no matter what I eat, how much protein I get, etc.

I'm a short man at 5'7 and my maintenance cals are around 2100 at sedentary. I've been trying to stay around 1800 but I just find it really hard most days. I want to start walking daily & maybe add in some weight lifting, but I don't feel super comfortable at the gym yet (nor do I have many good options in my area).

Would love to hear your opinions, what's worked for you, and what hasn't worked. :)

Thank you all for helping me change my life in ways that I never could've imagined. <3

submitted by /u/drewj2017
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10 Household Chores That Seriously Burn Calories

Boost your burn with a little spring cleaning! Now is the perfect time to check items off the household “to-do list.” Though you certainly might not enjoy housework or chores, it may help to know that many of these activities can burn serious calories. Not only will your home be cleaner, but you’ll feel good about slimming down while you work. We’ve put together a list of some common household chores that can keep you fit and healthy while staying productive.

8 Seasonal Spring Foods to Stock Up On

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Here are 10 household chores that can help you lose weight and burn calories:

1. Sweep and Mop to See Pounds Drop

Chores and Exercises during COVID-19

Looking to tone those arms and shoulders? Sweeping and mopping both make a great upper body home workout. But on top of that, these household chores double as exercise and are serious calorie blasters. According to Good Housekeeping, 138 minutes of mopping floors is estimated to burn somewhere around 405 calories if you’re working vigorously. Throw in some lunges while you’re at it and you’ll truly get in a total body toning home workout—all the while getting things done!

2. Push It!

Chores and Exercises during COVID-19

For more at home arm workouts, grab the vacuum and get to work. Vacuuming is also a great way to get your heart rate up for some cardiovascular benefits. In order to get more out of it, try exaggerating your movements. Take big lunges as you move the vacuum forward for some added leg toning. You might also consider picking up the tempo. Put on some music and throw in some dance moves as you work. It’s a great way to make chores and housework more fun while accomplishing both cleaning and exercise goals.

3. Trim the Grass to Trim Your Waistline

lawn care

If you’ve got a push mower, then mowing the grass can be a great calorie burner. According to Harvard Health, a 155-pound person burns about 167 calories in 30 minutes of push mowing the lawn. Just make sure you’re staying hydrated as things heat up outdoors! Check out these helpful H2O tips to practice proper hydration and ensure you’re drinking enough water as the weather gets warmer!

5 Spring Weight Loss Tips Guaranteed to Work

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4. Wash Away the Calories

Chores and Exercises during COVID-19

Another activity that can be done is washing the family car. According to Harvard Health, 30 minutes of vigorous car washing can torch somewhere around 167 calories in a 155-pound person. Channel your inner Karate Kid with some “wax on wax off” movements with the sponge and you’ll feel those arm muscles burning in no time. The more you scrub, the more calories you burn and the cleaner your car gets. It’s a win all around!

5. Get Your Spring Cleaning Underway

organization tips

There’s something about having the windows open and the fresh air coming in to inspire people to spring clean. It probably has to do with a new season and a fresh beginning. While decluttering during spring cleaning is good for the mind, it can also be good for the body. Lifting and moving heavy items, bagging up clothing donations and rearranging can all help work up a sweat. Whether you’re clearing out a garage, a closet or a junk room, you’ll feel good that you’re making your home cleaner and more organized while also burning calories. Take a peek at these six spring cleaning to-do’s for added weight loss this season.

6. Grab the Paint!

Chores and Exercises during COVID-19

Tired of staring at the same white walls while you’re stuck at home? You may be rethinking one or more of your wall colors. A fresh coat of paint can do wonders when it comes to an easy room makeover. But it can be a great workout, too. According to Harvard Health, painting inside for 30 minutes can burn 167 calories in a 155-pound person. Painting is a fantastic way to work your arm and leg muscles. You’ll get a room refresh while building lean muscle that helps you burn calories.

7. Ditch the Dishwasher

Chores and Exercises during COVID-19

While you might be used to tossing all those dirty dishes in the automatic dishwasher, why not take a half hour to do a sink-full by hand? You’ll conserve household energy while using your own energy to burn calories. The harder you scrub, the more you’ll burn and the cleaner those dishes will be! Now is also a great time to get out some of those hard-to-clean pots and pans and put some elbow grease into your effort.

How to Get Your Body Summer-Ready

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8. Weeding Away the Calories

gardening tips

When it comes to yard work, pulling weeds might be pretty low on your “want-to-do list.” But knowing that it can be a great calorie buster might move it up a few notches. You’ll get in some leg toning exercise as you squat and bend. Plus, you’ll need to use your arm muscles to yank and pull at those deep-rooted weeds. Your body—and your plant beds—will look better because of it. 30 minutes of weeding can burn 172 calories in a 155-pound person, according to Harvard Health. While weeding away in your yard, you can enjoy even MORE health benefits from gardening. Check out the surprising benefits here! >

9. Do a Window Wash

Chores and Exercises during COVID-19

30 minutes of window cleaning chores is thought to burn somewhere around 167 calories in a 155-pound person, says Harvard Health. But getting the grime off the inside and outside of your windows will also make you feel good. Rather than looking at dirty smudges and streaks, the sun can shine in and you can enjoy it to its fullest!

10. Scrub that Tub

Chores and Exercises during COVID-19

If you’ve got soap scum build-up, it takes some serious power and energy to scrub your tub or shower clean. That hard scrubbing can burn a lot of calories if you’re working up a good sweat. The more elbow grease power you put in, the more payoff—both in the form of a clean surface as well as toned muscles! It’s another win all around.

The Leaf Weight Loss Blog is here to help you stay healthy! Learn more helpful fitness exercises, wellness tips and healthy, easy to make recipes to keep you and your family happy and nourished.

Are you in need of a healthy meal delivery service? We’re here for you! Learn more about Nutrisystem programs >

*Always speak with your doctor before starting an exercise routine.

6 Fruity and Flavorful Menu Items from Nutrisystem

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The post 10 Household Chores That Seriously Burn Calories appeared first on The Leaf.

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Getting worried about approaching goal weight

Male 5'8 SW:255 GW:155 CW:175

Hi! I am a 5'8 man and started at 255 with a goal weight of 155 and am now at 173.7 as of this morning, this weight loss has all taken place in about 6 months. all my clothing sizes have decreased dramatically (feels crazy to be able to shop in normal sections of stores haha 😅) and I've gotten compliments and comments from everyone who has seen me since losing this weight.

Despite all this I'm getting worried at how much excess fat I still have on my torso (and a little on my arms, legs, and below my face) and how low my gut hangs, does anyone who has dealt with a similar situation have any advice?

Edit: fixed the formal of the post, sorry.

submitted by /u/uhhcallmejefe
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Sunday, April 28, 2024

Down 3 dress sizes!

Lately, I noticed that one of my work dresses was feeling a bit loose on me. I have a huge wardrobe, but that is one dress that I wear quite often, so any changes in fit are quite noticeable.

When I started my weight loss journey, I was wearing 16s and they were tight on me, so I went thrifting and looked in the 14s and 12s, only to find that they were also loose on me. I ended up going with a size 10, and I am overjoyed at my progress!

I am a huge thrifter, so I am aware of vanity sizing and all the variables in sizes depending on brand and vintage/contemporary clothes. But I definitely could not have worn a size 10 six months ago. Being able to easily find cute clothes was a big motivator for me, so this is awesome!

submitted by /u/lindsay_chops
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Extreme hunger after losing 170lbs - Rapidly regaining weight. Desperately in need of help.

Hi, this will be a little long but if anyone has any advice or experience with something similar happening I would greatly appreciate it 🙏 I have absolutely no idea what to do and nothing I’ve tried so far is helping. Thank you so much :)

I’m 25f and I've been on an intentional weight loss journey since Summer 2022, and I've lost 170lbs naturally so far. I still have another 80lbs to lose and have been in a calorie deficit until now.

Throughout this journey, I've experienced a beautiful transformation in my relationship with food. I've embraced a non-restrictive approach and developed a healthy mindset around eating. However, I believe I may have missed some major stress signals that my body was sending me along the way and have now hit a massive roadblock.

The problems began in October when I started experiencing energy crashes between meals with symptoms that mimicked reactive hypoglycaemia. It seemed random at first but became more and more frequent until January when it worsened, and I started to think I may be diabetic. But medical tests ruled out any underlying conditions.

So, I continued to eat in a calorie deficit, but eventually, I hit a tipping point, and extreme hunger and binge eating episodes started occurring.

I've only been able to barely manage this by eating at maintenance, which I’ve been doing for the past 2 months but nothing has calmed down yet and even the slightest deviation, such as an increase in activity level, triggers intense and uncontrollable eating episodes.

These episodes are completely different from any emotional or restriction based binges I’ve had in the past. I’ve had a lifetime of unhealthy eating habits to compare it with and this is nothing like anything I’ve ever experienced before. Most online advice seems to focus on general binge eating advice, which doesn't fit me because I’m absolutely certain the eating episodes are NOT triggered by emotion, or stress.

My body seems very panicked around food, which is strange because I'm not restrictive at all. The other strange thing is that the cravings have not been for highly palatable foods. It's mostly for plain high-carb foods like rice, bread, oatmeal - things I don't even like very much. And I've never restricted carbs either. That's why I thought it might be some other health issue. But my doctors have run tests for diabetes, blood sugar imbalance, thyroid, hormonal issues, and everything came back normal. The only link seems to be the prolonged calorie deficit.

I think I missed a lot of other distress signals along the way too, like extreme dips in mood and mental health and low energy. It seems like my body eventually gave out on me.

I'm very eager to continue my weight loss journey and I'm willing to give my body whatever it needs to recover. But I’m unsure how to navigate the extreme hunger since it seems to be over-riding my usual hunger and fullness cues and the binge-like episodes are deeply disturbing and have been having a significant impact on my mental health. I’ve rapidly regained 25lbs since this started and I have no idea what to do.

I’ve tried mentally pushing through the episodes but the hunger is so intense I literally can’t concentrate- I literally feel like I have to turn the lights out and meditate to even attempt to get through them and I still fail every time.

I've also tried eating freely, but it leads to binges and needing to eat massive quantities of food almost every hour, which has been exhausting to keep up with.

I’m already eating a well balanced high protein, high fiber, mostly whole foods diet with consistent spacing between meals.

TL;DR - I’ve lost 170lbs in a sustainable way and my body seems to be fighting back at me. I still have 80lbs left to lose. I haven’t gone back to old unhealthy lifestyle but hunger has been so intense it’s been almost impossible to fight. I’m already eating high protein, high fiber, mostly whole foods and leave consistent spacing between meals. The binges are NOT emotion or stress triggered and the cravings are not even for highly palatable foods. Feels like my body is trying to store up food. I have no underlying health conditions. Currently eating at maintainance and taking a break for the past 2 months but nothing has improved so far.

submitted by /u/lrlxxx111
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What is a realistic time frame for losing weight?

So I'm 6'3 and currently weighing in at 354lbs. I exercise for ~90 minutes 3-5x per week. Doing light cardio and weight training, I've seeing doing that for ~2 months now.

I had a big problem with chips/chocolate and pepsi, I've been drinking diet pepsi for ~15 months now and cut out chips and chocolate in the last two months. The only thing along those lines I still eat is I will buy a rice Krispy bar thing on payday so once every 2 weeks or so but i could probably cut that out too honestly.

I've noticed that my clothes are getting baggy but my weight on the scale hasn't moved at all at least not since I bought a scale that can actially weigh me ~1 month ago.

I have currently have two weight loss goals first off is just less than 300 and I'd like to eventually be around 200lbs but I have no idea what kind of time frame I should be looking at, is no change after ~1 month a sign that I'm not doing enough? I have been getting stronger as evidence from my weight training so am I just building muscle at the same rate I'm losing fat?

Also does anyone have any recommendations for things I can get for work lunches? It would need to have at least a 2 week shelf life and able to be stored at room temperature. I was thinking the canned sandwich meats but I dont know if they're any good either.

submitted by /u/2020leapyear
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Saturday, April 27, 2024

I (22F) get very discouraged with weight loss

Im 5’5 and 135 pounds. I don’t workout so I’m really skinny fat. I struggle with a sense of perfection and if my routine is not “perfect” I don’t try at all. I know resistance training is very important but I just get very nervous in my university gym because it’s full of extremely hot young people. Will group fitness classes be enough? The reistance training in group fitness is more like cardio with weight…

I just want to “tighten” up but I’m not interested in losing a bunch of weight per se? I would like to lose the skinny fat look and extra pudge while still keeping my ass.

Is this just diet + strength training? I also want to add that I’m vegetarian and Indian so I naturally don’t get a lot of protein and I naturally have low muscle mass. Would just dieting + doing any sort of activity like walking or cardio be enough? Is dieting even necessary? I want to lose 10 pounds but I also don’t want to lose my ass ahaha

submitted by /u/Weird-Marsupial430
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When was the first time you could visibly see that you had lost weight?

Hey all, I'm 19M with a start weight of 98.8kg/218lbs and a current weight of 78.8kg/174lbs. I started in November and since then I've lost 20kg or 44lbs.

One thing with me is I've always had a very warped self image. To an extreme where I can't even comprehend what I look like as I'm staring in the mirror. If I had to draw myself, I couldn't because I can't perceive myself. This has made recognising my weight loss quite difficult and it was only a few weeks back that I managed to see a difference in photos of me from pre weight loss to now.

But today I realised that my body is different and I can kind of see it more clearly. My legs look smaller, my stomach is smaller and my torso has more of an angular shape than just a circle. And my stomach apron no longer hangs over my skin when standing and instead floats in a way? I can see my jawline and neck. My shoulders and arms. I can finally see these changes I've been reading on the scale on my own body and it's really exciting. My two XL t-shirts have gone from slightly baggy to breathe in to now being bedtime t-shirt level baggy. I fit comfortably into an old pair of size large joggers yesterday. And my size XL long sleeve shirt was a little loose instead of skintight and stretched out.

I don't know if that made any sense but I'm just excited that nearly 6 months of hard work has paid off. I'm excited to see how I'll look to myself when I get to my goal weight.

submitted by /u/RavenBoyyy
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Not losing weight on topamax and lomaira

Hi everyone. I have been on topamax and lomaira since February, my doctor switched up my dosage after loosing 10 lbs and a plateau in weight loss and since then I have not lost any more weight in another month… I am feeling hopeless.. I currently weigh 200 lbs, I workout 3-4 times per week, eat healthy, drink as much water as possible.. not sure what else I can do to speed things along.. the topamax makes me miserable.. I just wish something would work.. I gained around 60 pounds while on birth control, stopped birth control and have been unable to lose anything, I am down only 10 lbs in 3 months which is something but doesn’t feel worth much.

submitted by /u/Comprehensive_Dog868
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/V9eTsC2

Friday, April 26, 2024

Date ideas that don’t involve food or alcohol?

I’m 23F and currently around 154lbs at 5’2. Meanwhile my boyfriend 22M is around 5’10 and 264lbs.

We are both going on lite and easy and committing to our weight loss journeys together. However, we didn’t realise that pretty much all our dates involve some food or alcohol consumption. When it’s ordering a meal from Uber eats or getting a sweet treat after a walk. Or drinking at a bar to the point you become ravenous and once again start ordering takeout.

Was wondering if any of you have any date ideas that don’t involve food or alcohol consumption. As I told him I don’t just want most of our dates to be us sitting at the TV. Mind you it’s getting cold where we are now and we do enjoy doing stuff at nighttime.

submitted by /u/New-Kaleidoscope-722
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I'm going to stop drinking, be serious about the food I eat and continue my workouts for a month and see how much I'll lose.

I drink a lot of beer frequently. It used to be normal beer but Ive been drinking lite beer this year. I lost a lot of weight from january to march, but then I got complacent and a lot of shit went down that made eating my usual food harder and made me want to drink more.

For a month now until the 24th of May I want to try to not drink (most likely "as much"), eat boring and well and work out 3 times a week and maybe throw in some cardio to aid when I have to do leg days. It is going to suck but Im pretty sure drinking is what has slowed my weight loss. This is going to suck a lot a lot because I honestly hate being sober.

Wish me luck everyone and maybe I can report back in a month on how much I've lost (other than my sanity). I'm currently 94ks.

submitted by /u/Karat_EEE
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Stuck in a plateau!

Hi, I’m new to this sub and thought this would be a good place to ask some questions since I’ve never lost this much weight before and I’m not sure how plateaus work! My SW was around 220 in September, I’m now sitting around 185 plus or minus a pound. Thankfully this is my first plateau yet, but still frustrating! I’m trying to get down to 160 and it’s so close but seems so annoyingly far now.

My questions would be, how can I break it? I eat between 1200-1500 calories daily. I also just started running for exercise, whereas my weight loss has been all from my diet until this point. Is it true you can hold on to weight because you don’t eat enough? I’m worried about the days I barely manage 1200 calories, but burn 300-400 running. I drink water constantly. Is there anything I’m doing wrong or could be doing better?

submitted by /u/pumpkinsllut
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Thursday, April 25, 2024

Doctor downplayed my weight loss because I had a baby

I got my feelings really hurt when I was at my kids well check visit a few days ago and because I have three small children I’ve become rather familiar with their pediatrician who made the comment “looks like mommy has lost some weight” it made me super happy to hear until I told them very proudly I was up to 50lbs of weight loss and it got down played because “50lbs seems like a lot until you add in that you had a baby x amount of months ago because the weight just seems to fall off” It in fact did not fall off after I had my premature son via c section and sat in the nicu eating my feeling. I gained 30lbs after he was born in addition to the pregnancy weight. I was close to 300lbs where I’ve average 240 most of my adult life bouncing between 230 (lowest prior to this ) and 250. Currently I’m 219lbs which is the smallest I’ve been in a decade and still losing by working my ass off (literally I’ve lost 13.5 inches from my hips) and eating a large calorie deficit. It’s a battle because my mom suffered from ED and I constantly have to tell myself to calm down and it’s ok to take a rest day. I have to keep myself in check because I’ll push myself even harder in an attempt to burn more calories from work out than I ate that day and rush myself to under 200lbs. It’s a battle to do this correctly and keep myself healthy so I can be healthier and for a very well trusted medical professional to downplay it… really hurt.

submitted by /u/lunaraekatiemae
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Fell off the wagon a little, but I’m still seeing results, and I’m kinda shocked

My stats: 5’4, 155lb, 21F

For most of my life I’ve been pretty petite, stayed within the 120lb mark for most of my teens, but once I hit my twenties I was kinda hit with a wake up call. I’ve always eaten terribly, never been active, yet I was still able to keep my figure in shape, once I hit 20 though, it seems it’s not so easy anymore. I went from being 120, to 140, to gradually now 155. I was in denial for quite a long time, but in beginning of march this year I finally started to get a grip on myself, and promised myself I would try to change my life for the better.

Losing weight was admittedly new to me, I’ve never calorie counted in my life, never been on a diet, so I had no idea how fast I could lose the weight or how hard I’d have to push. I started with a calorie deficit of 1200 a day, with treadmill running a few times a week. I started paying attention to what I was eating on a regular basis, and it was… humbling to say the least. I’d casually sit on the couch and eat through jars of Nutella and condensed milk, never bothered to look at the calories. It’s like 120 calories for TWO tablespoons of condensed milk, meanwhile I’d eat half the tin in one sitting. No wonder I’d gained.

I was on a roll for a month, and using a pair of my favourite jeans as measurement for weight loss. When I first started, I couldn’t get the zipper up, they used to be baggy on me over a year ago. I’d put them on every new week, and notice I was getting closer to zipping them up. However, around week 4, I started losing my discipline. Stopped calorie counting every day, and kinda went back to eating freely. At this point though, I was still mindful of the calorie label on my food, and there was no more jars of Nutella and condensed milk. Even though I felt like I “fell off the wagon”, it still was different from before. It was like there was this “awareness” now that there wasn’t before.

For the last few weeks, I felt very disappointed in myself and promised I’d get back to the calorie counting asap, (easier said than done). I decided I’d try on the measurement jeans to hold myself accountable, and was prepared to see all the small progress lost. In reality, I slipped into them with ease and the zipper went up with no fuss. I was kind of shocked, and still am. I did NOT think I would still be losing. I went on the scale, discovered it had finally broke so I couldn’t see the physical number, but I’m very scared/excited to see it when I buy a new one.

This turned out to be the extra motivation I needed, and I was able to run 40 minutes on the treadmill for the first time ever, after barely managing 15 previously, and I’m now back on my calorie deficit. I know that this is a journey in itself, and there will be many falling off the wagon weeks to come, but I’m grateful this has pushed me further to not give up on this and go back to my old ways. For the first time ever, I’m using the treadmill every day and finally beginning to care more about what I choose to eat. It’s crazy, but I want to continue choosing this life.

submitted by /u/PlasticLove24
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Struggling with motivation during fluctuations/body image.

5'5, F31, CW;189-188lbs. SW; 232lbs GW;150lbs

Could really use a bit of a pep talk.

I get to 188-189lbs and seem to keep fluctuating from that up to 194lbs. I know that it's normal but I feel annoyed by that back and forth (what seems to be water weight and gym related?)

Eating at 1200 calories (set by MFP) and working out lightly (cardio mostly) but I can't seem to break past the 189-190+ back and forth. I weigh everything and I'm being careful to not over indulge myself.

I find it so demotivating. I'm counting the calories diligently but the yo-yoing is slowly driving me crazy. I feel like at my height and weight, the weight loss shouldn't be stalling, am I right?

I think I'm at some awkward stage where I hate my body, suddenly I feel like nothing looks right or nice. I'm annoyed I can't seem to break that 188-189lb mark and suddenly self conscious. I would have been so pumped to even just be where I am right now.

I know if I can just hold out everything will be fine, but I'd really like to know I'm not alone with it right now.

submitted by /u/Professional_Table77
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What’s everyone’s opinions on Hello Fresh?

I have been in a huge weight loss slump lately. Work has me tired and I just have 0 energy to do anything. I want to get back on track, but I hate meal prepping.

It used to work for me but now I just get fed up after a day or two. I never fancy what I’ve cooked and it never turns out the way I want it to.

I had a letter through about starting to use hello fresh again and I figured I’d give it a shot, mainly because it has everything sorted and all I need to do is sort my lunch and breakfast for work each day.

But is it actually that good a tool for weight loss? I don’t know if I’m just wasting my time and money on it when I should be doing it all myself.

submitted by /u/ChangingMyLife849
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/6mAb8ZX

Wednesday, April 24, 2024

What keeps YOU up at night if you don't reach your weight loss goal?

This question might be little personal for some, but for me.. if I don't commit to the promise to myself that I would not reach the goal of reaching my ideal weight.. I feel that I will be unhealthy, sad, and unable to fulfill my potential as a person for the REST of my life.

Some people say your value to the world isn't just your appearance.. but it does affect how you FEEL about yourself.. therefore your confidence within yourself will affect other areas of your life...

You start to talk to more strangers, buy more clothes that fit you better, take more chances in your career or business, improve your dating prospects, increase your attraction to your current partner, explore new hobbies and interests... the list goes on and on.

Without your health, you cannot enjoy life to the fullest... with your family, friends, hobbies, career.. LIFE in general.

So what exactly keeps YOU up at night if you don't take care of your weight and health?

submitted by /u/PNKim
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Tuesday, April 23, 2024

How do I become more disciplined?

By being discipline what I mean is how to not give in to my desires? For instance one thing that really sets me back is waking up, when I wake up and I am groggy, more often than not I will just go back to bed which leads to me not being able to cook breakfast before going to work which in turn leads me to eating junk food. Sometimes this also extends to cooking my week's meals before hand or even sitting down and eating, some times I'll go "eh I'm not hungry" and wait till I'm really hungry before eating, but instead of eating the chicken with rice I am supposed to eat I'll shove cookies, bread and what not on my mouth. So how do I stop that? How do I stop myself from going back to sleep and force myself to eat the damn lunch during the right time. Also, before anyone says to not buy food that's bad for weight loss, my wife some buys them, and she's way better at this stuff than I am but I'm not gonna tell her to stop buying what she likes because I can't get my shit together.

submitted by /u/Effective-Handle9983
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Weight loss plateau?

Hi everyone, I’ve been struggling to lose weight. I started off my weight loss journey back in February. I weighed 142 at the time and have lost 23 pounds. I was in a major calorie deficit of 800 calories a day and burning 2000 calories to 2500 calories a day for 2 months. I’ve raised my calorie intake from 1000 to 1400 calories a day. I’m at 119 and i’ve stop losing weight. It’s been like this for the past month. I believe I’m in a plateau if there’s any advice that you can give me to surpass this please let me know. Along with any nutritional advice, workout routine, or how much should I burn a day or calories I should consume in a day. Thank you for listening and for all the advice!

Here’s further info: Female BMR: 1241 cal Body fat: 24.6% BMI: 22.7 weight now: 118.4 Start weight: 142 Goal weight: 100 height: 5'0 19 age activity level: walks 10,000 steps a daily burn at least 2,000 calories average daily Eat about 1000 calories a day

I want to lose fat Use weight lifting to build muscle for my glutes Use pilates to have toned back and arms

submitted by /u/SolutionProof6515
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BMI rant

I just wanna say that I think BMI is bullshit lol. I’m currently 227lbs 5’4” 23F and I’m at 39% BMI. Very high I know. My goal weight for now is 180lbs which is 52lbs at the start of my weight loss journey. I think that’s significant and will totally be noticeable (I’d think) when I get there.

Now the problem. If I type in the info I’m at but at 180lbs I come out to be 30% and still considered obese, when that is SIGNIFICANTLY better than what I was at the start (235lbs).

I sadly avoid the doctor for some problems that have been happening for a while and probably caused because of the weight because I know they’ll point at my weight and tell me to lose it. I’m terrified I’ll go in after I have lost significant weight and still get told to lose more since the ideal weight for my height and age is 140ish.

Off track a little, my point is if I feel good at 180 and look happy at 180 I think it’s healthy and the BMI calculator would no longer apply to me. I just wanted to rant and maybe see if anyone would agree or thoughts about it.

submitted by /u/mlitteral104
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Monday, April 22, 2024

Lost 65 lbs and super unhappy with the appearance of my body

31 F, I recently lost 65lbs and have about 25 more to go for my goal weight. I’ve had two children and after that plus weight loss I look like a saggy bag of crap. My boobs lay flat on me and reach my middle gut. My belly hangs low. Even tho I’m at a healthy BMI finally I feel like the extra skin and sagging takes away from my accomplishments. A “mommy makeover” surgery is upwards of 30k!!! I genuinely can’t imagine taking that much away from my family for something superficial, yet I look at my reflection and know that exercise will never take the skin away and lift the boobs. How do you come to terms with the new look after weight loss? I know I can’t be the only one who can’t afford a surgery like this. I’m so angry with myself for gaining all that weight to begin with.

submitted by /u/speshyy
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postpartum losers: what is our starting weight

are you using your walking-in-to-deliver weight as your starting number or are you using a number from later, like for example 6 weeks postpartum? when people say "i gained xx pounds when i was pregnant," it obviously includes the baby and extra fluids....

i know it's not technically weight loss but also it was a lot of work! but also i don't want to misrepresent my progress.

i've lost 20 pounds since getting the clear to exercise but 35 pounds since going in for delivery, curious what other folks are doing!

submitted by /u/same20lbsforever
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Weight Loss Day 1 Diary

W= 197.4

I’m a 23 year old female, and 5’8. Posting diary’s here on Reddit to keep me accountable and motivated. Been trying to lose weight but keep falling back, I would lose 10 then fall off and lose motivation. My goal is to eat 1600 a day, and do 3-4x workouts a week… I will hit my goal of 168 by the end of august.

Calorie goal: 1600

Breakfast: 190 Cals


Lunch: 500 Cals Asian style ground Turkey with cabbage over a cup of cooked rice

Dinner: someone’s birthday dinner. I have about 1000 left.. I’m just going to eat what is served but in very small portions. I also made them my homemade cookies, which I plan to not eat while I bake, so I can enjoy one cookie later :)

Going to go on a walk after work with bf. I have gym acess next week so this week will be walks for now.

submitted by /u/Mysterious-Swim8593
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325 at 6,3 to 280

I started my journey back in September at 325 pounds. I started working out. I found that I wasn’t losing any weight, but I was gaining muscle mass what inclined me to start cutting was after my knee surgery in January I decided that being obese is not as safe as I presumed it to be post surgery I was sitting at roughly 310 pounds. I started working out even though I had to use crutches in the gym and still go on with physical therapy, but I disregarded my calorie intake that was my mistake. I slowly regained and went back up to 330 pounds, then I started eating less about 4000 cal diet while still working out no cardio a few days ago I researched if it would be safe to start a 1500 cal diet. My research said to stop if I felt any dizziness or pain in my stomach but sluggishness is to be expected when I started my diet. I was 315 pounds that was four days ago so far I drink a gallon of water a day and stick to my 1500 cal diet now 304 pounds slowly but surely it’s working. I still go to the gym five days a week, but it is rough because of how tired I feel but now I think my body has adjusted to using my fat as nutrients. I’m slowly working towards 280 pounds lean. and continue to look forward to going to the gym and continuing my weight loss journey.

submitted by /u/InternationalGold656
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Sunday, April 21, 2024

Diet break & Creatine

Hi, I started a caloric deficit two months ago. So far, it has been going well, I have lost some kg, and it hasn't been really hard to keep on most of the days. However, I've been reading about diet breaks, and how useful they could be, so I have been thinking about starting one in the next few weeks. I would like to know your opinion about it. Do you think it is worth it? Or maybe I'm starting one too soon.

Besides that, I've been wanting to start taking creatin, but I've been thinking about it because I know that your weight normally goes up in the first few weeks of taking it. I know that it's not body fat weight and that it's not really going to look bad, but I have been doubtful because of how much it could confuse my weight loss tracking.

I also thought about starting to take creatine at the same time I start my diet break, so I would like to know about your opinion and experience about this.

submitted by /u/Anxious_Tumbleweed73
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/xGN8rUJ

I don’t know what to do in the gym (weight loss journey)

Tomorrow I’m going to the gym for the first time in years, I’ve already started a diet and got the food part sorted after many research now my only issue is what the hell to do when i go to the gym, all i know is cardio but I’ve seen many people say it’s not enough and you should do more strength exercises, however I don’t know how to plan out my workout, I don’t know what to start with what exercises to do how long to do them for, what machines to use and when to do cardio after or before? I’m just really lost and would appreciate if someone suggests me a routine for now until i can find what i do like and don’t and eventually make my proper routine, thank you in advance

submitted by /u/narimene7
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Saturday, April 20, 2024

Gained 10 lbs in 2 weeks after starting to work out, is this normal?

I'm a 30 yo male. I had a one-year break from the gym, but I weighted 80 kgs (176lbs) before I started working out. Now I'm up to 84 kgs (185lbs). I am in a 500-1000 calorie deficit on a daily basis. I haven't taken creatine or any supplement that would contribute to gaining water weight, but I guess water saturation is still a factor in the early stages. But, 10 lbs? I'm eating healthy, cutting calories, and working out 6 days a week. It's been two weeks and I've gained 10 pounds. Ofc I know it's neither fat nor muscle, so it must be water, right? Can muscles really hold that much water (10+lbs)? When I look at myself in the mirror, yeah, I beefed up just a little bit, but overall I cannot see any weight loss progress. Maybe there is, it's hard for me to judge.

submitted by /u/L1eb3rt
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/xXREpY5

Whats the best weight to start focusing on having

I am a teen, i started my weight loss journey about 9 months ago, i used to be obese, now i am 88kg and 175cm which is still considered overweight, i have a diet healthier than most kids my age and i managed to lose weight by mostly doing cardio workouts, i also lift weights a lot and do some hiit and ab workouts. My arm have gotten way more muscular than what they used to be. So i started wondering whats the perfect weight to start focusing more on having a better body rather than losing weight, like at what point do i focus more on muscle mass rather than fat and when do i stop doing this much cardio and focus on muscle gaining exercises like ab workouts and stuff.

submitted by /u/im__nameless
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/qRuHVgA

Friday, April 19, 2024

less steep of a calorie deficit —> bad idea?

24F, 5’9”

just wrapped up month three of my weight loss journey and things have been going well, i’ve lost 32 pounds (260 to 228)! i’m as motivated as ever, super excited to see where the rest of this year takes me.

i’ve been eating 1450 calories a day consistently, which was an 800ish deficit at my starting weight. although MFP tried to lower this number as my weight decreased, i knew trying to eat less than that wasn’t sustainable for me so i’ve kept the same calorie allotment and accepted that my weight loss would naturally slow down as my TDEE did.

admittedly, most days i feel dizzy and lightheaded despite prioritizing protein (i aim for at least 100g a day). i get bad headaches and hunger pains and i thought they would go away after eating less for months but they haven’t, if anything they’ve gotten worse. i’ve grown accustomed to chewing gum, ice, etc to try and distract myself but i do really feel like shit sometimes.

because of this, i’ve considered upping my calories to 1600ish, slowing the weight loss but hopefully offsetting the symptoms i get. however, i’m worried that eating more will be a slippery slope and soon i’ll be eating 1650, then 1700, then 1800, and before i know it i’ll be right back where i started and lose motivation entirely. any advice on how to to handle this or if i should just suck it up and accept temporary discomfort for long term results?

submitted by /u/ignoretenderness
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My weight loss journey is absolutely screwed.

  1. I have hypothyroidism which means my metabolism is running at 50% and it takes longer to heal sore muscles and joints. I‘m on meds for that but it will be years before it’s in the normal range again.
  2. I‘m on medication I have to take for nerve pain which is making me gain weight at an alarming rate, not to mention extremely tired all day.
  3. Eating any form of protein leaves me with moderate to severe chest pain which mimics a heart attack, so getting enough protein each day is nearly impossible.
  4. I can‘t even do the bare minimum of walking 30 minutes a day 5 days a week without getting sore and needing to stop for 3-5 days.
  5. The only way I can drop weight through fewer calories at this point is to eat a dangerously low amount of food every day.

I want to lose weight, I eat healthy every day and do the best I can, but I don't see the point in trying to continue. I’m completely screwed.

submitted by /u/Pokomons_
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Healthy Snack Ideas

Hey first time posting. 37 year old male 5’6

Been on a weight loss journey since December due to my doctor putting me on a statin because of my off the charts cholesterol. My biggest issue was junk food which I would stress eat. I also didn’t exercise at all. Dropped from 195 to 166 currently. Mainly just indoor cycling as my main exercise every other day for 30-40 minutes and then pushups.

Biggest thing for me has been changing what I eat, besides the consistent exercise. I don’t eat chocolate or chips or processed shit anymore.

Wondering if anyone has healthy snack ideas for me to change up what I’ve been having.

Currently I like pears, mixed unsalted nuts, baby carrots, homemade hummus, homemade popcorn with just salt and that’s it.


submitted by /u/truuuuueeee
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/V7RFzWK

Thursday, April 18, 2024

Losing the last 15 lbs and staying patient (venting)

I've lost 15 lbs since December and I want to lose about 15 more. I see how much the weight loss is slowing down - I lost 1.2 lbs this past month. I'm decreasing my calories (based on what Loseit tells me) and now I eat about 1350 a day and am active. I'm getting more hungry and tired, and frustrated with how slow this is going (and will continue to be). It's making me wonder if my body can even get to 125 without me eating 1200 calories for the next year - the thought of that is pretty unbearable.

I was hoping I'd feel so good by the summertime, which is 2 months away, and I've been trying on my summer clothes. I'm happy to see a lot of it fits better or is even too big, but I don't feel or look amazing like I thought I would. I know this is turning into a venting session but just needed to get this off my chest since I'm sure others can relate. Weight loss is rewarding but also so draining :(

submitted by /u/orangecatlady97
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I started with too few calories, now I don't know how to fix it! Help!

Hey everyone! I posted this in the Q&A thread but it seems like it might be a bit too complex for that thread. Essentially, everyone on here and my boyfriend motivated me to lose weight. I've always been heavy. In undergrad an abusive relationship had me drop down to 180, and I was happy with myself, even though still a bit overweight.
During the pandemic I gained a bunch of weight all the way up to 250. This past month and a half (starting at 245) I've gotten down to 231 and I want to be able to like who I see in the mirror. I'm VERY excited about my progress and feel a lot of motivation to continue. I have been very disciplined and have been sticking strictly to 1600 calories a day.
Well that's where the problem starts. I went to calculate my TDEE today since now that I've lost more than 10 pounds I figured I might have to change. Well you can guess how shocked I was to see my maintenance even at THIS weight is meant to be around 2400 and for safe weight loss it recommends 1900 calories. Now I'm so panicked. I think I messed up. I don't have anywhere to go if I need to drop lower, but I'm scared to bring my calories up. If I bring them up, I might regain all the weight I've lost since my body surely has adjusted to where I'm at now.
Does anyone have any suggestions? What should I do? I don't want to yo-yo diet, I want to lose weight safely and I don't want to cut calories so much that I'm rapidly dropping weight. I must've done something wrong with the first TDEE calculator, which is why I dropped so low. I could've sworn it said 1600 for me

submitted by /u/Anxious_Art_8777
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/msX8zl0

Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Plateau advice?

27 y.o. male

SW: 378 lbs

CW: 324 lbs

Hey everybody!

Since January I’ve lost almost 60 pounds by completely cutting out alcohol and fast food (still fast food OCCASIONALLY only on weekends just because I’m not trying to deprive myself) and significantly reducing my calories throughout the week.

Monday - Friday

I eat a rice cake w/peanut butter and maybe a banana/mandarin orange for breakfast.

I eat a protein bar and a handful of raw almonds for lunch.

I eat meal-prepped chicken/brussels sprouts/broccoli for dinner

I eat around 2 cups of frozen fruit every night.

Weekends I’m much more lax and will eat kind of whatever I feel like, still no alcohol though.

As far as physical activity goes, I take around 30-45 minute walks 3-4 times a week and play long days of disc golf on weekends whenever I can, plus I do arm exercises with a 25 lb kettle bell every night before bed.

I feel really good physically/mentally, better than I have in several years, and have had little to no issue maintaining this lifestyle. I have almost completely re-evaluated my relationship with food and alcohol and myself in general.

For a little less than a month I’ve fluctuated between 320 and 329 lbs. can’t seem to get much lower than 322.

Can anybody recommend any changes I could make to possible kickstart weight loss back up? Obviously an increase in physical activity would help but should I cut more calories? Co-workers are already telling me I don’t eat enough.

Any advice is appreciated. Thanks!

submitted by /u/NihilistMeatSack
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Shared weight loss, with friends. Isn't happy.

Okay okay.

So I am officially down 10 pounds as of today! Really happy and just stoked. Now I don't talk about weight loss at all with friends, and hell even working out, I don't share often cause my friend already knows I do. Now this particular friend, of whom im really close with. Does have an ED? Body dysmorphia, but would at times tell me about her workouts, and her weight loss. I would just say the usual awesome job! Now today, is the first time I have ever spoken about my weight loss to her. To which I said pretty much the first sentence. Now and she responded with a "Do you know, who your telling this to..." to which really caught me off guard. Though I just really wanted to share it with her. Idk, I just feel bad. But at the same time, I can't share just this once? Idk. The same friend I have posted about in my last posts. But can I get your guys thoughts?

submitted by /u/JazzlikeSupaMurio
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Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Starting today at 353lbs

I’m a 35F and 5‘8”. I’ve always been overweight but between 8 years of grad school, (I’m finally done!), anxiety, 2 kids* and the pandemic I’ve gotten up to 353. :( I was 246lb senior year of college. I believe this is my highest outside of pregnancy. I have this issue where if I don’t carefully control and document my calories, I gain weight. I slipped for 3 months and went from 340 to 353! I’m back on track but notice I’m still hungry frequently at 3000 calories a day (I burn around 3500 a day). If I don’t stop myself at all I can eat 4000+ a day. I think my antidepressant and birth control maybe playing a role, but I can’t go off them. (They are ones that MAY cause weight gain long term, science is divided). I have ADHD and anxiety/OCD. Depression currently in remission. I have an appt with the weight loss medicine people in July. I’ve done all the diets, seen 3 nutritionists, have psych people, exercise a lot, I just want something to work without me being hungry and obsessed with food/exercise/dieting all the time.

So here I am at 353 and I’m hoping to get below 300lbs. I was last there at the end of 2019 (the Christmas miracle). Hoping for some encouragement/suggestions/stories. I feel like everything else in my life is going great, just the weight.

*I feel extremely lucky to have borne 2 healthy kids naturally. I’m sure I would be laughed out of any Fertility clinic.

submitted by /u/Weightmonster
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Losing 1 lb/month at 1200 kcals

Hi all! Like most people here, I've been trying to lose weight. I (23F, 5'3) started at 140 pounds in early October, aiming for 1200 calories a day, as was suggested by some calculator.

While not every day has been perfect (the holidays were rough lol) I've largely stuck to 1200 the past 7 months, counting calories daily and weighing multiple times a week. I've also been running and strength training, 2-4 times a week, along with walking. I focus on protein, fiber, and volume.

Today I looked at my little weight tracker Excel and it showed that on average, per month, I only lose a pound. I'm down 8 pounds from when I started. While progress is progress, and scales don't account for muscle gain, I'm still disheartened by this. It just doesn't seem right that at such a low intake, it takes me 4 weeks to lose what people lose in a week.

I've been considering trying to increase to 1500 and seeing if that changes anything. Frankly, I'm losing motivation with these results.

Is this a normal weight loss pace for someone my size, or am I doing something wrong? Is it even healthy to be at 1200 calories for an extended period of time? Should I just be patient and stick to the course?

Thank you for any insight, communities like this have been really useful over the past few months and I've learned so much about nutrition and self improvement!

submitted by /u/flyeeh
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How to get rid of stubborn fat around my stomach??

Hi, I'm 5'7, weigh 70kg and 24 (f). I have recently decided that this will be the year that I will finally get my 'bikini body' as I am entering my late 20s soon and I know how difficult it is to lose the extra fat as you get older.

Although, this isn't my first time trying to loose weight. During Covid, I was committed to looking better so I was eating clean, in a calorie deficit and was walking around 10k steps daily. I lost about 11kg and went down to 59 kg. Annoyingly, I still had a very large stomach and I am not sure why. I was heading towards being underweight but with a beer belly?

I don't want to make the same mistakes again because last time I felt defeated and it made me give up on my weight loss journey. So does anyone have any advice on how to get rid of a big stomach?

*Also, just some context, I have also had a bit of a stomach even when I was a kid. So I don't live in fantasy land and think I will ever look like Kendall Jenner but for my BMI at the time it was a little ridiculous that I still had quite a large stomach.

submitted by /u/smartz123k
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Monday, April 15, 2024

plateau and losing motivation

hi everyone! i’ve been on my weight loss journey for about 7 months now and have managed to lose 20kg! the last month however, my weight has stayed around 80kg with no signs of dropping. i haven’t made any lifestyle changes, i am still tracking everything that i eat (down to the gram) and i have even reduced my deficit by 100 calories, despite my original deficit already being quite aggressive (it is now 1500 calories). i just don’t know what else there is to do at this point. i’m nowhere near my goal weight, but this has really taken a toll on my motivation, as it all feels pointless if i’m just going to remain overweight.

does anyone have any recommendations or advice to help me get over this plateau? i’d really appreciate it 🫶🫶

stats if it helps: 173cm (5’8”), 80kg (176lbs), female, 20yo

current calorie intake: 1500/day

moderately active


submitted by /u/awesomecreeper69
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Weight loss journey / low cal vs. low carb

Hi everyone :) My weight loss journey (this time around, anyway) began on Jan 29th of this year. For the first 44 days I counted calories but didn't cut out refined carbs. But when I got my blood tests (lipids, a1c of 6.3) back, I decided it was time to make more changes, so I switched to the same 1200 calorie a day diet but this time trying to keep my net carbs down to 50 per day. This lasted 32 days so far. It's not supposed to be keto, I'm doing it for my blood glucose. I've documented all of my weigh-ins and nutritional data in MyFitnessPal since the very start, so I decided to take advantage of the data export feature and see for myself how the low cal diet stood up against the low cal/carb diet in terms of weight loss. Given the same outgoing calorie ins/outs I lose considerably more weight (average weight loss per day) on a low carb diet, .22 per day on low cal and .32 per day on low carb. I think I've also felt happier and more energetic during this low carb period! I'm wearing a CGM now and if my average glucose stays where it is (around 109) I'll be down to a 5.5 a1C by my next test in June :) Yay, I'm doing it - taking control of my health!

submitted by /u/SimplicityWon
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Those who tracked your calories AND your steps: what was the trajectory of your weight loss?

Oftentimes when people here and everywhere on the internet discuss exercise for losing weight, someone says in all caps "calories in calories out", that comment gets the most upvotes and everyone calls it a day.

Given what we know about NEAT and homeostatic pressures against weight loss during a caloric deficit (decrease in BMR due to lower body mass, decreased thermic effect of food etcetc), physical activity, or "calories out" should absolutely be a considered parameter when trying to lose weight.

So for those of you whose physical activity was in the form of mostly walking AND who also controlled your calories with a lot of discipline - how did your weight change over time? If you happen to have graphs I will be even happier :)

submitted by /u/throawaythroaway11
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Long road behind, Long Road ahead

So I'm not sure where else to put this but I also don't want to bother my friends with it as sometimes I feel like there's a limit to how far they'll tolerate my constant weight loss adventure babbling, but I'm kind of in a weird emotional state.

For started, here's my stats. 5'4" SW on 24-Dec-2023: 190 lbs. CW today: 161.5 lbs. GW is about 120lbs. Average weight loss per week has been between 1-2lbs consistently.

So by those stats, I'm on track, and I'm on course for my goal of roughly hitting my target by the end of the year. And yet despite all that, these past couple of weeks I've had this emotion that I'm failing to succeed and that it's not having any effect.

I am writing today to ask everyone honestly... how to handle the emotions of the middle of the journey. Knowing how far you've come, but still seeing how long you have to go. Early journey was admittedly full of joy as I started to finally dip after years of false starts but now it's hitting the chore phase.

I vary my meals constantly and have allowed for a healthy mix of all kinds of food, including treating myself to pizza and other fried favourites when I balance my calorie counts, so its not like I'm really depriving myself of any joy other than maintaining a target calorie range per day and making sure I'm doing a healthy amount of exercise (5 days a week out of seven, aiming for about 40 minutes of exercise those five days)

And honestly, I'm not even feeling emotions about not being able to eat like I used to, in fact the reverse. I am elated that I've gained the self control to manage my food intake and keep it reasonable. But the emotions of doing the math and seeing 4 months behind me and potentially 8 ahead of me just... it's giving me almost a desire to give up because I feel like it's so much more work ahead.

Somewhere in there I think was a point? but I may have lost it.

TL:DR In the middle of a very long journey and the journey ahead is daunting and giving me feelings of wanting to throw in the towel.

submitted by /u/spacegothprincess
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Sunday, April 14, 2024

104 down 75 pounds to go

https://imgur.com/a/VSVTxw8 Ive been a lurker on this sub for awhile and I just want to show my progress even tho it may not be drastic. I’ve been on a weight loss journey since the pandemic but I didn’t start taking it seriously up until last year during the summer. I went from 315 pounds to 211 pounds. The current image I used as the before was around 255 pounds since I avoided the camera at 315 pounds because of how self conscious I was and in the second picture I’m now at 211 pounds. I lost all of my weight through a calorie deficit and just working out 5x a week for an hour a day with videos on YouTube but eating in a calorie deficit is what truly made the weight come off. When I first got into it, I wasn’t making the healthiest choices but I was still eating within my calorie deficit and as I kept losing weight, I began to make healthier alternatives and incorporated more protein with my meals so I could stay full throughout the day and not snack or binge. I still want to lose a good 75 pounds to be around the 130’s since that seems to be around the appropriate weight for my height at 5’8. There are so many things that changed once I lost weight. My bloodwork finally came back normal and I wasn’t within the pre diabetic range, I struggled with insulin resistance so my neck was quite dark and since I’m very pale it was very apparent and as I lost the weight it began to clear up, my face has gotten slimmer and clearer, I can now workout without getting winded so easily, I’m actually treated like a person and not some monster who takes up space, I had a refreshing moment my senior year last year where I moved schools and the guy who bullied the absolute shit out of me for my weight ended up moving to my new school as well and we ended up having a period together and I would always notice him just looking my way but would never talk to me at all but god the karma he got because he ended up gaining a shit ton of weight and always seemed to just avoid me whenever I was near him because I guess he seemed embarrassed.

submitted by /u/Nxqxo
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high protein helps!

i lost about 40lbs in 2023 by counting calories but it was sooooo triggering. i had a pretty severe eating disorder when i was a teenager and obsessing over calories brought me right back to that. the thing is, being like 100lbs overweight, i had to do anything to get some weight off and calories in calories out is basically the only thing i could do. i exercised too, of course, but that doesn't do much for weight.

after 40lbs down, i hit a wall and couldn't seem to go any further. it was a struggle just to maintain that weight loss and i kept gaining and losing the same five pounds over and over. i started a college course this january and kept using food to self-sooth because i found it incredibly stressful. i knew my eating habits were deteriorating but i kept making the same stupid decisions over and over. i gained back about 8lbs and knew i couldn't keep doing this.

i set a goal for myself in march to stop eating processed sugar and exercise more to lose 15lbs by the end of april. i've almost done it and i'm not obsessing over calories and food. i've heard people tell me before i should do high protein but i always thought that was just a fad and not really helpful. my strategy has been high volume, low calorie which doesn't include a ton of meat. mostly fruit and vegetables. turns out, high protein is actually effective! i've included a lot of protein like eggs, lentils and of course meat to my diet and, just naturally, i've reduced carb loading. i still eat carbs, but i don't always want to fill up on them the way i used to. also less sugary cravings. i don't feel the urge to eat an entire bag of chips or tub of ice cream the way i used to. i have cookies in my house as we speak and i have actually chosen frozen fruit over them several times.

try high protein!

submitted by /u/nobodynewknew
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NSV: hotel bath towel wrapped fully around me!

I made a post recently on how I've made it a quarter of the way to my weight loss goal (down 25lbs) but that I haven't been able to notice a different when I look at myself.

Well, this weekend I was staying at a hotel and when I got out of the shower I was shocked that those dreaded hotel bath towels actually wrapped all the way around me and I was fully covered!

I didn't have ~much~ wiggle room, but that was the first time I've been able to notice in a non-scale way that I've actually lost weight.

submitted by /u/Embarrassed-Ad9784
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/Jg90xmu

Saturday, April 13, 2024

Weight graphs, dieting alone vs dieting and exercise

tldr: Just look at the Weight Graphs section if you just want to see the difference in the data and don't care about my personal progress.


I began counting calories early last September when I was at my heaviest ever at 252lbs. I work a desk job and am not particularly active otherwise. Through CICO management I managed to drop ~25lbs up until Thanksgiving when I "took a break for the holidays." It ended up lasting longer than I intended and it was early February before I got back on the wagon, and had put 5 pounds back on. At the same time that I restarted managing my diet, I also began exercising and am now down to 206lbs (46lbs total). In addition to the weight loss, my resting heart rate has dropped from the 80s into the 50s, and I've gone from size 44 to size 38 pants.

Weight Graphs

I noticed an interesting trend where when I was dieting alone, I had much less variation in my daily weigh-ins. It's pretty logical when you consider that I'm building muscle while losing weight in the exercise phase, but just losing fat (and muscle) in the diet-only stages. But I find the data very interesting to look at, and thought I would share.

Diet-only (the plateau was a vacation):

Diet and exercise:

My diet

I don't focus too hard on macros, I do try to eat more protein and less carbs, because that seems to work for me, but I don't make any crazy efforts to avoid things. I'll order a thin crust pizza from Dominos and eat it 1/4 at a time for example. I focus more on my caloric deficit than anything else. I usually eat around 1500 calories per day. One of my staples is buying a bag of frozen salmon filets from Costco or Sam's club and alternating dinners of salmon or chicken cooked in a cast iron skillet with a heaping side of broccoli, corn, or carrots as stomach-fillers. It helps me keep a little variety in my meal and is fairly quick and easy. I've also been making sure to take a multivitamin with meals to help make sure I'm getting good nutrition. Since I started exercise I've been incorporating BCAAs, L-Carnitine, and Protein shakes into my diet, which is the only dietary difference (caloric intake has been pretty consistent throughout). I also keep a half gallon water bottle with me at all times and try to drink from it constantly.

My exercise

I started with a spin class and a HIIT class once a week on my first week. The first spin class was absolutely brutal, and gave me the worst DOMS of my life. I then added an additional HIIT class each week for a month and a half. Then I worked in an additional spin class each week. So I'm now doing 2 spin classes and 2 HIIT classes each week. My next step once I get a little closer to my goal weight is to add more weight lifting in on my spin days so that I'm not only lifting weights in my HIIT classes.

My takeaways so far

I feel dropping the extra pounds in the kitchen before I began exercising made it easier on my body to return to the workouts (although it was still hard!). In addition it allowed me to focus on just changing one habit first. It may not be the best or most efficient way, but it has worked for me so far.

I don't have complete progress pics because I didn't take any when I first started, but here's late October of last year through today for the curious:

submitted by /u/gamerspoon
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Gained 6 pounds in 4 days

Currently a student (f) with a tough test week.

Been ok about weight loss til now, (10 pounds over the last 3 months, with occasional cheat days.)

But the problem is to cope with stress I always end up binge-eating a lot. For the past 4 days I've binged on a bunch of sweets, snacks, and big meals. This also happened during my last test period unfortunately.

I've gained about 6 pounds just from this and I was wondering is there a way to stop stress-eating or a good way to control weight during these periods?

I know a bit of this may be water weight, but considering this is a span of 4 days, I'm definitely very concerned.

submitted by /u/sallydajenkins
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/XBRNVLj

NSV: Going through closet

Hi there! I just wanted to share todays non scale victory, which I am super happy about😁

Well, a little back story first. I am a type of person that loves clothes, and I had a closet full of them. I usually buy a new piece of clothing ever so often, so my closet was literally bursting. So, my boyfriend(who I live with) told me that I can’t buy any more before I go through what I already have, and get rid of everything that now is to big for me.. And I just kind of thought that nothing was too big, because I can’t see my weight loss myself, but he tells me that I am crazy for not seeing it..

To tell a kind of long story shorter, I got rid of almost an entire garbage bag.. So many pieces were way too big and didn’t fit right anymore. I was so shocked, like.. What happened? I’m am certainly not a size XL anymore, which I am thrilled, but also a little sad about, because I loved so many of the XL pieces that I owned, but now they are gone.

I also had a few pieces of goal clothes in the back of my closet that I hadn’t tried on for a while, and some of them got moved to the front because they now fit! One of them is a pair of pants that I got in a bundle of used clothes I bought and I have been dying to wear them, but they are a size M, without stretch, so I just tried them on for fun, not believing I could get them past my butt like always, but they fit!

This was kind of a long post, sorry about that! I am just so excited!

submitted by /u/Spiritual-Dig-2971
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/mHc9F3r

Small Victories. Small losses. Big wins.

Today I am proud of myself. I’m down about 15lbs since I started my journey in July.

Last spring my PCP fat shamed me for the last time. I set out to prove that not everything is because I’m overweight. But I struggled to lose weight.

In July I had my first appointment with the local hospitals weight loss clinic. They gave me 3 programs. The first was the most aggressive with a severe caloric deficit and a liquid diet for 4 weeks followed by metabolic screenings and weekly weigh ins and meetings. The third was regular office visits. With the middle option being a combo of 1 and 3. I chose 3. I didn’t want the weekly meetings, and the liquid diet sounded terrible and not what I was looking for.

If I’m going to lose weight I’m going to do it right and make it permanent. So this way is slower but it has worked. I weigh my food, I watch my caloric intake. I follow the diet they suggested. I have not given up my favorite foods. When I stalled out I met with a dietitian who looked at my food log and helped me make a few more changes. I drink enough water. I am doing all of the things and I am down 15 lbs. I am thrilled.

submitted by /u/Csdjb
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/GlkNJjW

Friday, April 12, 2024

250lbs in August 2022 - currently 170lbs (29F, 5'6") - this is my story

Huge wall of text in 3.... 2.... 1....

I was diagnosed with ADHD in May of 2023. My doctor prescribed Strattera (a non-stimulant ADHD med) which helped enough that I realized my depression and anxiety were symptoms of ADHD. This led me to asking my psychiatrist to help me wean off the Effexor (antidepressant) I was on.

Weaning off Effexor was rough. Horrible withdrawals that incapacitated me for nearly a week, and then for months afterwards I continued to have withdrawals of lessening intensity until finally they stopped. It was awful and I truly worried that I would never feel 100% better.

One of the main withdrawals I experienced was nausea. I went from eating fast food 3x a day (think 2 double cheeseburgers from mcdonalds every day for lunch,) to not being able to hold down more than 1 meal a day. I had to miss a few days off work because I would throw up every time I tried to eat.

In less than a month, I had dropped from 240 down to 220lbs. At that point I was eating 2-3 meals a day again, but I was eating less than half the volume of food that I once had. I could not stomach more. Instead of 2 double cheeseburgers and a whole large fry, I would eat half a single burger and nibble a few fries. I continued to lose weight.

My doctor recommended we try Vyvanse after we reached the max dose of Strattera and I still wasn't getting the full benefit of the medicine. She started me on 30mg, and for the first 2 weeks, the appetite I had managed to work back up was gone. I still ate, but most days I skipped at least 1 meal, and when I did eat I was eating a few bites at a time before stopping.

By the time my appetite began improving again, I was down to 195lbs. Under 200 for the first time since middle school. I was elated. My appetite was coming back but I began tracking my calories religiously.

Now, I've been on adderall XR for a few months and it does nothing to my appetite at all. I'm back to being hungry, hungry. But I am still losing weight at a deficit, eating 1600-1900 calories most days. I have 2 weekly cheat days where I will eat up to 2500 calories. The days that I eat only 1600 calories, I may feel some more hunger but something about having those cheat days to look forward to makes the hunger easy to deal with.

My weight loss is slower now, but I am still losing at least 1lb per week. My goal weight is 145lbs, but my body is already starting to look and feel drastically different. I marvel at it nearly every day. I feel like the same obese mess that I was sometimes, but then I catch a glimpse of myself in a mirror and I do a double-take. Is that me? That doesn't look like me. I don't recall ever having seen myself this small.

My tummy is still very much there, round and sticking out way farther than I'd like. But there's also noticeably less stomach than there ever has been. The skin of my stomach feels looser, when before it used to be stretched tight. My belly still touches the tops of my thighs when I am seated, but only barely. I can look down while seated and see most of my thighs and it's bizarre.

I have been obese for the vast majority of my life. To the point that, I have no memories of a time that my body was this size. It's like getting adjusted to a new body, but every 10lbs lost I have to readjust. I love it and it makes me so very proud of myself, but it is really bizarre too.

I never, ever imagined I would get this far. But now that I am here, I cannot imagine stopping short of my goal. I love my new body. I love feeling like I finally have power to control my body, when every diet I ever went on in the past left me feeling like it's impossible to lose weight - so why even try? Turns out, weight loss is actually possible. And fun. Who knew it would be fun??

I'm actually going clothes shopping this weekend. And looking forward to it. For the first time in my life I am excited to go clothes shopping. All my clothes are baggy and smock-like on me. It makes me feel frumpy and strange, and I can't wait to get into some clothes that fit this new frame of mine.

Anyway. Posting this to celebrate my achievement of reaching 170lbs. I really never thought I'd be here. It really feels like I'm dreaming sometimes.

Sorry this is so long, but thank you for reading my story.

submitted by /u/Wise-View-964
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