Sunday, November 18, 2018

Weight Loss Made Me Ugly

I went from 300+ lbs to 170 in about 3 years and my body changed in some of the most unappealing ways. I have loose skin that makes me look like I've had 70 kids, my skin somehow feels thinner and now I can see all these ugly veins on my legs, and finally - and worst of all - my face looks disproportionate. By that I mean I can now see I have a diamond shape face where underneath my cheeks is very hallow but I still have puffy cheeks. I look like an alien when I smile. I'm only 24 and single af and I feel like these features are holding me back. I still have 30 lbs to go before goal but I'm scared that I'll look even worse. I'm saving up for skin surgery but I want to know if anyone has had face surgery after weight loss and if so, how do you like your results?

submitted by /u/MiserableMouse22
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Why Body Why?!

I’m about a month into tracking calories and hitting step goals. I try to eat between 1300-1800 calories a day and also hit 10,000 steps a day. Goal is to lose 50lbs right now.

So this week this is what happens. It seems like when I do things right it doesn’t work, and when I don’t follow the rules things happen. Sometimes good, sometimes bad.

Monday, goals hit, weight the same Tuesday, goals hit, weight the same Wednesday, goals hit, weight the same Thursday, goals hit, weight the same Friday, goals hit, weight the same Saturday, go to favorite restaurant, eat over calorie range, next morning down 1.5lbs.

I don’t understand my body or weight loss. That is all.

submitted by /u/MSRYall
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I (20f) lost 10lb without trying and its bittersweet.

I’ve been trying to loose weight since May of this year when i realized i was 20lb over my own weight limit. I decided to start going to the gym and zumba clases without any change in my eating. Big mistake, i gained 10lb more during the summer. I felt like trash because i was doing everything I could to loose weight and i was just gaining more. I stayed at 30lb over my limit for the rest of the year. I stopped exercising because uni got harder, so i decided that i would try to do drink water in the mornings and started eating more veggies. I didn’t cut out carbs or sugar. I was doing no calorie counting and no exercise. I weighted myself yesterday and i had lost 10lb. I know i should be happy, after all, I lost nearly half the weight i had to loose without noticing. But, I am scared this weight fluctuation starts being a normal thing. Its so confusing because when i stopped trying i started to loose weight. I still have a long way to go, but i am scared i somehow gain all my weight back or even more. Its so frustrating because i have always struggled with my weight and now that i am trying not to think about it my body starts loosing it. Anybody has any advice? How can i feel good from this weight loss? How can i stop worrying that the weight will come crippling back? How can I maintain this weight loss and reach my -20lb goal?

submitted by /u/thoughtgerm792
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Supplements/pills/meds to help

Hi everyone,

I know this is a really controversial topic so please allow me to explain

I’m not looking for an easy route out at all. I totally understand that fundamentally what my body needs is CICO. I’ve read all of the info in the FAQ and compendium here and I’ve been dieting/using MFP for almost a year since all of this began.

About a year ago I noticed I was gaining weight, really quickly. Like, it felt like overnight I had a big belly. I was thin and have always been - 5”5 and 50kg at the time. But this was really really quick, and I wasn’t eating any worse than I usually did (not the healthiest diet in the world - but not a binge eater, I used to be one of those people that would have like one really unhealthy meal like a massive bowl of sugary cereal and then some chocolate and that would be all I’d have the whole day).

In the end I gained 30kg in 2 months. Yes really.

So I went to the doctor. What occurred was a very tedious series of events I won’t go into, but I have a prolactinoma (pituitary tumour) and I’m currently being assessed for Cushing’s. My endo is to put it mildly a misogynist prick and entirely does NOT believe me about my weight gain - this is because I still looked relatively thin until a couple of months ago. I think that he thought I was just eating loads and being lazy or something. He really didn’t buy the 30kg in two months thing even though MFP (which I was using even when I was 50kg because I was trying to get strong at the gym) had tracked this entire thing and there’s no reason for me to make this up.

Side note about my endo - he’s actually not an endo, he’s a consultant. I live in a v underfunded NHS district in the UK and the only actually qualified endo in my hospital has an eight month long waiting list, meaning a second opinion isn’t even an option. BUT I have finally convinced him to assess me for Cushing’s and a ton of other things that could be causing this. I am currently on quinagolide which has slowed down the weight gain to around 1.5kg per week (if I maintain a ~1900 calorie intake). In order to get to a point of gaining no weight at all I need to be consuming less than 1000 calories per day. This is not only really unhealthy for me, but as a student who is currently on ten hour per day study sessions as well as work on top .... this is not sustainable. In fact, since the tumour diagnosis I’ve found that if I don’t eat a sizeable (300-400 calories) meal roughly every four-five hours I will get a really severe migraine.

I’ve been to the GP (who is shocked at how my endo is acting and has sent him numerous “concerned letters”) and he doesn’t feel he can prescribe me any weight loss drugs because he doesn’t feel knowledgeable enough about all the hormonal stuff. I also have a lot of mental health stuff going on (the quinagolide for example has induced psychosis) and so he’s worried about prescribing me stuff that may make any of that worse.

But this is totally unsustainable. I’m starting to get really big - I’m now 90kg and my legs are quite short meaning I’m in a lot of pain all the time because my legs are carrying so much weight. Something has to give, and my endo works so slow that I’m not likely to get another diagnosis (and therefore treatment that may address the weight issues) for at least four more months (he himself has admitted this).

I’m desperate, Reddit. So I’m asking you to recommend me any pills you know of that have worked for you/people you know. I’m not an idiot, I will take into account side effects especially if they involve mental health, but I just wanted to make this post to explore my options. I’m not expecting any miracles, just something to help this get to a point of at least staying the weight I am.

TL;DR: Undiagnosed medical condition is causing v rapid weight gain. Endo is uncooperative and GP feels too uninformed to prescribe anything to help the weight. Looking for pill recommendations that might help slow this down

submitted by /u/glorycomedown
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Right before the holidays is a great time to start losing weight

Last night, we had our annual Friendsgiving dinner. I've been back on the weight loss train for two weeks now and decided that I wasn't going to worry about what I ate at the party. I skipped lunch in preparation and prepared to stuff myself.

In the end, I ate about half the amount I ate last year. After two weeks of portion control, I just don't have the same appetite that I did before. I wasn't trying to keep my food intake low. After I felt full, I still went for the dessert, but I only ate half my dessert before I started feeling sick.

Originally, I was going to wait for the new year to start my diet. Then it occurred to me that now was just as good a time to start. Even if I over-indulge on holiday treats, I'll still weigh less on January 1st than I would have weighed if I waited. I'm not going to count calories at family gatherings and holiday parties, but at least I'm now eating less without really trying.

I've always gained a few pounds between Thanksgiving and Christmas. If I only manage to maintain, it would still be a success. Instead of feeling guilty about over eating on Thanksgiving, I'll be glad that I spent the rest of the week eating right. I won't enjoy my holidays more if I wait to diet. In fact, I'll probably enjoy them more because I won't end my day with a stomach ache from too much junk food. I think starting my diet in November is way better than starting in January.

submitted by /u/MrsCharmander
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Infographic on the Emotional Rollercoaster of Weight Cycling. Is this right?

I’ve written a post elsewhere on the personal toll of weight cycling, and created an infographic that I think might interest the r/loseit community. It’s about the experience of weight cycling. It shows the stages of weight change and accompanying changes in the emotions and motivations. I based this on interviews with several people with long histories of weight cycling.

I created the infographic to:

1) see where things go wrong when we try to lose weight so that we can see how sustainers break the cycle.

2) show in a concrete visual way the personal toll weight cycling takes well beyond the effects of being overweight or obese, so that it’s easier to focus on it.

Either link works:

Did I get this right? Does it resonate with you? Where did I get it wrong? Feedback welcome.


If you’re interested, here is an excerpt from the post where I describe the story of one weight cycler:

“I Feel Trapped on an Emotional Rollercoaster”

Weight cycling exacts an enormous emotional toll. Depressive symptoms are associated with weight cycling, but this doesn’t paint a full psychological picture. The experience is best shared in a story.

I interviewed numerous weight cyclers who shared their experiences. They often began by describing previous weight loss attempts and lessons they learned. Eventually, however, they all described the emotional rollercoaster that accompanied their weight cycling.

One interviewee in her early 30’s - let’s call her Jane - discussed the rollercoaster-weight cycle experience in extraordinary detail. Each cycle began with a trigger, such as looking in the mirror or having difficulty sitting in an airplane seat. The pain of the trigger drove her through a progression of very sophisticated, stage-based diet and exercise regimens she developed over years of weight cycling. She spoke of the rush or high she would feel during the weight loss phase of her cycle. Then inevitably, she would slide down the “punishing loop” phase, caused by the need for increasingly rigorous diet and exercise to reach and then simply maintain her weight goals. During this phase, she would also experience the pressure, fear, and sense of vulnerability of not being able to “keep it up.” This “punishing loop” is a horrible place to be. After exerting tremendous willpower and effort, she would eventually become overwhelmed. All it would take to relapse were common disruptions in her life, such as increased stress at work. This would always be accompanied by a sense of guilt, shame, and failure. Having relapsed, she would begin to regain her weight, until the cycle repeated with another painful trigger. She had already completed several weight cycles in her life.

Jane is a highly educated and successful business woman who has always been extremely motivated to lose weight. Over the years, she put in the time and effort. She tried medically supervised weight loss. She used personal trainers, nutritionists, and naturopaths. She tracked everything and tried many weight loss apps. She studied weight loss extensively on her own, learned things that seemed to work for her during each cycle and applied them to the next. Yet she couldn’t break the weight cycling.

Nearly all weight cyclers I interviewed said they felt trapped in repeating weight cycles and on the emotional rollercoaster. They tried to get off but couldn’t.

Note: This story differs dramatically from the stories shared with me by successful weight loss sustainers.

submitted by /u/upwellinglife
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Beginning long journey.. need cheap easy pesce/vegetarian ideas

Having a bit of shock at the moment.. I haven't weighed myself since May, when I was 160 lbs. Today, I decided to buy a scale to get serious about weight loss... I'm 203.8 lbs.

I've been exercising less because my boyfriend and I moved in together and I've been having hormonal difficulties as well (previously punctual period has been on/off and super light if it comes for five months, cramps not ovulating or menstruating, I have ovarian cysts and I think they're acting up). I knew visually I had gained weight and I had new deep stretch marks, and my clothing felt tighter.. but I thought I was maybe like, 180 or something if I had to guess.

But no, 203. I gained 40 lbs in 6 months. I've always fluctuated in weight from 115 to 180, but I've never been over 200. I probably shouldn't be, but I'm so shocked. I even made my bf use the scale and stepped on and off with my cat to check it's accurate. But no, it's really me. I ate myself into obesity.

It's time to change and take responsibility for my body and life, and stop feeling sorry for myself or thinking "tomorrow".

Stats: 5'6" Cw: 203.8 Gw: 135

I'm actually sick of junk food and I would way rather eat healthy, I just go with the sucky path of least resistance.

I tend to make poor decisions when:

  1. I'm rushed or exhausted. I work two jobs and most of the time when I come home at 3am I want to just scarf something quick down (usually snacks from the 24hr gas station) rather than cook.

  2. I'm not planning my money in advance. It's easier for me to spend $9 at the fast food joint than to A) go to the only grocery store near me that's a super expensive bougie gourmet spot and spend $30 on four items or B) make an outing to the regular grocery store 30 min walk away, buy $80 of veggies that go bad in a week, and take an Uber home.

So I want to address these excuses I make, create solutions, and I'd like help and suggestions. When I was skinny in the past, I had an ED and my habits were not healthy. I want to do things healthy this time!

(PS I feel most comfortable being pescetarian/vegetarian for animal reasons)

I'm looking for

  1. Cheap pescetarian or vegetarian healthy recipes or meal ideas. Preferably ones that can be meal prepped days ahead, but doesn't have to be. Down to earth, accessible recipes like spicy rice and sauteed spinach and garlic. Not expensive or hard to find like amarinth grain and goji berry glaze.

  2. Tips on meal prepping, making the right choice the convenient one, making time in your day for exercise and cooking healthy food. How do you plan your meals out so that produce doesn't go bad? And, any other motivation or tips that have helped you the most in your journey.

  3. What are some apps or systems you maybe use for meal planning or budgeting groceries, stuff like that? I've had MyFitnessPal before for tracking food but I never could log consistently because it was a pain to estimate weight in portions, etc. But I'm going to try again on that front to hold myself accountable for what I eat.

Thank you in advance! Your help and wisdom is appreciated and valued.

submitted by /u/AsparagusToker69
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