Sunday, November 18, 2018

Supplements/pills/meds to help

Hi everyone,

I know this is a really controversial topic so please allow me to explain

I’m not looking for an easy route out at all. I totally understand that fundamentally what my body needs is CICO. I’ve read all of the info in the FAQ and compendium here and I’ve been dieting/using MFP for almost a year since all of this began.

About a year ago I noticed I was gaining weight, really quickly. Like, it felt like overnight I had a big belly. I was thin and have always been - 5”5 and 50kg at the time. But this was really really quick, and I wasn’t eating any worse than I usually did (not the healthiest diet in the world - but not a binge eater, I used to be one of those people that would have like one really unhealthy meal like a massive bowl of sugary cereal and then some chocolate and that would be all I’d have the whole day).

In the end I gained 30kg in 2 months. Yes really.

So I went to the doctor. What occurred was a very tedious series of events I won’t go into, but I have a prolactinoma (pituitary tumour) and I’m currently being assessed for Cushing’s. My endo is to put it mildly a misogynist prick and entirely does NOT believe me about my weight gain - this is because I still looked relatively thin until a couple of months ago. I think that he thought I was just eating loads and being lazy or something. He really didn’t buy the 30kg in two months thing even though MFP (which I was using even when I was 50kg because I was trying to get strong at the gym) had tracked this entire thing and there’s no reason for me to make this up.

Side note about my endo - he’s actually not an endo, he’s a consultant. I live in a v underfunded NHS district in the UK and the only actually qualified endo in my hospital has an eight month long waiting list, meaning a second opinion isn’t even an option. BUT I have finally convinced him to assess me for Cushing’s and a ton of other things that could be causing this. I am currently on quinagolide which has slowed down the weight gain to around 1.5kg per week (if I maintain a ~1900 calorie intake). In order to get to a point of gaining no weight at all I need to be consuming less than 1000 calories per day. This is not only really unhealthy for me, but as a student who is currently on ten hour per day study sessions as well as work on top .... this is not sustainable. In fact, since the tumour diagnosis I’ve found that if I don’t eat a sizeable (300-400 calories) meal roughly every four-five hours I will get a really severe migraine.

I’ve been to the GP (who is shocked at how my endo is acting and has sent him numerous “concerned letters”) and he doesn’t feel he can prescribe me any weight loss drugs because he doesn’t feel knowledgeable enough about all the hormonal stuff. I also have a lot of mental health stuff going on (the quinagolide for example has induced psychosis) and so he’s worried about prescribing me stuff that may make any of that worse.

But this is totally unsustainable. I’m starting to get really big - I’m now 90kg and my legs are quite short meaning I’m in a lot of pain all the time because my legs are carrying so much weight. Something has to give, and my endo works so slow that I’m not likely to get another diagnosis (and therefore treatment that may address the weight issues) for at least four more months (he himself has admitted this).

I’m desperate, Reddit. So I’m asking you to recommend me any pills you know of that have worked for you/people you know. I’m not an idiot, I will take into account side effects especially if they involve mental health, but I just wanted to make this post to explore my options. I’m not expecting any miracles, just something to help this get to a point of at least staying the weight I am.

TL;DR: Undiagnosed medical condition is causing v rapid weight gain. Endo is uncooperative and GP feels too uninformed to prescribe anything to help the weight. Looking for pill recommendations that might help slow this down

submitted by /u/glorycomedown
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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