Sunday, November 18, 2018

Beginning long journey.. need cheap easy pesce/vegetarian ideas

Having a bit of shock at the moment.. I haven't weighed myself since May, when I was 160 lbs. Today, I decided to buy a scale to get serious about weight loss... I'm 203.8 lbs.

I've been exercising less because my boyfriend and I moved in together and I've been having hormonal difficulties as well (previously punctual period has been on/off and super light if it comes for five months, cramps not ovulating or menstruating, I have ovarian cysts and I think they're acting up). I knew visually I had gained weight and I had new deep stretch marks, and my clothing felt tighter.. but I thought I was maybe like, 180 or something if I had to guess.

But no, 203. I gained 40 lbs in 6 months. I've always fluctuated in weight from 115 to 180, but I've never been over 200. I probably shouldn't be, but I'm so shocked. I even made my bf use the scale and stepped on and off with my cat to check it's accurate. But no, it's really me. I ate myself into obesity.

It's time to change and take responsibility for my body and life, and stop feeling sorry for myself or thinking "tomorrow".

Stats: 5'6" Cw: 203.8 Gw: 135

I'm actually sick of junk food and I would way rather eat healthy, I just go with the sucky path of least resistance.

I tend to make poor decisions when:

  1. I'm rushed or exhausted. I work two jobs and most of the time when I come home at 3am I want to just scarf something quick down (usually snacks from the 24hr gas station) rather than cook.

  2. I'm not planning my money in advance. It's easier for me to spend $9 at the fast food joint than to A) go to the only grocery store near me that's a super expensive bougie gourmet spot and spend $30 on four items or B) make an outing to the regular grocery store 30 min walk away, buy $80 of veggies that go bad in a week, and take an Uber home.

So I want to address these excuses I make, create solutions, and I'd like help and suggestions. When I was skinny in the past, I had an ED and my habits were not healthy. I want to do things healthy this time!

(PS I feel most comfortable being pescetarian/vegetarian for animal reasons)

I'm looking for

  1. Cheap pescetarian or vegetarian healthy recipes or meal ideas. Preferably ones that can be meal prepped days ahead, but doesn't have to be. Down to earth, accessible recipes like spicy rice and sauteed spinach and garlic. Not expensive or hard to find like amarinth grain and goji berry glaze.

  2. Tips on meal prepping, making the right choice the convenient one, making time in your day for exercise and cooking healthy food. How do you plan your meals out so that produce doesn't go bad? And, any other motivation or tips that have helped you the most in your journey.

  3. What are some apps or systems you maybe use for meal planning or budgeting groceries, stuff like that? I've had MyFitnessPal before for tracking food but I never could log consistently because it was a pain to estimate weight in portions, etc. But I'm going to try again on that front to hold myself accountable for what I eat.

Thank you in advance! Your help and wisdom is appreciated and valued.

submitted by /u/AsparagusToker69
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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