Thursday, March 14, 2019

4 Years Later (Pics, NSV/SV)

Well y'all, I'm now a full 4 years (and a couple months change) into losing and maintaining.

I'm coming up on the end of a controlled bulk, and just wanted to share. Maybe somebody can get some inspiration out of this.

It's really hard/uncomfortable for me to post shirtless pics of myself, but I'm feeling really froggy today, had a great workout this morning, so fuck it!

The before ( was taken in the beginning of March in 2015 at about 335

The after ( was taken just a few minutes ago. I'm a little puffy from bulking (weighing in at about 190 atm), and obviously i have some leftover skin that I just can't get rid of even when I lean wayyyy out.

I eat lots of protein, lots of vegetables. Bulking I've been taking in 3000-3400 calories a day, trying to hit a minimum of 150g of protein a day. During weight loss which took roughly 2.5 years total my goal was 1800, but like most, that wasn't always reality. I have used the gym as a bit of refuge over the past 4 years of my life, and gone through major life changes. But getting to a healthy weight and keeping it has always been a priority.

At the end of this week I'm starting a cut back down to 175-180.

This sub is a great resource for people at all stages of weight loss, and I want to thank everyone that contributes for doing what you do.

submitted by /u/abrotherseamus
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I needed a break, is that okay?

Flair is being stupid. 24M, 6'4" tall (193cm), SW: 320lbs, CW: 198-200lbs. Started January 2018.

I just need to hear someone tell me I haven't thrown away my health. This is driving me crazy.

Over the past four months I've started a new job, relocated, and got a puppy. It's been a hectic whirlwind. While I'm glad for new opportunities, if I don't have a sense of equilibrium and balance I find it really difficult to be diligent about my weight loss plan.

Especially with my new job, I needed to take a break. I've been dedicated to my diet and exercise routine for a year and I'm so proud of myself - I look like a different person. But I have more to go, and I never want to stop this. However, I chose to eat some "comfort foods" over a weekend, which turned into a week, which turned into a couple of months. I've exercised sporadically, but inconsistently.

I am getting back at it. I'm tracking my calories with MFP, lifting in the mornings, and running in the evenings. I've been doing well for about a week and I feel awesome. I'm going to weigh in next Wednesday. I need to keep going. Honestly, I only feel good about myself when I'm taking care of myself.

I'm happy that I maintained my weight. Dispite how much I flew off the handle, I didn't gain. I'm so grateful. But I feel so guilty. I feel like I failed myself.

Summer is around the corner. It's my favorite season. When I was too fat to wear t shirts or enjoy the outdoors because of my size, I was the most depressed. Last summer I was able to wear a t shirt and go on adventures - literally a dream come true. I want this summer to be filled with progress, and if not this summer than the next, I want to be able to take off my shirt. My man boobs are turning into pecs slowly but surely, and it's so cool.

If I'm inconsistent I don't see any progress. But for some reason as much as I understand this, it's so hard to get back on track.

This is mostly a vent, because I know you all understand. This community has got me through everything since I started this weight loss journey.

If you all could come through the internet and give me a hug, I'd sure appreciate it.

Sorry, this is mostly a vent. But I need some support.

submitted by /u/TheTallestLoser
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I’ve plateaued

So as the title states after months of rapid weight loss I’ve (22M) plateaued. Hard! I’m 6 foot weighing about 210 at this point (down from a height of 280). It’s getting really hard to stay motivated at this point. When you go from losing 10 pounds a month for half a year to stopping dead in your tracks, it gets incredibly discouraging. Now I’m in the gym less (5 to an average of 3 days a week). My diet is starting to suffer, and I’m not drinking water like I should. When you’re doing everything right and you don’t see the weight coming off you kind of fall off the wagon a bit. I’m still at a caloric deficit, but a couple days a week I’ll just say fuck it and eat one shitty meal (I want to make it clear this lack of motivation has only been going on for 2 weeks. I haven’t lost any weight in a month and a half). Idk if my metabolism is shot or what, but I really want to fix it. So I’m just curious if anybody has some ideas on how you could get past a plateau. How did you guys get past your plateaus?

submitted by /u/moosepantsthekey
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

6 Signs You’re Eating Too Much Sugar

Got a sweet tooth? You can thank mom and dad: Some research suggests that a preference for sugar maybe programmed in our DNA. Unfortunately, excess sugar is more than just a preference for the sweet stuff. It’s a health risk.

On average, Americans consume more than 24 teaspoons of sugar every day. That translates to more than 350 calories from sugar alone. In 2009, the American Heart Association entered the great added sugar debate, adding their own recommendations for intake: 100 calories per day for women and 150 calories per day for men.

The Show-Down of the Sugars: Added vs. Natural

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Why so strict? The scientific evidence against added sugar intake is growing fast. The risk of obesity is obvious. But added sugars, especially from sugar sweetened beverages, increase your risk for dyslipidemia (fat in your blood) and high blood pressure. All of these factors are direct contributors to cardiovascular disease, raising the red flag for the American Heart Association.

Added sugar hides in many places. (Find out the top 11 sneaky sources of added sugar here.) While the natural sugars found in dairy and fruit are not a concern, sugars added to processed foods and beverages are not so innocent (Learn about the differences between added and natural sugars here). Sugar adds to the pleasure of eating, creating a cycle of cravings and crashes.

11 Sneaky Sources of Added Sugar

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Luckily, if you’re on a Nutrisystem® weight loss plan, you don’t have to worry about added sugars. The Nutrisystem weight loss program and all of the diet food choices are based on the science of the Glycemic Index, which measures the quality of carbohydrates and how they impact your blood sugar levels. Carbohydrates that break down slowly encourage stable blood sugar levels so they rate well or “low” on the Glycemic Index. The slow and steady breakdown also produces a greater feeling of fullness. We are not a low carb program, but you are getting good carbs that are low to moderate on the Glycemic Index. However, you do need to be careful that you’re making smart choices when selecting add-ins like PowerFuels, SmartCarbs and Extras, as added sugars are often hiding in seemingly healthy foods.

So how do you know if you’re consuming too much sugar? Take inventory.

If you’re experiencing any of the six symptoms below, you may need to take a closer look at the added sugar in your diet and re-examine those nutrition labels.

1. Excess weight
The scale may tell the whole tale. See the numbers going up? Losing the weight loss battle? Faye Berger Mitchell, RD, LDN, nutritionist, author and speaker says excess sugar often translates to excess calories which will contribute to weight gain.

A review in the American Journal of Public Health published in 2007 found that higher intakes of sugar sweetened beverages were associated with higher body weights and lower intakes of other nutrients. The good news is, a decrease in consumption of these beverages was also associated with greater weight loss. Adding fuel to the fire, a larger follow up study concluded that sweetened beverages were associated with an increased risk of heart disease.

Swap out the sugar sweetened beverages for water, unsweetened seltzer or iced tea. It may be the easiest way to cut calories and sugar without making dramatic changes.

7 Simple Ways to Cut Back on Sugar

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2. Breakouts
Feeling like a teenager going through puberty all over again? A study in the Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics revealed a relationship between a high-sugar diet and acne. The more sugar that was consumed, the more severe the acne.

Sugar may increase the hormones that indirectly cause acne. The insulin spike that happens after sugar consumption may also cause inflammation throughout the body, which can wreak havoc on your skin. Avoid processed foods, refined carbohydrates and sugar sweetened treats. Fill your diet with healthy fats to reduce inflammation and complex carbohydrates to help control your blood sugar.

3. High blood pressure
The Framingham Heart Study concluded that one or more soft drinks per day significantly increased the odds of developing high blood pressure. The good news? Cutting out just one sugar-sweetened beverage daily may significantly reduce your blood pressure. And so it goes: Slow and steady wins the race.

Is Your Blood Pressure Too High? How to Know

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4. High triglycerides
According to the American Heart Association, it’s an excess of added sugar—not fat—that may be to blame for those rising triglyceride numbers. This is ironic considering a fear of fat has many people opting for low-fat everything. But, in order to preserve the flavor that is lost with the removal of fat, many companies add sugar. Lots and lots of sugar.

Mitchell has found that the media often confuses people with inaccurate and sensationalized headlines. The consumer often hears one thing: Eat low-fat. Carbs good. Fats bad. But healthy fats (think mono- and poly-unsaturated fats) are not to be feared.

Mitchell recommends healthy fats in her patients’ diets. Aside from playing a key role in many internal processes, Mitchell explains that “fat is really important for satiety and fullness.” Thus, avoiding fat altogether can cause increased hunger and over-consumption. Just be sure to opt for healthy fats like those found in avocados, nuts, and olive oil. And be sure to read the nutrition labels of your favorite low-fat foods. Don’t be fooled by foods that skimp on fat but pile on sugar.

Fats: The Good, the Bad & the Gray Area

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5. You crave it
Your brain sees sugar as a reward. Sugar cravings don’t necessarily mean your body needs food. Eating added sugars spikes your blood glucose, giving you that sugar high. Natural sugars in fruits and dairy may give you a boost without a high because they contain healthy fats and fiber, slowing digestion and managing blood sugar levels. Need a little help beating those sweet treat cravings? We’ve got you covered right here.

6. And then… you crash
You’ve flooded your body with sugar, and now you have to move all that glucose out of your blood. This may cause extreme peaks and valleys in sugar levels.

Mitchell explains, “Some people will experience a reactive low blood sugar after eating too much sugar at one time. Initially, the blood sugar will go up after eating sugar, and if your body is functioning properly, insulin will be released to lower your blood sugar to the normal range. In some people, though, the blood sugar can go too low and the person may become lightheaded, dizzy and shaky.”

Avoid the crash by avoiding the high. Eat when you’re hungry. Keeping your blood sugar stable throughout the day with frequent small meals containing healthy fats, protein and complex carbohydrates can keep the sugar cravings under control.

The post 6 Signs You’re Eating Too Much Sugar appeared first on The Leaf.

from The Leaf

Looking for a little advice

Hello! I've had kidney problems for about 11 or 12 years and I have to lose weight for a possible kidney transplant now. I started a diet Tuesday and lost some weight already but I was eating 1200 calories a day. I watched a video by Obese to beast that said to just eat around 500 calories less than the number on IDEE. I can link the video. Either way If I do that I know my weight loss isn't going to happen as fast and I need to have this done for if my kidneys quit in the next year. They told me I need to lose 100 pounds to have the surgery considered safe. I have a sedentary job and I have school on top of that, so going to the gym isn't that easy for me. especially since its usually closed by the time I'm free in the evenings. So... I just don't know what to do. I guess just follow the rule on ObeseToBeast video and just take my time?


submitted by /u/Muffless
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Weight loss struggle. Stuck don’t know what to do

I am currently sitting at 195 pounds 27.Male. 5,6. I have a muscular build I have lifted weights for a long time. I remember last year being 188 thinking I needed to cut down well here I am a year later and I am at 195. I do not drink soft drinks,sugary drinks I may drink one at the most on the weekend. I drink water and coffee everyday. I don’t eat sweets. I work at a school so my schedule is usually the same. I see people eating drinking snacks cokes all day long but if I eat a piece of bread I feel like shit. I am Up most of the day for my job. I know my breakfast habits are not great I don’t eat or just eat a microwave breakfast bowl. For lunch I eat a sandwich or tuna. I don’t do a good job of snacking in the day I usually just eat lunch and that’s it. And nothing else until after my workout around 530. Sometimes before I will eat a scoop of peanut butter. Not a big cook, I do eat out a few times a week which I know doesn’t help at all, but I have always done this of course I have stopped completely for weeks at a time. I have tried tracking apps. I have recently started incorporating a mile a day into my workouts. I am just stuck. I have cut some unnecessary carbs from my diet. I am not seeing any results on the scale or physically in my body. I’m just open to hearing what people have to say to try and help.

submitted by /u/ezpackattack
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I’m Freezing My Eggs–Week 1 Update

I’m one week into the process of freezing my eggs and sharing a quick update video. I’m trying to update you as I go through all the steps. So each post isn’t going to have all the information – this is a series. I’ll link to previous posts below to follow along the journey.

freezing my eggs week 1 check in

The first steps are fairly routine – a lot of appointments and blood tests. But I’ve also been feeling a little emotional and I’m not sure if that’s from the birth control or my feelings on doing this. I don’t think it should or has to be an emotional decision to freeze your eggs.

Freezing My Eggs Week 1 Check In

Fertility Preservation Series

What women should know about their fertility – Podcast with Fertility Expert

Egg Freezing – Announcement and Step 1

Make sure you’re following so you don’t miss any updates!

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The post I’m Freezing My Eggs–Week 1 Update appeared first on Run Eat Repeat.

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