Friday, May 3, 2019

The books that helped your weight loss journey

I want to hear about the books that supported your journey! I have three that made a real difference ...

  • The End of Overeating by David A. Kessler (2009) is the book that ripped the blinders off my eyes about restaurants and the food industry. I had a vague idea that restaurants used lots of butter and salt to make things tasty, but I didn't realize the extent. When 'an industry source' explained to him that the foods are processed to 'minimize chewing ... so customers don't have to work so hard ... it's like adult baby food", a switch was thrown in my brain. I mostly eat at home now. :)
  • The Secret Life of Fat by Sylvia Tara (2016) is the story of a PhD biochemist who decides to tackle her own fat. Intespersed with personal stories, this book explored all aspects of fat, including the rare genetic disorder that prevents the body from storing fat: "her blood had the consistency of cream" is the phrase that stuck with me, and after reading this book I felt a real shift in my attitude towards my body & fat, I totally stopped using words like 'fight' and 'battle', even internally. I appreciated that I COULD store fat, having contemplated the alternative. My body was acting exactly how it was supposed to, based on the inputs I was giving it, and if I wanted it to respond differently, I needed to change the input.
  • Books by Joel Fuhrman. Even though I do not attempt to follow his diet 100% (I eat more animal protein than he recommends, mostly because I have a long list of food sensitivities that mean I can't eat some of his most recommended foods), his books reset my barometer for what a 'healthy' food was. At the time I'd been spending way too much time & money following fancy new health foods (maca powder! goji berries! pomegranate juice!). They are healthy (ish) ... but so is cabbage. And carrots. And all the other delicious foods that were right under my nose and readily available at my supermarket. He busted some of my concerns about modern fruits & veg not being grown in nutritious soils and that you're still better off buying the vegetable even if it's not organic ... some issues that watching too many documentaries about food had me spinning in circles.
submitted by /u/nsa_7878
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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