Thursday, November 7, 2019

Doing well so far without clear motivation, but scared to fall off the wagon because of it

Hey everybody! 25M, H:175cm, SW:110kg, CW:88.5kg, GW:72kg lurker here!

Title says all but nevertheless here's some long-ass backstory:

I have been overweight/obese since I was in 3rd grade. I had reached 103kg in highschool in 2011 when my friend introduced me to street dance, and since then I fell in love with dancing. One of the dancer I admired on Youtube lost a lot of weight, hence I was motivated to start my weight loss journey. After about 6 months, I managed to lose around 20-25kgs, but without proper knowledge of nutrition and just did it by eating less and practicing more.

University came by and the weight started to creep in again. Reached about 95kg in early 2014 when I decided to lose weight again because I didn't like how I looked, and this time I was equipped with free student gym memberships and MFP. I did CICO, cardio and weight lifting and lost about 20kgs in about 4-5 months (got a relative who's into fitness and got some neat advice).

Sounds good right? Except I was so obsessed with numbers, both in MFP app and on the scale, and some days I would starve myself with small portion of salad at night. No knowledge of macro-nutrients in the slightest. It was unhealthy despite the weight loss success.

Feeling good about losing weight for the second time, I entered workforce in 2015. I managed to keep the gym habit but not much CICO. I managed to maintain my weight within 80-90kg range (gaining and losing constantly) up to the end of 2017.

Entering 2018 was when all hell broke lose. Work and social stresses, personal issues etc. made me lose motivation to work out. I stopped my gym membership mid 2018 and was just eating whatever. 85kg increased to 90kg, 95kg, 100kg and eventually I reached my max around April or May 2019, which is at ~110kg. Reason of weight gain, in short: BINGE.

June 2019 I decided to lose weight again, but different from last time I didn't have a clear motivation. I just suddenly wanted to do it out of nowhere. As of now, I am down to 88.5kg by doing almost the same thing as last time but with more knowledge on nutrients and less restrictive measures. It might be still slightly too fast but I lost about 1.1kg per week in average without feeling starved.

I know I'm currently doing better than my previous attempts, but the unclear motivation kinda baffles me. I am scared that I might return to my old binging ways. Sharing my story here to know whether anyone else has ever have this experience before and would love to know some suggestions on losing and maintaing weight!

In any case, I wish everyone good luck in their journey to lose weight!

submitted by /u/anonymous_big_nerd
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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