Saturday, November 2, 2019

It’s time to get back to it

Super long story short:

  • Had some pretty significant personal issues in 2018 that resulted in about 8 months of very disordered eating. I lost about 65 pounds and was the smallest I had been in, basically, my entire adult life. But mental-health wise I was a train wreck, my hair was falling out, and I was fainting all the time.

  • I worked really hard to overcome the disordered eating, started lifting, got healthier (mentally and physically). LOVED lifting and really started to get into it and build a lot of muscle. Gained 20 pounds but was at 22% body fat. Best shape of my life.

  • I decided to donate a kidney, stopped lifting to focus on endurance, stamina and cardio. Donated, healed up great, final restriction is being lifted this week (3 months). Weight has remained the same at 165 (F, 45, 5’ 7,) but I am much squishier feeling. Most of my clothes still fit though.

So, it’s time. I have rearranged my work schedule so I can run a 2-day lifting program (best I can do right now, because life). I’m going to start being more judicious with my food choices and pay more attention to portion control first. If I don’t have to get back to counting calories, I’d prefer not to because it really messes with my head and I have enough stress in my life that I think it could be a slippery slope.

Anyway, no real weight loss goal, Right now I’m not going to have the time to focus on strength building to the degree I was before so I’m guessing I could stand do lose about 10-15 pounds in addition to rebuilding base strength.

Just putting all my thoughts down in writing as they’ve been swirling around in my head for a bit. If you got this far, thanks for reading!

submitted by /u/_Pulltab_
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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