Saturday, November 2, 2019

Could use some advice, new to this.

For a little context I'm 19, 220 lbs, 5'5", and my BMI is 36.1 if the online calculators are anything to go by.

I've tried to lose weight in the past with different results but in unsustainable ways. Either through fasting which always ended with me binging for days at a time, and once I went to a weight loss clinic that just gave me pills that made me feel like shit and a B12 shot. I've been wanting to lose weight for a little over a year now, and I started this fail of a journey at 230 lbs. I've gotten down to 200 but i've gained 20 pounds back. I feel like a failure. I look in the mirror and just hate myself and the way I look.

Being overweight has negatively affected my life in every possible and i've just recently managed to push through my anxiety enough to get my first job that I start next week. Since i'll finally have a source of income I really want to do my best to get in shape. Gym membership, healthier foods, etc.

I've read the FAQs and Wikis of multiple health and fitness related subreddits including this one and just wanted to know if my plan sounds sustainable and some ideas on how to improve etc. Basically, i'd like to do IF and eventually transition into OMAD in a few weeks. I'd eat around 1500 calories, and eventually i'd like to work out around 5 - 6 days a week. I know this all sounds probably aggressive from the start and I guess that's why I'm posting here for help. I really want to lose weight and be fit. Any advice is helpful, sorry if I sound like an idiot or if this post shouldn't be here.

submitted by /u/Spacers-Choice
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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