Wednesday, November 13, 2019

My wife told me I was starting to look sickly

A friend is on a low carb diet and we were discussing weight loss. He made a remark about getting super skinny and I realized that he was making a jab, so I said "Hey, I'll have you know that I've gained 3 lbs". His wife replied, "Oh, I thought you were looking healthier". I asked my wife about this and she said that I was starting to look "sickly" at a certain point. She couldn't really explain it any better than that. The other 2 had also told me that I was too skinny multiple times.

I lost weight by cutting calories in a yo-yo fashion to prevent plateaus, upping protein, taking supplements and doing resistance training every day. My goal was 150 lbs and I hit it. I also got stronger than I've ever been. I went as low as 148 and then ate more to quit losing because none of my clothes fit. I'm a 5'6" manlet. I don't understand how 5'6" at 150 could look sickly. I'm simply a small human. Help me understand.

submitted by /u/RandomStallings
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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