Thursday, November 14, 2019

Shifting the Booty

Hi All!

I have been on my weight loss journey for 11 months now and am 15kg down to my lowest pre-baby weight in my adult life. I’m down to about the last 5kg I need to shift and it is literally all in my booty and thighs. I know this is very common for women, and also that you can’t spot reduce. However I have since seen weight shift from EVERYWHERE else but the booty in which there is significant amounts of fat deposits.

I guess I’m after some personal experiences or some idea of what to expect going forward - to lose this last stubborn area will it take forever? Or will it just take more discipline? I’d love to hear whether this was an issue for you and how long it took to shift that bit or at least reshape and what you did (ie. Whether you changed anything).

Stats: Female, 30 years, 5’10”, 75kg, attend HIIT workouts 4x a week and am eating “clean”

submitted by /u/knottyamy
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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