Monday, November 4, 2019

SV: 40 lbs down slooooow and steady

Been wanting to post a SV goal here for a bit now so here it finally goes.

I see a lot of really awesome weight loss stories here about people losing 50+ lbs within a year and the discipline and massive transformations literally blow my mind! My journey has been much slower and I'm grateful for it, so I wanted to share.

I started really focusing on losing weight two years ago in 2017. I had finished grad school and in the process had ballooned up to 187 lbs, I'm a 5'3" female so you can imagine that the weight was pretty noticeable. I had this "oh crap" moment when I moved back home and realized how big I had gotten in comparison to the rest of my family. I started tracking macros/CICO/weight training and from July 2017 to April 2018 I dropped 20 lbs bringing me down to 167 lbs, approximately my pre-grad school weight. Even though I was still overweight I was ecstatic that I was looking how I did before grad school which ultimately led me to "fall off the wagon." I didn't go back to binge eating snacks but I had become complacent since I was happy with where my weight was at.

A few months ago I quit my high stress engineering job and decided it was time to finally do the damn thing and get rid of the remaining weight for good. In May of 2019 I weighed myself again and to my surprise I was still 167 lbs! I've been back on macro tracking/CICO/weight training since and as of today I weigh 145.8 lbs meaning I've lost about 40 lbs since starting this journey 2+ years ago. My goal weight is 130 lbs so I still have a bit to go but motivation is high and I'm confident I'll get there.

What I want to tell you is that it's OK if you "fall off the wagon" or even if you decide that you're happy with where you're at now and want to take a break. Losing weight isn't a linear process for most of us. I don't regret taking that year long break at all because it inadvertently proved to myself that I can maintain a lower weight for an entire year without "trying" too hard. Keep on keeping on and you'll eventually reach your goal even if it's sloooow and steady.

tl;dr: 5'3" 26 year old female starting at 187 lbs in 2017 and down to 146 lbs in 2019. I finally lost 40 lbs and it took me 2+ years, still have a bit more to lose but sometimes it's ok to give yourself a year long break from CICO.

submitted by /u/chaseyodreams
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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