Saturday, July 4, 2020

Plateau or No?

Hey guys!! I started my weight loss journey on May 1, after a week of tracking what I ate and realizing I was eating a 2700 calories a day. I used the TDEE calculator, created a 500cal deficit, and began dropping weight. On May 23rd, I took up the Runner’s World Magazine Run Streak Challenge, and ran a mile every day from May 23 to July 4. I really enjoyed it and felt great! I lost 36 pounds between the two concepts, and am so so proud!

HOWEVER, I haven’t lost any weight for two weeks. Still tracking calories (accurately, cross-checking across platforms and using higher cals when unsure), weighing everything I eat, running a mile a day, getting my 10000 steps in, and reevaluating my TDEE every 10lbs lost. Current calorie target is 1476/day. I have gone over my cals only twice since May 1, and drink at least 150oz of water every day.

I’m getting a little discouraged. Last week I didn’t weigh because I was afraid of what the scale would say, and when I finally forced myself I was still stuck at 196. Is this a plateau, or am I doing something wrong?

Pertinent info: -Female, 5’5”, SW: 234.4, CW: 196 -I did get pretty constipated a week ago (sorry for TMI) as well as having a UTI (super fun!) so maybe this is a cause? -CICO focused, not worried about macros rn -I don’t eat after 8pm and before 9am (kinda IF?) -I don’t typically replace calories burned according to my Garmin (aka if the Garmin says I burned 160 cal on a run I typically just count that as an extra deficit rather than trying to fill it)

Thanks in advance for your help! This community has continuously inspired me and kept me going!! I don’t share my weight loss journey with friends or family so thank you for creating and maintaining this space 😭❤️

Ps: would love any nutrition/weight loss book recs :)

submitted by /u/graykblack
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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