Sunday, October 4, 2020

Bought new clothes for the first time in....forever

Ooooooooh boy, what a crazy few days it's been. A little background to start - I'm a 5'11", 32 year old guy who has been fat since puberty. I have never had any idea what it's like to feel thin and have never felt good about the way I look. For the last year I've been losing weight, down to 185 lbs from a start of about 265 (probably higher but this is the highest recorded weight I have).

I wish someone had warned me - instead of feeling thinner, I just feel like I used to be fatter. When I see myself in the mirror I'll see the same person I've ever seen but when I look at pictures from before I started I'll think "man, I was way fatter than I thought I was." It's a total mind**** and defies ALL logic.

I went out last week on a whim and bought some new clothes - nothing fancy, just some jeans and a couple shirts. I'm a nurse so I basically wear nothing but scrubs and pajamas, so I've gotten away with buying no new clothes at all over the last year. Buying clothes has historically been a nightmare, not because I couldn't find anything big enough, but I just hated how anything looked on me.

I went to the waiting room with 6 pairs of jeans, ranging from 42 waist to 36 (yeah right, I thought - like I could fit into a 36), and a few shirts from L to XXL because I had no idea what size I was anymore. Everything was huge on me. I was sure I got something wrong, but when I came back with 32 waist jeans and a couple medium shirts, not only did they fit, but I got to see what I looked like when I wasn't wearing clothes with the purpose of hiding myself inside of them with mountains of extra fabric.

I looked good - and I actually felt like an adult for the first time in years. Looking back at it I can't believe how much I was hiding myself away from the world because of my severe insecurity. Weight loss doesn't solve our problems, but for me it has started to make it easier for me to be the person I want to, but never thought I could be.

TL;DR - I lost a bunch of weight, bought some new clothes that actually fit my body, and gained some confidence.

submitted by /u/The_Muffintime
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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