Tuesday, October 6, 2020

I think the most helpful thing for my weight loss journey has been realizing that I’m not going to gain all my weight back if I have a bad week or weekend.

I’ve been losing weight kinda rapidly lately. I don’t have an eating disorder, but I recently started adderall (shout out to figuring out you have ADHD in law school) and I’m kind of a smoker so I just haven’t been eating. Not the healthiest way to lose weight, but I just can’t make myself eat more than a bowl of cereal in the morning and bag of chips in the evening. Thankfully, I’ve got some extra lbs to spare. I’m not underweight. Anyway, I’m down 13lbs.

I eat normally on the weekends because I don’t take my adderall unless I’m doing school work and smoke weed occasionally, but last week everything kind of caught up to me and I was eating pretty badly. I was depressed, stressed, overwhelmed, not taking my adderall. Plus this weekend having a date and a girl’s night. And smoking some tree.

I haven’t been on my scale religiously and I don’t really want to weigh myself because I hate to see it move up even though I know it’s sodium and bloating and water weight. But it really helps me to know that I’m not going to gain back 5lbs in a week. Maybe 1 or 2, but even that would take some pretty extreme eating. It makes me feel better to know that all my progress isn’t going to come crashing down if I have a “break.”

So I guess that’s my message to everyone. Keep counting your calories, and keep yourself accountable. Give it your honest to goodness best effort. But remember that you won’t gain everything back if you crash for a couple days. Don’t drive yourself to panic if you spend a week eating trash and drinking. Don’t get on your scale if it’s bad for your mental health but know if you’re tracking it consistently, that uptick on your scale is maybe a 1lb or 2 gained back, but it’s also just a physiological reaction to eating that trash and way too much of it.

Continue to try and love yourself and forgive yourself. Drink some water. Get some fiber in you. And then keep pushing. It’ll be okay.

Edit: also just an edit because I realized I’ve actually lost 13lbs, not 10 and I just want to celebrate going from 162 to 149. Finally back in a healthy BMI, and only 15lbs to my goal weight. Hell yeah.

submitted by /u/chaoticneutralhobbit
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/36ylbTQ

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