Saturday, October 24, 2020

It took time for a plan to stick, but I weigh less today than the total number of pounds I’ve lost

I have been on this sub for probably six years or so and have even had moments when I posted my grand plans to finally commit to getting healthier/losing weight. I lost some weight, felt better, then gained it back plus some extra. Lasting change didn’t come for me though until last year.

A bunch of things changed for me in the middle of last year. I turned 38. This was significant to me because my older brother died of cancer just before he would’ve turned 38. When I turned 37, I kept waking up with this question: “what if this was your last year, are you living the life you want?” That question led me to make some big changes. I left an unhappy marriage, I tried to find ways to reduce stress and spend more time with family. When I turned 38, the question became “are you going to squander the time you’ve been given, more than your brother got, on being unhealthy?” I couldn’t answer yes without feeling tremendous guilt and regret.

So, after several months of tracking and doing my best to develop new food habits, I was inspired by my sister to give vegetarian keto and intermittent fasting a shot. It clicked immediately for me. I think my family tendency to have big blood sugar swings and poor insulin sensitivity is a huge part of why it works so well for me. I haven’t looked back and last week I broke the “I’ve lost over half my total starting weight” mark. I weighed 520 when I started. As of this Monday, I’m down 264.9 pounds. It is surreal. And scary. And wonderful. And sometimes it feels just frustrating that I saddled myself down with weight for all those years. And I feel guilty that I’ve got this second chance when so many other people don’t get that.

It’s a very complicated thing, food and weight and weight loss. Most days I’m proud and grateful for what I’ve learned and accomplished. I feel best on those days when I hear from someone who I helped inspire and how they’ve taken action and work on themselves in whatever way. I’m grateful to this sub and you who wrestle. Thank you for sharing your successes and your struggles.

submitted by /u/sparkpip
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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