Sunday, October 4, 2020

Life is still difficult

Last year, I had started my weight loss journey. Down from 263 lbs to 180 lbs today. When I was obese, I would constantly think to myself, "once I get fit, things are going to be so much better!".

It's not. I got rejected today at work, the first time I've put myself out there since I've lost the weight. I'm still working all the time, I still have legal issues, I'm still trying to save up and move out of my parents house, I'm still driving my same shitty car, I still don't have any friends. And being rejected today has made me feel lower than I ever have, and makes me want to give up eating right and exercising because... what's the point?

I know this is supposed to be a happy subreddit, but I just thought things were going to change drastically once I achieved a normal BMI, and they didn't. How can I find motivation to keep at this lifestyle if it feels hopeless either way? I realize that a lot of things that I have in my life that I'm not happy with have nothing to do with weight, I don't know, maybe I had my hopes too high or maybe the terrible feeling of being turned down today is talking. I finally had confidence in myself after so many years overweight/obese to make myself vulnerable and put myself out there again, and I got shot down, and I'm really struggling to hold onto hope/motivation tonight.

While losing weight is awesome, helps you stay healthier, makes you feel good physically and gives you energy, it's important to realize life is still life. Everything isn't magically going to change.

I do plan to start lifting weights in my free time to start building muscle mass, maybe that'll give me the motivation to keep a healthy lifestyle. Can I ask if anyone else here has felt this way, and how you dealt with it?

Sorry again for such a negative post in an otherwise positive, uplifting community. r/loseit has really helped me so much to get to where I am today. I just feel awful tonight.

submitted by /u/bluetiger9298
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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