Sunday, October 18, 2020

Lost 21 Kg in last 7 and half months with extreme calorie deficit. Need a way out

Creating a post for the first time here in this subreddit. I used read posts here all the time which gave me lots of encouragement during my bad days. Thank you everyone :)

I had been extremely overweight, used to wear a Size XL and XXL tshirt/pants but had always been in denial that I am extremely overweight. I used to think its just few kgs which shouldn't be a big deal.

The reality struck one day when I had to visit a nearby resort for my office celebration party. I had proper food/drinks and when I retuned back to my room, there was a weight scale and I thought of checking my weight (Note, I never had a weight scale at home since I was never serious about losing my weight before). After I stepped into the weight scale this is where it got serious. It showed my weight as 104 KG. This hit me hard and this is when I thought I need to control my weight right away.

I got back home, I decided on taking the weight loss journey, first I thought of cutting my sugar intake completely and avoid all the sugary processed juice (I used to take atleast 2 cups of tea with sugar everyday).

I think it was March 4th when I decided to avoid sugar completely and I stuck to it. At this time, I also gave up on alcohol. My plan was to join my colleague on the gym however covid lockdown started so I couldn't hit the gym. So from March till August all I did was avoided sugar, processed juice and alcohol. The Covid restriction was still on place so I didn't hit the gym or do any physical exercise.

On August 24th is when I decided to include early morning walk into my routine. At this time, I had to idea how much weight I had lost or gained. Once I got traction on my morning walk routine, I bought a weight scale and checked the weight on Sep 6th, my weight had come down to 93 KG.

So, I lost 10 kg without much exercise just by avoiding sugar and alcohol. This was an amazing boost for me and since september I started following a very low calorie diet, intermittent fasting and 5-7 km of walk. Today my weight is 83 KG , that's another 10 kg lost.

March -> Sep : 11 kg lost after avoiding sugar and alcohol

Sep 6th to Oct 17th -> 10 Kg lost following very low calorie diet, intermittent fasting and 5-7 km of walk including on weekend.

The result right now is amazing and the weight which I had lost in last month alone is unbelievable for me.

The thing which concerns me now is that how will I get out of my low calorie diet. I am okay to avoid sugar or junk food (lost craving for these now) but the normals stuffs like adding lil extra amount of same food. My diet right now consists of masala oats with few veggies and egg for lunch and bulgar with some veggies for dinner, green tea in between and a fruit. I at times feel hungry while trying to sleep however I don't give in but once I reach my target weight of 77 Kg, I would want to relax abit (not jump into sugar or over-eat but atleast have satisfying amount of same food)

For example; yesterday on weekend I prepared chicken and I had satisfying (I don't think I overate) amount of food with chicken and as a result today I gained 0.5 Kg instead of losing weight despite me doing same workout as I do on other day (losing 0.1-0.2 Kg each day on weekday is my pattern). This scares me alot, I feel like once I relax even a bit, I will gain those weight immediately.

Please help me out on how should I go about it ?

Thanks everyone for reading my long post.


Lost 10 kg in last 42 days with extreme low cal diet/portion control plus 5-7 km of walk.

However, yesterday I added chicken for my dinner and had satisfying amount of it followed by my same regular workout routine and yet I gained 0.5 Kg back instead of my regular pattern of losing around 0.1-0.2 KG. How do I relax abit in terms of my diet once I reach my ideal weight ?

submitted by /u/mhs121
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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