Tuesday, October 6, 2020

The weight is FINALLY coming off and I'm ecstatic. Down 7lbs for the first time in years.

I've been struggling for a few years now, watching the numbers on the scale slowly inch up despite any effort I made. It's like my metabolism completely abandoned me after having kids and being sterilized. My diet was varied and healthy, I wasn't sedentary, I didn't have any bad habits like midnight snack binges or daily fast food. I bought a treadmill and use it regularly, at least 30 min a day. We're a big outdoors kind of family with frequent hikes through the woods and countryside. And still the scale kept going up. Not gonna lie, it has been extremely disheartening. I've been doing everything "right" and I was still gaining weight.

My doctor checked my thyroid because I have a fairly significant family connection. Nope. All my labs came back textbook perfect. I'm even on multiple medications (not specifically for weight loss) that act as appetite suppressants. One of them is a frickin' amphetamine. There's literally no reason on earth I should be gaining weight. And yet here I am.

So I decided it was time to take a hard look at completely overhauling my diet. My Dr. and I are pretty firmly against most of the fad diets, fasting, and juice cleanses and what have you. I'm also not good at rigid structure and lots of rules so I needed to be able to really modify things to suit me. Call me crazy, but I just don't think that being miserable and feeling like I'm starving is A) healthy, B) effective, and C) maintainable long term.

I tracked my food intake for a couple of weeks and then went over it with my doctor. We decided that I should try cutting out sugar and flour, and do weighted portions of everything else. I don't worry about counting calories, I don't stress over "have I met my daily limit for XYZ". I weigh everything I eat. Meals are restricted to 12oz, with no single item over 6oz. Breakfast and lunch are typically under 6oz because I can't handle food when I first wake up and by lunch my meds have kicked in so I'm not very hungry, but i still make sure that I eat something. As long as the ingredients list doesn't say flour or sugar (or corn syrup), it's fair game. I feel like I'm getting enough to eat of foods I like, and the weight is practically melting off. It's been one week and I've lost 7lbs. It seems like I've finally found the key to kicking my metabolism back into gear and I'm so excited.

On Sept 30, I weighed 221 lbs. As of today, I'm down to 214 lbs. I have high hopes for the next 60.

submitted by /u/Jenipherocious
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/2GxKD0X

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