Saturday, October 3, 2020

Weight-loss Bet Buddy wanted!

Hello 😊

TL:DR Looking for a weight-loss buddy to lose 6 kgs (14-15 lbs) in 2 months. We would send scale pictures everyday via telegram and engage in healthy competition, a bet and generous amount of trash-talk to get to our goal weight

I am looking for a weight loss buddy who has a similar amount of weight to lose 6-7 kgs. (14-15 lbs) We would ideally get to know each other and motivate each other to lose that weight over a period of 2 months or faster if possible. The way I see it, we have a weight loss bet to see who reaches that goal weight first. We can discuss the stakes as we get to know each other to make things fun and interesting.

I am intensely competitive, and it would be helpful if you are as well. Sarcasm and trash talk are life skills that I value and use profusely. So, it would help if you use the same to avoid getting butt hurt.

I’m looking for someone in India to match time zones and our daily scale pictures and of course to collect the bet money that I will no doubt win off you :D.

It would also help if you are 30+ so that we can really get along as well. I’m 40 female living in Bangalore, India. A similar age group would help 😊

Please do reach out to me if you think this will also benefit you. If there are more than 2-3 of us, I am open to creating a weight loss group focused on a bet on telegram to lose these kilos/lbs.

The ball is in your court, do reach out with a little bit about you by DMing me and let us discuss and move to telegram to get the kilos dropping ASAP!

Talk to you soon!

submitted by /u/confusoid
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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