Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Beginner questions, help needed.

Physical description: 28M, 240lbs, 6'0, true sedentary lifestyle since April of this year. Used to have a physical job with lots of walking and lifting but I was still bigger than I'd prefer when I was doing that.

Just getting into this whole weight loss thing, started in earnest about 1.5 weeks ago. I've really gotten bigger over the pandemic and I was not comfortable with where I'm heading so I made a change. I've bought a rowing machine off Amazon and I've been slowly pushing up what I can do on that. I'm now doing 20 minute HIIT routines on it every other day and light weight lifting (3x5 20lbs basic curls) and lighter cardio (jogging in place, walking, jumping jacks) on the off days for small amounts of time. I intend to keep pushing this aspect I get more used to cardio. I'm not really pushing the weight lifting at the moment since the rowing machine is already working a ton of my other muscles and I am dealing with significant muscle pain from that but again, it will come with time. Any tweaks here would be welcome of course, but I'm mainly concerned about the diet aspect. Let me explain:

I've eaten poorly my entire life, largely stemming from my inability to eat fruits and vegetables. I think its a mental block of some kind, everytime I try to eat them I end up physically ill. For all intents and purposes, fruits and vegetables are not an option unfortunately. I do take a multivitamin daily, however.

But even for me with a lifelong poor diet, I've been living in a depression hole since the start of the pandemic and my food consumption became comically bad. No matter how I figure it, I was definitely in a huge caloric deficit and yet I was gaining weight like crazy. According to one of those BMR calculators I should be burning 2300 calories a day just to exist, but I was generally consuming at MOST 1500 calories a day total of microwaveable crap and junk food on a regular basis, oftentimes lower (1000 or so, I know, incredibly unhealthy, I don't plan to ever live like this again). I would get fast food or order pizza once a week or so and my intake would be higher on those days since I would binge eat, but even then I sincerely doubt I've gotten anywhere near 2300 calories in a single day in the last year or so. I am definitely trying to start eating healthier, I've gone out and bought the typical weight loss regimen stuff: chicken breasts, assorted lean meat, salmon, eggs, rice, whole wheat bread etc and I'm staying far away from anything I used to eat and having very small portions 3-4 times a day. My question is really this, if I'm consistently eating more calories than I used to at an even 1500-1700, is weight loss still possible? Won't my body figure I'm eating more than I used to and gain weight? Kind of confused on all this.

Thanks for your time, folks.

submitted by /u/infiniteknots34
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/3607EUj

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