Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Emotional eating - getting beyond "Just do it" and digging down deep

I keep starting and stopping IF, CICO and dieting. If I have to dig deep and ask myself why, it's because I self-soothe with food. I have mental health issues, and I use food to cope. While medication and therapy help, food is always there! I don't think I will ever become successful at weight loss and stick with it until I deal with my emotional eating.

I eat when I'm happy, sad, bored, stressed, anxious, angry, empty - it's a comfort and a release. I eat to celebrate! I binge after a fight with my boyfriend or a bad day at work. I genuinely LOVE food and probably have an unhealthy relationship with it. I can't get excited about KETO (lord knows I've tried), and salad doesn't do it for me. But I am at the heaviest I have EVER been and I know if I don't do something I'll keep ballooning up and up. I've gained 30 pounds since COVID began.

So other than a, "Try harder!" or "Swap this with that!" does anyone else have some really in-depth and out-of-the-box suggestions on overcoming this?

submitted by /u/AnonymousAsh
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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