Friday, November 13, 2020

How to Help Parents with Weight Loss!

Hi Everyone! First post here because I'm at a loss with something I've been grappling with for years. I am an only child and am extremely close with both of my parents who have been happily married for 34 years now (I'm 32)! I am a nurse and I live close by with my partner, but not in the home with my parents. Both of my parents have struggled with weight and health-related issues (T2DM, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, etc.) for my entire life. I too struggled with my weight and decided to make a change about 7 years ago when I lost 40 lbs. doing WW and making lifestyle changes. I have thankfully maintained my weight loss, but I worry deeply on a regular basis about my parents. My mom is also a nurse and they know they're overweight/obese, but they refuse to do anything about it. I express to them how much I love them and want them around for many years to come. I express to them that I want to have children in the next year or two with whom I want them to play and run around with. It's at a point where my mother, specifically, has issues with mobility and pain. They have difficulty walking around on flat surfaces and an even harder time with stairs. They are both only 62 and have a LOT of life left in them, but I fear with age the excess weight is only becoming more difficult (both physically and mentally) to drop and is greatly affecting mobility, especially. I need help. I need to know how to appropriately and EFFECTIVELY approach this conversation as a child to her parents without judgement and without hurting feelings as much as possible. Any and all advice would be greatly appreciated! TIA!

submitted by /u/ScarOk6136
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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